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Vicelord John Dec 4, 2009 4:57 PM

Im kinda sad to see that quiznos go. It delivered to my house.

dtnphx Dec 4, 2009 4:59 PM

Downtown is still luring more restaurants than there are closing. A Quizno's does not a great city make. Nor should we worry about Via Roma in the San Carlos. I have eaten in at least 5 different restaurants in that building that were really odd, poor choices. And, if a restaurant goes under in 2 months, then their business plan wasn't very thought out. Besides that, the ownership of the San Carlos really just phone it in when it comes to promoting that place. There is so much deferred maintenance on it, it's not even funny.

HX_Guy Dec 4, 2009 6:14 PM


Originally Posted by dtnphx (Post 4591402)
A Quizno's does not a great city make.

Maybe not...but to me, chains do say that the particular downtown is worth investing in. When I saw Buca di Beppo in downtown San Diego, I was pretty impressed even though the restaurant isn't all that. That's why I think it's pretty sad that there isn't even a McDonalds in downtown Phoenix...I mean c'mon, really, a McDonalds...they are on like every corner everywhere else.

TAZ4ate0 Dec 4, 2009 6:37 PM


Originally Posted by HX_Guy (Post 4591527)
Maybe not...but to me, chains do say that the particular downtown is worth investing in. When I saw Buca di Beppo in downtown San Diego, I was pretty impressed even though the restaurant isn't all that. That's why I think it's pretty sad that there isn't even a McDonalds in downtown Phoenix...I mean c'mon, really, a McDonalds...they are on like every corner everywhere else.

Maybe we SSP folks should pool our resources and invest in a McDonald's franchise for downtown. It would do really well considering the number of ASU students there now. :yes:

mwadswor Dec 4, 2009 6:52 PM


Originally Posted by HX_Guy (Post 4591527)
Maybe not...but to me, chains do say that the particular downtown is worth investing in. When I saw Buca di Beppo in downtown San Diego, I was pretty impressed even though the restaurant isn't all that. That's why I think it's pretty sad that there isn't even a McDonalds in downtown Phoenix...I mean c'mon, really, a McDonalds...they are on like every corner everywhere else.

Quiznos and other chains I'll agree with you, McDonald's no. I have seen urban McDonald's and some other fast food chains in NYC or other major major world cities, but it's extremly rare to see one in the western US without a drivethrough attached. We don't want drive throughs in downtown and from my observations an urban style McDonald's or Burger King without the drive through will be one of the last things to move into downtown. There are McDonald's around downtown where they can build the drive through, just not right in downtown where we don't want that.

Just walk down Mill AVE, it's great and feels nice and urban, then you walk by that Jack in the Box just north of University and it completely kills the urban feel.

mwadswor Dec 4, 2009 6:56 PM


Originally Posted by TAZ4ate0 (Post 4591569)
Maybe we SSP folks should pool our resources and invest in a McDonald's franchise for downtown. It would do really well considering the number of ASU students there now. :yes:

As I just said, a McDonald's no, but you do bring up a good point. We spend a lot of time discussing stuff on here and occaisionally go to city meetings and whatnot and let the "real" leaders know what we're thinking, but for the most part this board is a whole lot of discussion. From my observations this board is filled with highly intelligent people (even those of you that I tend to disagree with) who spend a lot of time and effort thinking about things and coming up with great ideas. This board really would be a very powerful tool if someone on here (I'm compaining but I'm not going to be the one motivated enough to start anything :D ) were to use it for networking to get a business or political campaign going. Are there any politicians on this board? Perhaps there should be.

TAZ4ate0 Dec 4, 2009 7:02 PM


Originally Posted by mwadswor (Post 4591595)

Just walk down Mill AVE, it's great and feels nice and urban, then you walk by that Jack in the Box just north of University and it completely kills the urban feel.

I'll agree that the Jack in the Box does sort of kill the urban feel. But, what really kills it, is that empty dirt lot right next door to it, that has sat empty for years.

