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Old Posted Dec 17, 2007, 7:33 AM
gERoNimO gERoNimO is offline
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Posts: 15
Originally Posted by Optimus Prime View Post

After living almost two years in Buffalo, I'm tired of the north. The property taxes on my $110,000 house are $4,000 per year, almost doubling my mortgage payment (it's 603 vs. 432 for the escrow account). The state sales and income tax are sky high as well. What do we have to show for it? Nothing. This area's infrastructure is from the 50s (at best) and everything is crumbling and neglected -- our DMVs and most libraries in Buffalo had to close because of budget shortfalls a few years ago.

In addition, the city and county governments are controlled by union interests and are muddled by layers upon layers of bureaucracy, driving me absolutely insane. I am all for some government regulation to protect the people, but it's just insane here. Things could easily change, but the population is so insular that they will never vote any differently... they're afraid of becoming something different than they've been for the past 50 years.

Add all of that to an area that looks like it's stuck in 1977 and I'm done. I've seen the error of my ways, that's for sure! Thank goodness I'm flying into Nashville tonight for Christmas. Yay Southwest
Buffalo, NY is not a good representation of how great the North can really be. I have family who have lived in suburbs of Buffalo since 1991 and they will be moving to Raleigh, NC early in 2008 for the better weather, economy, jobs, etc. But there are many cities in the Northeast that are just as good in terms of quality of life as there are in the South.

Originally Posted by bryson662001 View Post
Buffalo? Where's Buffalo? Is that the place near Toronto where it's always snowing?
LOL! Oh come on, you know where Buffalo, NY is. Yes, it is close to my city, Toronto, Canada. Buffalo's cool, thanks to my family who live there it's my second city.
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