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Steely Dan Mar 20, 2020 3:39 PM

So, is "the great toilet paper freakout of 2020" finally over?

We were down to our last rolls (i admit to feeling a touch nervous), but my wife just walked over to our Walgreens and came back with a 12-pack.

She said they had plenty of toilet paper. And because she's not insane, she just bought one pack, leaving the rest for others to purchase, instead of buying all 5,000 rolls and filling our basement storage room with them like some kind of lunatic.

suburbanite Mar 20, 2020 3:46 PM


Originally Posted by Steely Dan (Post 8868148)
So, is "the great toilet paper freakout of 2020" finally over?

We were down to our last rolls (i admit to feeling a touch nervous), but my wife just walked over to our Walgreens and came back with a 12-pack.

She said they had plenty of toilet paper. And because she's not insane, she just bought one pack, leaving the rest for others to purchase, instead of buying all 5,000 rolls and filling our basement storage room with them like some kind of lunatic.

The crackdown on the resale markets and the fact that the most aggressive hoarders now have enough non-perishables to last them 6 months means hopefully the shelves will stay full a little longer.

pdxtex Mar 20, 2020 3:55 PM

The grocery demand curve is flattening...

JManc Mar 20, 2020 3:57 PM


Originally Posted by pdxtex (Post 8868170)
The grocery demand curve is flattening...

I would think most people have enough food and toilet paper to last them the rest of the year.

bnk Mar 20, 2020 4:03 PM


Originally Posted by Steely Dan (Post 8868088)
chicago has done the same thing.

the other night we got carry-out from our neighborhood bar and grill and i ordered a 6-pack of beer (at a greatly inflated price) to help them out because i'm sure they are loosing a HUGE part of their profit margin from the bar being closed.

How to Help Chicago Bar and Restaurant Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak

In this link there are tons of fund me links by the whole city to individual local bars and restaurants.

Pedestrian Mar 20, 2020 4:04 PM


Originally Posted by sopas ej (Post 8868100)
I have an iMac at home, and my company uses PCs. I wasn't given the option to work from home; I'm in HR and spend a lot of time with hard copy files/file cabinets, which need to be locked up because there's a lot of sensitive information/HIPAA stuff.

And my company's owner/CEO is a stingy asshole; most of us weren't given the option to work from home. FUCK our health. :P

I have used Parallels to emulate a PC with Windows on my Mac for years. I need Quicken and for years they discontinued the Mac version. Now it's back but still not as good as the PC version. Anyway, Parallels/Windows emulation works pretty well if you can install the business software you need on your own computer.

Of course, you can also install Windows in a "boot camp" partition directly on you Mac but then you have to reboot to go back and forth between a Mac desktop and the Windows desktop whereas with Parallels emulation you don't. If you have 2 monitors, you could even set up one as your "Mac" and one as your "PC" and run them simultaneously.

Pedestrian Mar 20, 2020 4:09 PM


Originally Posted by badrunner (Post 8868102)

In California people were panic buying marijuana over the last week. Now that everything is shut down I hope you all are stocked up.

Why? In San Francisco plenty of marijuana dealers deliver.

Obadno Mar 20, 2020 4:12 PM


Originally Posted by Steely Dan (Post 8868148)
So, is "the great toilet paper freakout of 2020" finally over?

We were down to our last rolls (i admit to feeling a touch nervous), but my wife just walked over to our Walgreens and came back with a 12-pack.

She said they had plenty of toilet paper. And because she's not insane, she just bought one pack, leaving the rest for others to purchase, instead of buying all 5,000 rolls and filling our basement storage room with them like some kind of lunatic.

Maybe until there is a spike of deaths or something in your neighborhood or if there is another round of infections later in the year.

All of those will induce local panic buying

But I think the global panic buying of mid-March 2020 is behind us for now.

Pedestrian Mar 20, 2020 4:13 PM

I have a question or two for Californians especially.

