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Old Posted May 31, 2008, 9:18 PM
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Dmajackson Dmajackson is offline
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Originally Posted by craner View Post
This "National Highway" really is a national embarrassment as far as I'm concerned, not to mention dangerous. Reading these posts one realizes a simple little thing like consistent numbering of the highway is non-existant.
"Consistent numbering of the highway" would be very hard and costly to do. The TCH splits in many areas and each province has a different system of numbering highways making this very hard. For example, take NS (104/105) and NB (2). If the number 2 was used nationally NS would have to renumber a historic and important trunk highway from Hali to Amherst (the current #2), along with 400km+ of TCH and it wouldn't fit in with our numbering system;

#1-99 are trunk highways, local main roads and collectors for the expressways.

#100-199 are expressways, or roads proposed for upgrading to expressway style, used mainly for inter-regional/provincial and truck traffic.

#200+ are secondary highways, roads connecting to less travelled areas.

I'm sure there are other provinces that use a system like ours. The only posisble way around this problem is to renumber it using a series not used in Canada (i.e. #999 or something). Even then it would be VERY costly. I think we should keep the numbers up to the provinces. As long as there is an unique marker (green maple leaf) and plenty of signs telling nearby areas of the importance of this roadway the TCH will be a national icon, a source of pride for Canada.
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