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Old Posted Oct 30, 2023, 1:15 PM
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Acajack Acajack is offline
Unapologetic Occidental
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Province 2, Canadian Empire
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I have been a staunch defender of the CBC (and Radio-Canada) since my teen years and while some here think otherwise, I don't identify as a "conservative" like Elly does and won't be voting for the CPC in 2025.

That said I definitely sense some bias in the CBC and it has been growing in recent years. Not so much in terms of political parties (the Buffy Ste-Marie story isn't directly damaging to the Liberals, though perhaps it is to some of the ideology they defend) but definitely there are some ideological slants they seem to prefer over others.

Anything that some of us would call "woke" generally gets favourable or sympathetic treatment, and stuff that runs against those tenets is not typically portrayed in a positive light.

Admittedly you get this more in longer, talk-oriented programming on the CBC as opposed to newscasts, though the selection of what is covered by the news and what isn't, and what gets top billing and what gets a passing mention also tends to reflect this penchant.

With respect to the Buffy Ste-Marie story it's hard to see where it fits in to all of this, as on the one hand it has brought down one of the progressive movement's earliest and biggest shining lights, whereas on the other it is ironically very consistent with wokism's fondness for witch hunts, ideological and ethno-racial "purity" (masked as authenticity) and cancel culture.
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