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Old Posted Oct 30, 2023, 3:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Acajack View Post
With all due respect I do think that political leanings and even personal affinities (does someone rub us the right or wrong way?) play a huge role in how much slack we're willing to cut to people.
People tend to have a political affinity for people who do/say more things they approve of compared to people they disagree with. If say, someone cares about the rights and respectful treatment of a particular minority group then they're likely to affiliate with politicians and parties they feel are best in that regard. And if they feel a politician or party is best in that regard based on their prior track record then yes they'll give the person/party more leeway because of that history. But the fact that the politician/party garnered the person's trust and support to begin with tends to be because of things the person/party said and did. Obviously there are people who vote a certain way solely out of tradition or that's how their friends and family vote, but I'd be surprised if that's a very big percentage.
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