I honestly can't believe people still are working at home because their jobs haven't asked them to come back or they are scared. At this point, I have to wonder about the business you work at or your mental state. This is insane.
NPR always talks about Covid and the hosts always ask "when will we get back to somewhat normalcy?" HUH Who isn't living their lives with "somewhat normalcy?" If your life is still significantly different today than it was in 2019, you are the issue. Leave the rest of us alone to live our lives. |
I work in person, my kids are in school...everything is almost back to normal other than wearing masks. And now that my son is two weeks out from his second shot, we can start actually going to restaurants and museums and the like with both our kids...which is the one remaining pre-COVID activity we hadn't been doing.
My two kids just got their second shots this afternoon.
We're making plans for a pretty damn normal Christmas. Praise Cheesus! |
COVID is more of a mental illness than anything else at this point. |
We're going backwards here in California. Starting today, a statewide indoor mask mandate goes into action. It will last until at least January 15th. Since June 15th, when California dropped the colored tier covid system, I haven't worn a mask indoors/outside anywhere with the exception of the doctors' office and I haven't been asked to produce proof of vaccination anywhere in San Diego County.
Life was basically back to 2019 normalcy since June and really much earlier here in SDC when they relaxed the indoor capacity limits in the late winter through early spring. |
Californians are ridiculous.
I needed something from Apple so I went to the store here (in Miami) yesterday. It was closed as apparently are all Apple retail stores worldwide. Don’t they know that there’s no Covid in Florida? No, let’s just impose that Bay Area nonsense on everyone. |
We need to get past this crap where a Covid case can close an office or a restaurant or cancel an event. It’s like flu now - a mostly not so severe, temporary illness that occasionally kills older people (a large absolute number of them, but not so significant in percentage terms). |
So here's one...
My wife, kids and I are in Sweden until January visiting her family; Wife and I both had covid 2x (once pre vaccine and once post Moderna vaccine) and we received our booster before we left the US. We were headed to Napoli for a quick weekend trip to see my family, and decided to get tested prior to flying...You guessed it, all 4 of us (Me, Wife, 3yr old, 11 month old) all tested positive. My wife's family who we've been visiting, all positive too. Nobody has any symptoms, I actually have been working out really hard since I've been here and have had great energy. I've now had Covid 3 (!!!!!) times, same with my wife, and my kids now twice, and not a single symptom. |
All Apple stores are currently open in the Bay Area. |
On a sidenote, some businesses never dropped the mask rule here and its ridiculous because whenever Im walking around town, the stores that still make you mask are empty because most people dont want to wear the stupid pointless things. Also, I havent had a mask in my car for almost a year so if they require one, too bad I cant go in. Real great business practice... |
lol same people everyday day still having meltdowns over Covid. One thing I will give Covid it has made entertaining reading here but it also made me realize that many are mentally weak or have some sort of mental disorder.
Source please. Quote:
I am vaccinated, have been since Feb 2021, thats plenty of protection. The virus is so incredibly tiny it goes right through the pointless masks. If youre vaccinated, wearing a mask is pretty damned ridiculous. And if you arent vaccinated than its not my responsibilty to keep those people safe from a not at all deadly virus in the first place. But I digress, people like you want everyone to wear masks til the end of time, so you can wear one if you want and look like a paranoid weirdo if you want. |
case in point
Science and technology have replaced religion for certain swaths of our country and some people are finding themselves particularly "religious".
Blaming an isolated Miami Apple store temporary closure on California? Clearly cognitively impaired. |
Heres a bunch more links https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/47...ealth-effects/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/med...n-t/ar-AANfurl https://www.studyfinds.org/face-mask...covid-indoors/ |
Still doesn't disprove what I said, especially for HAZMAT and NBC masks. Just be honest and say you don't like them instead of saying they don't work, when some of them actually do. That doesn't mean I have to wear em though! That's the worst part of all... |
Who the hell is wearing hazmat masks? Nobody. Everyone wears the not at all effective cloth masks. Sure there might be some weirdos wearing hazmat masks but Ive never seen that. People like you are impossible to please. I show you sources but nope those arent good enough. I guess you only take CNN and MSNBC sources as fact, even though they would never report on how pointless masks are because that wont fit their or your narrative. |
Gimme some Fox News ones and I'll take it. |
Fox News, CNN etc are all bullshit sources. Again, nobody wears HAZMAT masks, outside of hospitals. The mask mandates are therefor completely and utterly pointless because 99% of people walking around wear the cloth ones. So what exactly are you arguing with me about? |
That's not my fault people aren't buying better masks, and there are ones that work better than pieces of cloth (obviously!). Like I have been saying and they don't have to be bulky HAZMAT ones, they can be smaller than that. Those are just the best examples and are irrefutable in their abilities to stop particulates. |
At least 50% of the people here wear blue surgical masks (yes I'm aware the filter rating on these vary from ASTM-1 to ASTM-3). I'd say another 10-15% or so wear KN95 or better. But that's Vancouver for you and we take our masks seriously due to the heavy Asian influence.
So no, 99% of people wearing flimsy cloth masks is an exaggeration. |
I took that to mean that they have closed their retail stores. |
I just don’t speak to anyone who is wearing a mask anymore. I tell them I can’t understand what they’re saying and walk away. |
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." |
Didn’t the UK run out of Covid tests for a few days? Are cases that much higher or did everyone just run out to take a test? |
You are a character out of a funny but not quite finished short story. |
Guy at work tested positive today, I was talking to him on Friday. The plague is amongst us all!
Of course the Shepard could be bad and poison the sheep. With fear, with lies, with political manipulation. I air on the side of self realization. Understanding the moment, and also respecting nature. Covid is not to be feared. Because it would be futile to fear it. So long as one gets the vaccine and aims for some sort of improvement in general health, you probally have a better chance of getting into a car wreck and dying that you do with Covid. And also, on a positive note, Covid could be a blessing. Because it made the sheep really miss the little things in life and how quickly they can all be taken away. The minute we respect nature, if its Covid or Tornados or Climate... the better we will be. We are not above it, we are nature's bitch if she wants us to be. On a side note, one has to be cognitively impaired to pay 200% more for the same shitty Apple product. Just relax... no need to get the latest thing. It's a phone, the past stuff is just as good, no need to panic. It has a camera, texts, internet, can call folks... that's all you need. |
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