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Old Posted Dec 21, 2008, 7:57 AM
Rizzo Rizzo is offline
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Knowing Ann Arbor, it would probably be gothic styled or something lol. I think the part of fuller we are thinking about is over by the hospital where there are dramatic changes in topography and lots of ground activity. Curving roads, busy intersections, railroad tracts are all in the way. In fact, the location of the hospital makes ground light rail impossible. No way the U would ever let a train block their ambulances. Maybe along that flat area where it becomes a boulevard it would make some sense, but if you really try to plan out a route on the ground between CC little and pierpont, you'll find it almost impossible...assuming you don't level a dozen buildings.

As unsightly as elevated rail may be, it's really the most practical for negotiating Ann Arbor's built environment. I realize North Campus is somewhat flat and open, but that's less than half of the trip.
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