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Old Posted Mar 28, 2008, 9:17 AM
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March 28, 2008

With time running out on Mayor Bloomberg's dream of rebuilding Coney Island, the city is now looking to bring a controversial developer back into the plan to put up America's largest amusement park, sources told The Post.

Only six months ago, when the term-limited mayor announced his 47-acre rezoning plan for Coney Island, city officials said developer Joe Sitt and other boardwalk property owners weren't qualified to build the 15-acre park Hizzoner envisions.

But with the economy souring and deals to buy the 15 acres - including the 11 that Sitt controls - far from being reached, city officials are suddenly open to him playing some role in the park, even though the goal remains finding a world-class operator to run it, sources said.

Even if Sitt is involved, the city won't let him build high-rise housing or time-share hotels in the amusement district, Lynn Kelly, president of the Coney Island Development Corp., vowed yesterday.
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