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Old Posted Sep 7, 2010, 2:22 AM
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Possibly fig trees, but again in the grape growing regions of Canada, such as southern Ontario and the Okanagan, they would have to be some what protected in the winter.

On the coast of BC we have fig trees in my yard and they require no protection in the winter.

The Okanagan and other southern interior valleys of BC and southern Ontario ( and the Montreal region) have the warmest summers in Canada by far, hence they are good for growing grapes, but the mildest climate in Canada year round is the south coast of BC (just like comparing Oregon to new York State).

While the winters in southern Ontario and the southern interior valleys of BC are indeed mild on Canadian standards, and are even milder than some major areas of the central and eastern USA, planting palms would still require intensive care in the winter, simply because the temperature still dips below -20 some what regularly (some winters they don't, but usually they do at least a few times in the winter year), and of course there is still the odd harsh winter where I think temps would become to lethal (about once every 10 years or so temps can dip near -30) and of course temps between -10 to -15 are very common in winter. Therefore any palm growing would indeed be very stressed during the winter without intensive care, especially given the duration of freezing temperatures.

Average winter temps along the south coast of BC are all above freezing, again, they are identical to those of Seattle. Victoria is actually the mildest of the three cities (Van, Seattle and Vic) in the area during the winter. Hence the southern BC coast of Canada is the one true place of year round gardening and where one can plant a windmill palm, forget about it and it will survive fine.
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