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TWAK Mar 21, 2020 2:51 AM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 8868861)
Maybe round 3, which you know is coming (PG&E has already issued the threat) will be simultaneous with coronavirus and you won't even notice.

I hope not another round of power shutoffs, that would be 5 for me and I was hoping to get a generator later in the year.

SIGSEGV Mar 21, 2020 2:53 AM


Originally Posted by chris08876 (Post 8868983)
Pic by me.
White Oak Park (NJ) - 03-20-2020 by Christopher Estevez, on Flickr

Another gloomy, empty day at a park that is normally filled with folks. Have to get out of the house for exercise at least.

Biking is a good way. Keeps that social distancing. That's a collectors bike btw. Got it at a garage sale a few years back, paid $400 for restoration, and brand new. Schwinn Breeze.

So one could jog, but biking is better IMO.

It was a bit chilly out today so I decided to walk up and down the stairs of my building (only 30 stories, so not a big deal) instead.

montréaliste Mar 21, 2020 3:05 AM


Originally Posted by SIGSEGV (Post 8869012)
It was a bit chilly out today so I decided to walk up and down the stairs of my building (only 30 stories, so not a big deal) instead.

I'm so fed up with thus coronavirus shit. How is it Lance Armstrong can land on the moon with the help of steroids but no one can't find a cure for a stupid virus.

mhays Mar 21, 2020 4:12 AM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8868886)
To other peoples homes that I know

People like you are not only killing other people, but also forcing states to crack down further. That's why they're doing it.

And worse, you're encouraging others to also help kill people. If you break the rules, I hope you get arrested.

Obadno Mar 21, 2020 4:39 AM


Originally Posted by destroycreate (Post 8868944)
Cause it's 'MURICA right? And it's all about your FREE-DUHM. You're a POS, man.

Not because of 'murica but because I am not going to be told that I cannot travel to my parents house, or that I cannot go to see other people I care about because of some edict from some politician


People like you are not only killing other people, but also forcing states to crack down further. That's why they're doing it.

And worse, you're encouraging others to also help kill people. If you break the rules, I hope you get arrested.
Dont care, I cannot tell you how pleased I am we live in a nation that doesnt allow for such limitation of movement. You dont realize it now but its a good thing for you too.

KevinFromTexas Mar 21, 2020 4:40 AM


Originally Posted by chris08876 (Post 8868983)
Pic by me.
White Oak Park (NJ) - 03-20-2020 by Christopher Estevez, on Flickr

Another gloomy, empty day at a park that is normally filled with folks. Have to get out of the house for exercise at least.

Biking is a good way. Keeps that social distancing. That's a collectors bike btw. Got it at a garage sale a few years back, paid $400 for restoration, and brand new. Schwinn Breeze.

So one could jog, but biking is better IMO.

Nice bike. I have several old Scwhinns also for those lazy bike rides. My favorite is my '74 Suburban.

CaliNative Mar 21, 2020 4:59 AM


Originally Posted by chris08876 (Post 8868976)
Businesses banning banknotes, asking customers to use credit, debit cards


All the people that stuffed cash in their mattresses are bummed out.

CaliNative Mar 21, 2020 5:03 AM


Originally Posted by montréaliste (Post 8869028)
I'm so fed up with thus coronavirus shit. How is it Lance Armstrong can land on the moon with the help of steroids but no one can't find a cure for a stupid virus.

They will have a few drugs for it in a few weeks, at least in the testing stage. A vaccine will take a bit longer. Social distancing will slow it down & give us time. Should have started that a few weeks ago, and more masks!!!! Totally out of stock. Somebody is hoarding them. And toilet paper!! Must be people with TP filling up the garage, forcing the rest of us to use newspaper.

dave8721 Mar 21, 2020 5:03 AM


Originally Posted by subterranean (Post 8868922)
I've been thinking this plague has been the best thing that's happened to humanity in ages. We needed this. All of us except, you know, the people who actually die.

