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UrbanImpact Mar 13, 2020 4:02 PM


Originally Posted by Crawford (Post 8860664)
Wait, in the UK, you wash your clothes in the kitchen? Odd.

In most places I've been to in Europe, the laundry machine is in the kitchen.

Crawford Mar 13, 2020 4:09 PM


Originally Posted by UrbanImpact (Post 8860730)
In most places I've been to in Europe, the laundry machine is in the kitchen.

Not in Germany. Definitely in the bathroom.

woodrow Mar 13, 2020 4:32 PM


Originally Posted by hauntedheadnc (Post 8860597)
Having spent time in London, I have to ask... If you do have such a wondrous device at hand, which switch on the wall do you flip to get it to come on? Or do you have to ask the neighbors to do something -- or does it involve semaphore? Whenever I've spent time in London, I've always spent it in places where the plumbing and electrical fixtures tend to function like a science fair project or something from a journal of theoretical architecture.


Thank you. That made me laugh. That is very much in the style of Bill Bryson.

Obadno Mar 13, 2020 4:54 PM

All of our school districts are beginning to shut down one by one.

Obadno Mar 13, 2020 4:56 PM


Originally Posted by UrbanImpact (Post 8860730)
In most places I've been to in Europe, the laundry machine is in the kitchen.

That does not bother me as much as Japan's Bathroom/sitting shower/tub/laundry combo thing they got going on.

Sigaven Mar 13, 2020 5:37 PM

Long fucking lines at every groery store at 6 AM

Northern Light Mar 13, 2020 5:42 PM

In Toronto,

All 3 Universities, and all community colleges are suspending in person classes for a minimum of 1 week, and in general shifting everything possible to online for the balance of the school year.

The North One Mar 13, 2020 5:46 PM

Why is a city mayor meeting with a president of another country in the first place?

JManc Mar 13, 2020 5:50 PM


Originally Posted by Crawford (Post 8860739)
Not in Germany. Definitely in the bathroom.

Germany struck me as the most 'American' than the other W. European countries. Bigger houses like us.

Pedestrian Mar 13, 2020 5:56 PM


Originally Posted by 10023 (Post 8860656)
3) no proper electrical outlets in the bathroom, as if it’s still the 1920s and there’s a live exposed current that will catch fire if exposed to steam.

The light switches being outside of the bathroom I have gotten used to (and will instinctively look for them there in other countries), and separate hot/cold taps mostly remain in places like pubs which are trying to be old-timey on purpose.

They haven't heard of ground fault interrupters? You could go into business marketing them and get even richer than you are.

Pedestrian Mar 13, 2020 5:59 PM


Originally Posted by The North One (Post 8860874)
Why is a city mayor meeting with a president of another country in the first place?

Happens all the time. It's diplomacy. Usually it's because the mayor is trying to get business for his city by schmoozing the leader of a country that might either buy products made in his city or have a company from his country build a factory in the mayor's city.

Pedestrian Mar 13, 2020 6:02 PM


Originally Posted by Crawford (Post 8860739)
Not in Germany. Definitely in the bathroom.

Mine's (laundry machines in a hall closet more or less designed for the purpose in both locations. Truth, justice and the American Way!

sopas ej Mar 13, 2020 6:08 PM

I was wondering if/when this would happen:

The Los Angeles Archdiocese (the largest Roman Catholic Archdiocese in the US) is telling parishioners not to go to Sunday Mass, lifting the obligation for the next 3 weeks.

Proof that even churches don't think prayer is enough? :P

hauntedheadnc Mar 13, 2020 6:15 PM


Originally Posted by sopas ej (Post 8860903)
I was wondering if/when this would happen:

The Los Angeles Archdiocese (the largest Roman Catholic Archdiocese in the US) is telling parishioners not to go to Sunday Mass, lifting the obligation for the next 3 weeks.

Proof that even churches don't think prayer is enough? :P

I've always been taught that prayer only works when coupled with effort and common sense. I'm reminded of the 1885 smallpox outbreak in Montreal. If I recall my history correctly, the Protestants weren't hit very hard because they accepted vaccination and called off church services, while the disease went wild with French-Canadian Catholics who refused vaccinations and refused to stop congregating at church.

My church, by the way, has called off services for two weeks and will be livestreaming sermons instead. I also just checked the local news and saw that tailgate and farmer's markets across the region are shutting down, restaurants are starting to offer parking lot pickup for orders so you won't have to come inside, flights at the airport are being cancelled for the next two months... But Biltmore House wants you to know they're still open and cleaning the place very thoroughly every day. Come spend your money.

Pedestrian Mar 13, 2020 6:39 PM


Originally Posted by sopas ej (Post 8860903)
I was wondering if/when this would happen:

The Los Angeles Archdiocese (the largest Roman Catholic Archdiocese in the US) is telling parishioners not to go to Sunday Mass, lifting the obligation for the next 3 weeks.

Proof that even churches don't think prayer is enough? :P

Don't they know that H*ll is a crowded place where it's hard to "social distance"?

sopas ej Mar 13, 2020 6:54 PM

I'm no longer a practicing Catholic (I've become Buddhist/Atheist), but this is a big deal for Catholics. And it's Lent right now. And for a Catholic, prayer and worship are the same thing; prayer isn't just asking for things; a (devout) Catholic recites traditional prayers every day. It's almost like being a Muslim. That's what church bells are (originally) for; they are calls to prayer.

10023 Mar 13, 2020 7:06 PM


Originally Posted by Crawford (Post 8860664)
Wait, in the UK, you wash your clothes in the kitchen? Odd.

Well, most English people can’t cook, so they had to come up with something else to do with the space.

hauntedheadnc Mar 13, 2020 7:07 PM


Originally Posted by 10023 (Post 8860987)
Well, most English people can’t cook, so they had to come up with something else to do with the space.

You shut your sass mouth.

10023 Mar 13, 2020 7:08 PM


Originally Posted by hauntedheadnc (Post 8860988)

Case in point.

hauntedheadnc Mar 13, 2020 7:11 PM


Originally Posted by 10023 (Post 8860995)
Case in point.

Nuts to you, buddy.

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