I am still in Arizona but had been planning to return to SF at the end of April and still really want to do that trip. I use a rental car from Hertz which I pick up at the airport in Tucson. Arizona is not really shut down so hopefully even if the airport Hertz shuts for lack of business (no flights), they'll keep at least one Tucson location open where I can pick up my car.

But I am worried about whether I'll be able to turn it in in SF and also about gas. Are gas stations "essential businesses" and staying open in CA?

hauntedheadnc Mar 20, 2020 4:17 PM


Originally Posted by SteveD (Post 8868082)
Atlanta's mayor just OK'd alcohol take out for restaurants for the next 60 days...that could save some of the small businesses in my little neighborhood commercial node, which is mostly mom and pop restaurants and pubs.

My husband is in healthcare and attended a briefing at one of the facilities where he works in which they stated, at least in this state where the hard stuff is sold through state-run liquor stores, that keeping those stores fully stocked is a high priority of the state. Why? Because alcohol withdrawal would kill people by the hundreds if they weren't.

hauntedheadnc Mar 20, 2020 4:19 PM


Originally Posted by Steely Dan (Post 8868148)
So, is "the great toilet paper freakout of 2020" finally over?

We were down to our last rolls (i admit to feeling a touch nervous), but my wife just walked over to our Walgreens and came back with a 12-pack.

She said they had plenty of toilet paper. And because she's not insane, she just bought one pack, leaving the rest for others to purchase, instead of buying all 5,000 rolls and filling our basement storage room with them like some kind of lunatic.

But a room-sized toilet paper igloo is so cozy!

People haven't been this obsessed with toilet paper since Mr. Whipple made the scene back in the 80's. Remember those commercials? The ones where everyone lived in some kind of alternate universe of perverts obsessed with squeezing Charmin toilet paper? This whole thing has been like that to the nth degree.

Pedestrian Mar 20, 2020 4:19 PM


S.F. to empty hotels: Lease rooms to us to house homeless affected by COVID-19
By Laura Waxmann – Real Estate Reporter, San Francisco Business Times
Mar 19, 2020, 8:32pm PDT Updated 2 hours ago

San Francisco is working to lease hotels left empty by the dramatic drop in tourism to house both homeless and other at-risk residents who contract COVID-19 or need to isolate or quarantine to avoid getting the virus.

Mayor London Breed and two city officials — Human Services Agency Director Trent Rohrer and Dr. Grant Colfax, Department of Health director — met with the Hotel Council of San Francisco and representatives of over 50 hotels Wednesday to discuss the effort.

One hotel has already been secured, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, and a spokesman for the mayor told me four homeless residents have been placed in rooms there. The name of the hotel has not been made public.

Officials said this week that the city needs rooms for at least 3,500 homeless residents and those living in single-room occupancy hotels and apartments, but I am told that number is likely to grow as the city plans to find rooms to house nurses and doctors who need to stay away from their families . . . .

So if the guys camped in the alley I can see from my condo score rooms at the Four Seasons, Ritz Carleton or St. Regis, I'm going to be a little jealous.

JManc Mar 20, 2020 4:29 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 8868211)

So if the guys camped in the alley I can see from my condo score rooms at the Four Seasons, Ritz Carleton or St. Regis, I'm going to be a little jealous.

Hang around outside in your rattiest clothes to score a room at the Four Seasons...

badrunner Mar 20, 2020 4:33 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 8868206)
I have a question or two for Californians especially.

I am still in Arizona but had been planning to return to SF at the end of April and still really want to do that trip. I use a rental car from Hertz which I pick up at the airport in Tucson. Arizona is not really shut down so hopefully even if the airport Hertz shuts for lack of business (no flights), they'll keep at least one Tucson location open where I can pick up my car.

But I am worried about whether I'll be able to turn it in in SF and also about gas. Are gas stations "essential businesses" and staying open in CA?