Environmentally speaking it has been just what the planet ordered. "Life finds a way" so to speak. Factories closed. Driving down a huge % planet-wide. Air Traffic cut. Carbon emissions drastically cut. Basically the Green New Deal went into effect, just not the way anyone envisioned.

mhays Mar 21, 2020 5:49 AM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8869091)
Not because of 'murica but because I am not going to be told that I cannot travel to my parents house, or that I cannot go to see other people I care about because of some edict from some politician

Dont care, I cannot tell you how pleased I am we live in a nation that doesnt allow for such limitation of movement. You dont realize it now but its a good thing for you too.

Apparently you're a sociopath.

Obadno Mar 21, 2020 5:52 AM


Originally Posted by mhays (Post 8869127)
Apparently you're a sociopath.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

giallo Mar 21, 2020 7:58 AM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8869091)
Not because of 'murica but because I am not going to be told that I cannot travel to my parents house, or that I cannot go to see other people I care about because of some edict from some politician

Dont care, I cannot tell you how pleased I am we live in a nation that doesnt allow for such limitation of movement. You dont realize it now but its a good thing for you too.

Do you drive as fast as you want, ignoring the posted speed limits? Do rules against speeding go against your limitation of movement?

chris08876 Mar 21, 2020 1:46 PM

The sad thing is that folks that are careless are not helping the situation. Folks are literally raising the chance of killing others or causing great harm by being irresponsible with their actions.

And their are folks that will take advantage of this situation by committing crime as well. Honestly, they should just execute those folks on the spot. If somebody is committing some sort of aggravated crime and taking advantage of this situation by robbing stores that are closed, and legit taking advantage of sick people for the sake of committing some crime, no need for those people.

These gang bangers and all this bs, while people trying to stay at home and beat this crisis.

They need to bring the national guard to some of these cities where gang banging activity occurs (crime wise, not the other thing). Take control of certain places, and curtail this crime. With a 0 tolerance policy for gang-related activity like shootings. Lethal force if necessary. That will stop crime real quick.

chris08876 Mar 21, 2020 1:54 PM

Over in Philadelphia:

This is unacceptable. The police force is already stretched thin.

Over in Chicago:

Again, unacceptable. I know the SJW warriors will cry, but in this time of crisis and pandemic, we really don't need more shootings.

chris08876 Mar 21, 2020 1:57 PM

We need to support our men in blue. Our emergency responders. They need to focus on aiding people that are sick, and not stretched thin due to bs crime over a dime bag.

Support your cops folks!

chris08876 Mar 21, 2020 3:12 PM

They might use the Javits Center as a hospital, in NYC. They might. Cuomo to visit.

montréaliste Mar 21, 2020 3:21 PM

If you have any free time these days...

You can always take in movies you've never seen or check them out again, among them disaster pictures, etc...

One of my favorites, I got to see it with my dad when it came out in 1971 was "The Andromeda Strain". I did't see the 2008 version which I hear wasn't very good.

The script was based on a Michael Crichton novel, and is about a micro-organism from outer space that contaminates a small community in the Arizona desert.

chris08876 Mar 21, 2020 3:23 PM


I've had this game for a while, but if you have steam, buy this game:

Its a pandemic simulator. Goal is to infect all folks on Earth, and ensure they don't survive. You win when everyone dies. You can evolve your pathogen, and essentially be a genetic engineer as u deal with how the world responds.

Its a good game though, highly realistic simulation/strategy game. Even the CDC liked it.

Plague Inc: Evolved.


Plague Inc: Evolved is a unique mix of high strategy and terrifyingly realistic simulation. Your pathogen has just infected 'Patient Zero' - now you must bring about the end of human history by evolving a deadly, global Plague whilst adapting against everything humanity can do to defend itself.

bnk Mar 21, 2020 3:37 PM

Some real assuring numbers an stats in this link.

Obadno Mar 21, 2020 4:13 PM


Originally Posted by giallo (Post 8869175)
Do you drive as fast as you want, ignoring the posted speed limits? Do rules against speeding go against your limitation of movement?

Those two things are not comparable.

The us government has not right to keep me in my home and they wont. Once again I don’t care how you feel about that.

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