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Old Posted Feb 5, 2024, 5:44 PM
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Acajack Acajack is offline
Unapologetic Occidental
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Province 2, Canadian Empire
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Bluster and righteous indignation aside, it's an interesting question and one that can apply to Quebec or any other place, really.

Does economic prosperity (greater than the average of the larger entity you're a part) favour or discourage sentiment for independence?

Because on the one hand you can argue that if Quebec (or anyone else) is doing extremely well within a country, why risk that with independence?

On the other hand, if you're not doing well, what does it do for independence?

Are people going to want independence because they're frustrated by their unfavourable situation?

Or will they be against independence because they already feel fragile and think things could get worse, and are also insecure about their in-group's collective prospects and abilities?
The Last Word.
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