As for McDonalds, I think an urban version without the drive through would work just fine in DT Phoenix. Just locate it close to the ASU campus and the convention center.

glynnjamin Dec 4, 2009 7:20 PM

Well Quiznos may be closed but Breakfast Joynt is now open ... and they deliver breakfast. Suck on that!

dtnphx Dec 4, 2009 7:42 PM


Originally Posted by glynnjamin (Post 4591643)
Well Quiznos may be closed but Breakfast Joynt is now open ... and they deliver breakfast. Suck on that!

Good news, however, they must have used the Engrish Skool of Proofreadink for this one. Read the whole thing, it's hilarious. My favorite line: "Our chef is renowned for his creative flair for the simple." :haha:

gymratmanaz Dec 4, 2009 8:17 PM

Someone's smarter than a fifth grader. :)

Though my fifth graders would proofread better!!!!

Leo the Dog Dec 4, 2009 10:44 PM

We DO have an urban Burger King on 1st St. No drive thru there and seems to do good business.

mwadswor Dec 4, 2009 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Leo the Dog (Post 4591917)
We DO have an urban Burger King on 1st St. No drive thru there and seems to do good business.

Cool. Shows how well I pay attention :D Then in that case I definitely don't think it's a problem that there aren't any McDonald's in downtown. Who goes to McDonald's when there's a Burger King available? :whip:

Vicelord John Dec 4, 2009 10:58 PM

the most urban drive through in town is the JITB on the SWC of 44th and Camelback... The drive through is basically in a parking garage.

scottkag Dec 4, 2009 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by mwadswor (Post 4591930)
Cool. Shows how well I pay attention :D

Yeah, I never noticed it either. But here it is:,98.64,,1,0.6

scottkag Dec 4, 2009 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Vicelord John (Post 4591936)
the most urban drive through in town is the JITB on the SWC of 44th and Camelback... The drive through is basically in a parking garage.

This is my favorite urban McDonalds drive-through (in LA on Sunset): The entrance is the crack between the McDonalds and the El Pollo on the right. The exit is the hole in the building behind the silver pickup. Big cars would occasionally get stuck inside.,,2,-1.25

nickkoto Dec 5, 2009 7:17 AM

There's a Mickey D's downtown, kind of.

But yeah, I wouldn't want to walk there from Central either. Not for a McDonald's.

HX_Guy Dec 5, 2009 6:03 PM

Check this thing out...pretty nice looking...


Major construction work, involving UA med school, starting soon in Phoenix; includes new cancer center

Big health-ed facility also set for training of doctors, others

By Becky Pallack
Arizona Daily Star
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 12.05.2009

Major building projects are coming soon to the Phoenix Biomedical Campus, which involves all three state universities.
The school could be ready to break ground in downtown Phoenix as soon as springtime, said William Crist, vice president for health affairs at the University of Arizona.
• A 265,000-square-foot health sciences education building will include classrooms, clinical training suites, offices and labs near North Seventh and East Van Buren streets.
Health-care students will train and research together so they can appreciate each other's roles and work well together.
"I believe this medical school is going to become a national model of interprofessional education and translational research over the next three to four years," Crist said.
• A 250,000-square-foot outpatient cancer center is in development for a location on the campus, potentially at North Seventh and East Filmore streets.
• Additionally, the UA College of Medicine is working with the Maricopa Integrated Health System to plan a hospital near the campus and talking with Phoenix Children's Hospital about its planned 650-bed hospital, which will be the largest children's hospital in the nation, Crist said.
The UA plans to expand its affiliation with Maricopa and Phoenix Children's, which are likely to become the UA's major partners over time, Crist said.

gymratmanaz Dec 5, 2009 8:28 PM

Impressive. Nice find HX. Is this a picture of just the cancer center or of all 3 projects combined?

HooverDam Dec 5, 2009 9:08 PM

That looks very sharp. Its nice to see it won't be presenting a hard solid wall to Fillmore either. With the grassy area out front it may make an nice transition from the Biomed campus to the arts district to the North.

Leo the Dog Dec 6, 2009 11:21 AM

Wow! Nice looking, modern building. Landscaping looks good too. Appears to be palms, turf, and palo verdes (or breas).

What an improvement that'll be from the current situation of a temporary third world looking parking lot.

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