Thread: T'su Tina Vote
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Old Posted Jul 1, 2009, 4:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Nigel View Post
They have a right to say no to the offer, for whatever reason they wish. It is their land and no one else and they can do as they please.
And I have a right to point out how stupid and short-sighted they are.

This is a textbook case of where our native peoples are now screwing themselves. The government is coming in with much more than a fair deal, something that will improve their lives tremendously and help move them away from the reserve life, which is just about universally agreed to be one of the worst decisions made in Canadian history.

This isn't "we stole their land and we continue to screw them over" (whoever "we" is, anyway, I've never been involved in any of that). This is a clear cut case of a people acting against their best interests, and will end up making things worse for themselves.

As a Frenchman whose family lost their land and life to the English on two different continents, I've managed to get over what happened centuries ago, and my life is nothing but the better for it. It's time we actually teach some history to all peoples of Canada, so we can stop this fiction that there is something different or special about what happened here.

Anyone who disagrees is free to hop on the next flight to Europe.
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