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Old Posted Dec 13, 2006, 9:40 AM
nito nito is online now
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Originally Posted by Waterways View Post
The government, media and financial aspect are all there - and more.

When the dice loaded against you they do.

My God!! He is using what happen 2000 years as analogy!!! Wow!

The worse UK train journey I have ever rode was from Charring Cross to Charlton - as you ride through the shanty towns of south London.

A Whitehall minister turned it down.

You are so naïve it is beyond belief Liverpool is, and was the world's largest port at one time. It is centre to the UKs industrial heartland. Felixstowe is in in the sticks.

It does not.

It could not. 45,000 tons was the largest ever to scrape up the Thames to London - small. The Thames is a stream.

It was put there because it was dead central.

It is.

The north west of England alone is 12 million.

Geographically it is centre of the UK.

That is the centre of England, not the UK.

You are in cloud cuckoo land.

No, we want London away from us.

Nonsense. Liverpool in the 1980-s under the evil Thatcher contributed more to Whitehall than what it received.

A Whitehall minister turned it down.

You are in cloud cuckoo land.

The decision was made by a London mechanism.

You are so uninformed and naïve it is beyond belief.
And? London isn't the only city in the world to have all those functions, Paris for France and Tokyo for Japan come to mind.

Some could say that it still holds ground blame us for all your mistakes, you blame us for actions that you take yourself (Brunswick Quay) and you blame for subsidising the north. Make your mind up though.

Yes...."shanty towns of south London"........

Yet a Whitehall official did not reject it at first - that was down to Liverpool councillors and Liverpool planners. It lost on appeal, but had those in control of Liverpool turned it down first and foremost....the fact that you can't accept that just goes to illustrate my point that some northerners lack the ability to accept that they are wrong and that every problem they face is due to southerners.

Christ, just because Liverpool was ONCE the worlds busiest port, doesn't mean that it should have that role today. Liverpool is also not the industrial heart of Britain - Birmingham could claim that role quite easily.

If Felixstowe wasn't in the best location, then ships wouldn't go there. Ask any large container ship company heading towards Rotterdam and whether they'd opt to loop around to Liverpool or nip up to Felixstowe - common sense please; you make Liverpudlians appear as spiteful, ignorant and stupid individuals who deserve what they get.

Yes....the Thames is a stream.....

So you're telling me that the Spanish of the 9th century knew exactly what the Spain of the 21st century was going to resemble, hence why Madrid is what it is today.... I personally would find that down-right disrespectful if I was from Madrid; because its position in Spain and the world is far more than just geography.

The North-West has 12mn people? Let me guess, you're pulling these figures from out of your arse because Londoners spiked the Liverpool water supply...

The true population of the North-West is (as according to the 2001 census): 6,729,800.

Yes...the geographic centre......

No it isn't because there are nearly just as many people around London in a far smaller area; ie a higher concentration....broaden the area and London and its environs has far more people.

So you think Berlin isn't in financial trouble?

The sad thing is, individuals such as yourself will be avoided by true policy makers. Your views are based on conspiracy theory rather than fact and figures. You portray a picture of a city and environment that believes they are getting it 'rough' when you get far more than anyone else.

With the recent upsurge in wanting to cut Scotland from England due to the ridiculous amount of subsidisation taking place; I'd expect the exact same thing to happen with the regions meaning Liverpool would probably go bankrupt. And with vocal individuals such as yourselves I'd want that to happen to be a wakeup call that you're no more than a parasitic organism leaching off the south and London.

Marre - The main reason Wembley got the private financing was because of the knock-on effects of:
a) Larger catchment area to get a higher possibility of sell out crowds
b) High value land that could be used for high-density profit generating property development

By all accounts, a Wembley at Birmingham, probably wouldn't have met these criteria meaning it would had to have had even MORE public financing to support it. Fact is, what are you going to build around Birmingham International? Apartments - no way, so it would be warehousing, retail outlets or office parks - no way near as lucrative as having an entire new residential quarter, with a new commercial centre around a new square equivalent in size to Leicester Square.

That still won't be anything close to the connectivity of 4 stations and numerous rail lines.

National games at 9,000 capacity stadiums won't bring in the money to feed in grass-roots, 90,000 capacity stadiums will.

Not really, there wasn't enough space to expand so they had to relocate, Wembley didn't face that problem because it had swathes of development land.
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