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Old Posted Dec 7, 2010, 12:58 AM
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ethereal_reality ethereal_reality is offline
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I'm surprised that Frank Lloyd Wright has rarely been mentioned in this thread.
His textile block homes from the 1920s are unique to Los Angeles.
The only other example I can think of is the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo (and that wasn't a private residence).

Below: A close up of the textile blocks used in the Ennis House.

Philip Roach Jr.

I also think Wright's textile block homes have a very alluring "noirish" quality.
The Ennis House was used (I'm sure you ALL know this by now) in the sci-fi noir "Blade Runner",
which also happens to be one of my favorite movies.

Below: Scenes from Blade Runner (1982) filmed in the Ennis house.

Warner Bros.

Warner Bros.

Warner Bros.

Warner Bros.

Below: This one looks like a matte shot on the left and the Ennis House (in the movie it was an apartment in a skyscraper) on the right.

Warner Bros.

OK, I'm off to Blockbuster.

Last edited by ethereal_reality; Dec 8, 2010 at 1:13 AM.
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