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Old Posted Oct 30, 2023, 5:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Nouvellecosse View Post
To be clear, I'm not saying such a thing isn't possible. I'm just saying I don't think it's a factor in this case.

Also I'm not sure your example is the best one for what you're describing. In the case of newlyweds vs a long married couple, yes the wife will be more annoyed once she's been subjected to years of annoying bahaviour. But that is based on things the husband has actually done over the years affecting how she reacts to him and that dynamic would be consistent with any other partner she had. If the new spouse had done annoying things around her for 25 years she would be equally annoyed with him so there's nothing really inconsistent about her reaction. A better example would be something like, a person treating two of their partners differently when the two partners' track records of current and past behaviours were exactly same because one partner was taller or better looking than the other, or a different race etc. So she was just showing favouritism toward one based on things the partner had no control over.
I know you're not saying this directly but I don't see how anyone honest could claim that under a scenario where the Justin Trudeau Blackface thingy never happened but all of the rest of our political history remained the same, that if the exact same photos of Pierre Poilievre came out and that the same explanations were given, that millions of people who gave Trudeau a break on that one would be going apeshit on Poilievre, and we'd be hearing about it every single day until 2025.

And under the rules of political engagement, they'd be perfectly correct and justified to do so. I just find it dishonest that people claim they wouldn't.
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