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Old Posted Apr 25, 2024, 7:14 PM
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Originally Posted by urbanlife View Post
It's not denial, it's just a fact. Don't lead with Psycho Safeway being bad when trying to make a point. You want to say the loss of businesses during the pandemic are still hurting this part of downtown, then that is valid, but don't use a grocery store that has been known as "psycho" for the past several decades as the example.

The "psycho Safeway" was the old building, across the street from where it is now. That Safeway didn't even need security guard.

The current Safeway opened in 2002. It was open for a decade before they had to hire a security guard.

Somewhere around 2016, they added a second security guard.

Now they have FIVE.

Yesterday, they had more security guards than they had checkers. If that's not shocking to you, you're in deep denial.

This month, after 22 years in this location, Safeway had to permanently close what was the store's main entrance, at 10th & Jefferson because they're being overrun by crime. If that's not shocking to you, you're in deep denial about the state of downtown.

A grocery store is THE perfect example of the health of a neighborhood because everybody eats.

I can't believe I even had to explain something like that in a forum about development where so much of the emphasis is on housing.

I'll say it again. A grocery store is the PERFECT example of the health of a neighborhood because everybody eats.

Downtown is in rough shape, and the denial is shocking.

But hey, the old Safeway had a nickname which you can use as a way to deny that things aren't worse now.

Fine. Let's talk about the library. The library recently reopened after being closed for months, for a major renovation.

How'd the reopening go? Predictably, badly:

As fentanyl use increases around Central Library, Portland agencies scramble for solutions

Police have focused on the area as the 90-day downtown Portland “fentanyl state of emergency” winds down, calling it a hotspot for fentanyl use — the latest in a series that have popped up since 2023 when authorities shut down the derelict Washington Center.

The fentanyl emergency also prompted local leaders in February to suspend bottle and can redemption services at the downtown Safeway and nearby Plaid Pantry — both only a few blocks away from Central Library.
...continues at Oregon Live

Gee, I wonder if the library had a nickname too.

Come to the Plaid Pantry after the store closes tonight - or any night. No, really. I dare you. Come to the Plaid Pantry after it closes, on any night. Dudes set up shop under the lights in front of the store, dealing. The police don't even care.

Gee, I wonder if the Plaid Pantry had a nickname too.
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