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Old Posted Jul 19, 2007, 2:53 PM
ucsbgaucho ucsbgaucho is offline
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The average person is going to say NO to a new airport because they'll never feel the effects of an airport that is too small and too crowded. How often does the average person fly? twice a year maybe? And that's usually maybe once in the summertime and once during the holidays. Delays and stuff during the holidays they'll play off as just the normal holiday rush, in the summertime, it must be all the vacationers. So to them, the delays don't make much of a difference because they only experience them once or twice a year. Unfortunately, those are the people that have the vast majority of the power and voice in this matter. The business travelers that come in and out of san diego once a week know exactly why a new airport is needed, but they are such a small percentage, they won't get their way.

I would think that a new airport out at sea wouldn't necessarily need a public vote, or a countywide ballot measure... I dont know. Same reason why a new airport out in the desert would be fairly easy, it directly doesn't affect THAT many people with construction and land. In the desert, you have to use eminent domain to make way for the HSR line, but out to sea, it would probably be easier.... except for the Coastal Commission of course.
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