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Acajack Mar 23, 2020 3:15 PM


Originally Posted by sopas ej (Post 8871007)
To maximize social distancing at my job, our office has given people the option to work four 10-hour days, with one day off during the week, with people having different days off during the week. Today is the first day of that.

Even though I have my own office and it's in a corner of the building away from others, my boss gave me that option---which I declined. I already consider 8 hours + 1 hour of lunch a really long day, let alone working 10 hours plus 1 hour of lunch (though people were given the half hour lunch option too of course)...

...Plus, 10 hours is a really long time to fake it on those days when you really don't feel like working and you just fake it!!! :P

Isn't that what SSP is for?

Innsertnamehere Mar 23, 2020 3:22 PM

I’m a planner on the private side and it’s work from home but business as usual for now. Most municipalities have shut down but are still accepting applications (except toronto.. of course toronto is closed full out). Work has shifted to preparing applications and doing other work that largely doesn’t require communications with municipalities.. we’ll see how long that lasts.

SteveD Mar 23, 2020 3:27 PM


Originally Posted by Steely Dan (Post 8871024)
michigan's governor is expected to announce "stay at home" statewide today as well.

what is that now, like 10 states that are officially "stay at home" statewide?

dominoes....... _ _ _ / l l l l l

yeah....8 this morning...Georgia and Michigan would make ten, and, I'm sure, easily over half the US population, if that's not already the case...

sopas ej Mar 23, 2020 3:27 PM


Originally Posted by Acajack (Post 8871025)
Isn't that what SSP is for?

Haha yes, among other websites.

But still, you can only look at the same websites for so long...

Steely Dan Mar 23, 2020 3:30 PM


Originally Posted by SteveD (Post 8871044)
yeah....8 this morning...Georgia and Michigan would make ten, and, I'm sure, easily over half the US population, if that's not already the case...

not quite yet, closer to 1/3. but yeah, lots of big population states so far - CA, NY, IL, OH, GA, MI, NJ.

and from the recent data, florida and texas absolutely should be on that list too. once they are, then yeah, well over half.

Acajack Mar 23, 2020 3:34 PM


Originally Posted by sopas ej (Post 8871045)
Haha yes, among other websites.

But still, you can only look at the same websites for so long...

Though this place is often the gift that keeps on giving. Multiple discussions on multiple topics - and we're all loudmouths by nature so we always have something to say!

hauntedheadnc Mar 23, 2020 3:40 PM

My favorite coffee shop is closing tomorrow at 12. When will they reopen? God knows. In other news, apparently my cat's dick has crystallized or something, so he's constantly trying to piss and apparently the only remedy is prescription cat food that costs $30 a bag. Meanwhile my husband still has to go to work, same as always, interacting with other healthcare professionals who have probably all been exposed after a suspected case of it at his facility was tested 2 weeks ago, but no one will tell anyone what the goddamned results were. Plus we have to worry if the increasing travel restrictions will prevent him from completing the clinicals he needs to graduate, when he's only got two weeks left of the fucking things.

On the other hand, I do enjoy it, if I'm going to have chest pains from the stress, for there to be enough stress to make it really worth it. Otherwise I just feel cheated.

iheartthed Mar 23, 2020 3:47 PM


Originally Posted by jtown,man (Post 8870909)
I don't understand why people think that the O&G industry is seriously screwed. Screwed in the short-term? No doubt. But in the long-term? absolutely not.

Life as we know it will go back to normal, therefore gas usage will go back to normal. Not only that, I think there will be a huge surge in gas usage right after all this is over as people rebook trips etc. Also, people like me who never owned O&G stocks now do because I see some medium-term profit from them.

I haven't been paying a ton of attention to oil & gas with everything else going on, but I think the issue there isn't just related to the economy. I think it's also a power struggle between Saudi Arabia and Russia that is unrelated to coronavirus.

SteveD Mar 23, 2020 3:56 PM


Originally Posted by Steely Dan (Post 8871047)
not quite yet, closer to 1/3. but yeah, lots of big population states so far - CA, NY, IL, OH, GA, MI, NJ.

and from the recent data, florida and texas absolutely should be on that list too. once they are, then yeah, well over half.

My sister lives in FL and she's got a "connection" that says it's coming to FL on Wednesday.

iheartthed Mar 23, 2020 3:57 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 8870846)
It occurred to me the other day: Millennials have been p*ssed at the rest of us for "The Great Recession" and the skyrocketing cost of college since they got old enough to think about such matters (around the age Greta Thunberg got started). Now just as they are finding careers and getting them off the launching pad, THIS.

The only thing to compare it with, really, is the so-called "Greatest Generation" that went through the Depression and then WW II. But to become known as a new "greatest" they'd really have to grow up quickly and cut out the "party's not over 'till it's over" mentality currently displayed all over the media. I hope they are up to it.

