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Old Posted Oct 24, 2023, 3:04 AM
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Originally Posted by logan5 View Post
Why is Israel insisting hospitals should be evacuated? It's the one place where children being bombed can be saved. On the surface it sounds very cruel and very inhumane, but the Israeli's must have a good reason for doing this, right?
I don't think it's possible for Israel to heavily bomb Gaza city without risk to the hospitals or other civilian targets. Hamas uses human shields and continues to fire rockets at Israel including from inside the urban area, so Israel has to choose between their own civilians getting hit by rockets (for an indefinite period) and killing civilians in Gaza.

Israel didn't tell all Gazans to evacuate. They announced an evacuation zone around Gaza city. They also evacuated part of Israel. It's true that in any war zone there are people who can't or won't leave, and there might not be resources for displaced people. But often in war you are choosing between a lot of bad options.

The best outcome would be for Hamas to surrender and return the hostages. So far they'd rather watch civilians in Gaza go through hell.
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