Yes gas stations will stay open. A lot of businesses are still open, and wouldn't you know it, "Cannabis dispensaries, or any related and/or ancillary healthcare services" are on the list of essential businesses staying open in LA: so there was no need for panic buying after all.

sopas ej Mar 20, 2020 4:46 PM


Originally Posted by badrunner (Post 8868231)
Yes gas stations will stay open. A lot of businesses are still open, and wouldn't you know it, "Cannabis dispensaries, or any related and/or ancillary healthcare services" are on the list of essential businesses staying open in LA: so there was no need for panic buying after all.

Yes, definitely gas stations. And gas prices are so low now. I saw $3.22/gallon for 89 octane at the 76 station I often go to. That's low for California! And I've been driving less and my car is so fuel efficient, I have yet to take advantage of the new low prices. :P

Laundromats are still open too; that is definitely an essential business, for people who use/need them.

I'm wondering about the Total Wine & Spirits. Maybe I'll stop there on my way home to see if it's open; I wanna buy some mead.

Pedestrian Mar 20, 2020 4:48 PM


Originally Posted by hauntedheadnc (Post 8868208)
My husband is in healthcare and attended a briefing at one of the facilities where he works in which they stated, at least in this state where the hard stuff is sold through state-run liquor stores, that keeping those stores fully stocked is a high priority of the state. Why? Because alcohol withdrawal would kill people by the hundreds if they weren't.

Maybe they need to deliver Valium instead then. That would solve two problems at once. For those who need it, treat alcohol withdrawal syndrome and for others help with anxiety.

sopas ej Mar 20, 2020 4:51 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 8868194)
I have used Parallels to emulate a PC with Windows on my Mac for years. I need Quicken and for years they discontinued the Mac version. Now it's back but still not as good as the PC version. Anyway, Parallels/Windows emulation works pretty well if you can install the business software you need on your own computer.

Of course, you can also install Windows in a "boot camp" partition directly on you Mac but then you have to reboot to go back and forth between a Mac desktop and the Windows desktop whereas with Parallels emulation you don't. If you have 2 monitors, you could even set up one as your "Mac" and one as your "PC" and run them simultaneously.

I said the owner/CEO of the company I work for is a stingy asshole. He wouldn't pay for the extra laptops/hardware/software that many of us would need to work from home, let alone letting me take personnel and medical files home with very sensitive information. I don't even think that's legal (but I could be wrong).

Pedestrian Mar 20, 2020 4:51 PM


Originally Posted by JManc (Post 8868227)
Hang around outside in your rattiest clothes to score a room at the Four Seasons...

Once upon a time, I took my cat to work (because my nurse wanted to see her) where she promptly got fleas from the grass outside the office. So I had to fumigate the apartment which meant the cat and I had to leave for several hours so we hung around outside, me holding her in her carrier. And people kept offering me "spare change". So I think I can pull off the role.

sopas ej Mar 20, 2020 4:57 PM


Originally Posted by hauntedheadnc (Post 8868208)
My husband is in healthcare and attended a briefing at one of the facilities where he works in which they stated, at least in this state where the hard stuff is sold through state-run liquor stores, that keeping those stores fully stocked is a high priority of the state. Why? Because alcohol withdrawal would kill people by the hundreds if they weren't.

I didn't even know those existed until fairly recently; someone I know who lives in Utah mentioned that his state has those. I was like "Whaaaaaat? You mean you can't go to the supermarket and buy a bottle of shampoo and a bottle of hooch?"

bnk Mar 20, 2020 5:15 PM


Originally Posted by sopas ej (Post 8868251)
Yes, definitely gas stations. And gas prices are so low now. I saw $3.22/gallon for 89 octane at the 76 station I often go to. That's low for California! And I've been driving less and my car is so fuel efficient, I have yet to take advantage of the new low prices. :P

Laundromats are still open too; that is definitely an essential business, for people who use/need them.

I'm wondering about the Total Wine & Spirits. Maybe I'll stop there on my way home to see if it's open; I wanna buy some mead.

Gees that's expensive.

Gas is $ 1.55 by me.

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