Millennials have gone through 9/11, a financial collapse, and we're probably staring at another financial catastrophe. And... as if it needed to be said... if this is another financial collapse, it will also be the fault of irresponsible Baby Boomers.

Pedestrian Mar 23, 2020 4:00 PM


Originally Posted by hauntedheadnc (Post 8871053)
My favorite coffee shop is closing tomorrow at 12. When will they reopen? God knows. In other news, apparently my cat's dick has crystallized or something, so he's constantly trying to piss and apparently the only remedy is prescription cat food that costs $30 a bag. Meanwhile my husband still has to go to work, same as always, interacting with other healthcare professionals who have probably all been exposed after a suspected case of it at his facility was tested 2 weeks ago, but no one will tell anyone what the goddamned results were. Plus we have to worry if the increasing travel restrictions will prevent him from completing the clinicals he needs to graduate, when he's only got two weeks left of the fucking things.

On the other hand, I do enjoy it, if I'm going to have chest pains from the stress, for there to be enough stress to make it really worth it. Otherwise I just feel cheated.

A problem with male cats and among the reasons (along with spraying) I’ve only had females. But surely you can find the food online for less than that.

When my former cat had cancer and was on lots of meds, my vet introduced me to an outfit called Vets First Choice that seemed the cheapest source (and they compounded special dosing forms because I couldn’t get pills into her).

photoLith Mar 23, 2020 4:00 PM


Originally Posted by iheartthed (Post 8871070)
I haven't been paying a ton of attention to oil & gas with everything else going on, but I think the issue there isn't just related to the economy. I think it's also a power struggle between Saudi Arabia and Russia that is unrelated to coronavirus.

It’s 2014-2016 all over again times ten. I suspect most people in oil and gas will be out of work for years because of this and the stupid Russia Saudi fight on top of it. People already have been unemployed in the industry since summer last year. This ain’t going to help matters at all.

Pedestrian Mar 23, 2020 4:04 PM


Originally Posted by iheartthed (Post 887108)
if this is another financial collapse, it will also be the fault of irresponsible Baby Boomers.

This is the fault of a virus and its bat host. And generational blaming is another symptom of a failure to buck up and get to work. The soldiers who went to WW II didn’t whine that it was the fault of their parents. They just went and did the job. Grow up.

In case you didn’t notice, I was trying to be sympathetic to people in your age bracket above but maybe I should have been more selective.

photoLith Mar 23, 2020 4:06 PM

And then could get awesome paying jobs with no college education and afford houses and to raise families, which we cannot.

chris08876 Mar 23, 2020 4:06 PM

Was just checking the local cases, as of now, there's 2 in Branchburg (my town) and the border town next to it, Bridgewater, 7 for that town.

Somerset County has 51 cases, and 17 new cases as of recent.

iheartthed Mar 23, 2020 4:07 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 8871101)
This is the fault of a virus and its bat host. And generational blaming is another symptom of a failure to buck up and get to work. The soldiers who went to WW II didn’t whine that it was the fault of their parents. They just went and did the job. Grow up.

No, this is the fault of an incompetent federal government that had months to prepare.

subterranean Mar 23, 2020 4:08 PM


Originally Posted by iheartthed (Post 8871087)
Millennials have gone through 9/11, a financial collapse, and we're probably staring at another financial catastrophe. And... as if it needed to be said... if this is another financial collapse, it will also be the fault of irresponsible Baby Boomers.

I get the desire to blame the baby boomers for plenty of things. But us millennials and gen-xers are old enough and saturated into the economy enough to start sharing some of that blame. It's fun to point fingers until there's no on left but ourselves. I understand most leadership are still boomers but many of us have at least some power (and responsibility) now.

chris08876 Mar 23, 2020 4:08 PM


Originally Posted by photoLith (Post 8871103)
And then could get awesome paying jobs with no college education and afford houses and to raise families, which we cannot.

And don't forget about all the sweet psychedelics they could engage in. Before they decided to go all PC nature and ban all the good shit!

Now us enlightened folks, are trying to get all the good stuff back, while those in leadership make it tough. But I digress!

Ain't no summer of love for us folks nowadays. The American Dream, is just a dream, fantasy.

Pedestrian Mar 23, 2020 4:10 PM


Originally Posted by iheartthed (Post 8871106)
No, this is the fault of an incompetent federal government that had months to prepare.

BS. Every country on earth is having trouble with this. You are judging them all from a position of utter lack of knowledge of the actual problems— and arguing it’s because the leaders are mostly older than you (except maybe some like Justin Trudeau aren’t and he got his wife infected).

chris08876 Mar 23, 2020 4:13 PM

People are just angry. Just understand that a lot of emotions are running right now. I mean, we have people in SSP that have lost their jobs or have had some set backs. Its emotions people.

But I get the anger and frustration. I get why some on SSP are mad and frustrated. Not because they are bad people, its just when there has been so much bs lately, at some point, people snap. People can only take so much.

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