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Old Posted Nov 18, 2009, 5:46 PM
Leo the Dog Leo the Dog is offline
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Originally Posted by PHX31 View Post
That's not the truth at all. "Detroit in the Desert?" "Surrounded by miles of those subdivisions". A picture of a rotten pool that's obviously no where near Phoenix (unless Phoenix suddenly moved to the Florida Keys).

Compare Detroit's unemployment to Phoenix's unemployment. Compare anything you want. That post is nothing but someone that gets their jollies from sadomasochism.
I think the decline of Phoenix's economy is just entering the tip of the iceberg. The over-reliance on a growth based economy over many decades is really going to hurt this region. Did you read the article about the state borrowing money from lenders for the first time in history to cover the $2B shortfall just for the fiscal year. The state is digging itself into a deeper hole as it'll have to pay that off at interest in the future. Where is that money going to come from considering we can't pay for it now...hmm.

Considering how bad it is in CA right now, isn't it amazing that AZ isn't having a huge influx of Californians trying to find jobs here? (Considering that pop. is flat since 07).

As for unemployment rates, yeah we do luckily have a relatively low-rate, but the quality of jobs here are below average. Education levels are low and not surprisingly income levels are low. Despite our low cost of living, this area has a difficult time attracting a well educated workforce with high paying jobs.

Lets not pretend that Phoenix wasn't one of the hardest hit regions in the nation. Time to step out of fantasy land.
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