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Old Posted Feb 25, 2010, 10:44 PM
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Cirrus Cirrus is offline
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Location: Washington, DC
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the city has made it so cyclists must use the much calmer side streets immediately to the west of sheridan that have dedicated bike lanes.
That's OK then.

Sidewalk cycling is legal in DC except downtown. I find it acceptable if there isn't a good alternative, but far less preferable than safe street riding. For example, I live on 17th Street, which is one-way in the south direction. If I'm going north I will use the sidewalk, because 16th Street is too busy with cars and buses to be safe, and 18th Street has a nasty, unsafe intersection with Connecticut Avenue that is best avoided. The alleys, unfortunately, are perpendicular. The generally wide sidewalk on 17th is the safest place for me to be, provided I slow down and give peds the right-of-way.
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