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Steely Dan Mar 18, 2020 7:36 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 8866300)
stupid levity in a serious situation

a little levity amidst a serious situation is never stupid.

i would in fact argue that it's vitally and essentially human.

the other option is to completely lose our damn minds.

and fuck that.

hauntedheadnc Mar 18, 2020 7:40 PM


Originally Posted by Steely Dan (Post 8866330)
a little levity amidst a serious situation is never stupid.

i would in fact argue that it's essentially human.

the other option is to completely lose our damn minds.

and fuck that.

See also: Comic relief

I don't think any reasonable person isn't aware that there will be more deaths tomorrow, more infections tomorrow, more people out of work, more unpleasant societal changes... Or that the bigger tragedy is that a great deal of it could have been prepared for, if not prevented.

So yes... we can make a joke or two about cruise ships.

Docere Mar 18, 2020 7:41 PM

11 AM at Bay and Bloor in Toronto - basically TO's equivalent to Chicago's Magnificent Mile

Crawford Mar 18, 2020 7:41 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 8866300)
We don't have any doctors and nurses just sitting around doing nothing who could staff these ships.

Most doctors/nurses aren't in hosptials, though. Why wouldn't those reservists be made available? Of course they aren't "just sitting around doing nothing" but their dermatology practice in Ohio probably isn't essentially to the current fight. Wouldn't the armed forces have the right to call them up?

Docere Mar 18, 2020 7:49 PM


Originally Posted by hauntedheadnc (Post 8866338)
See also: Comic relief

The Max Brooks and Mel Brooks social distancing public service announcement is good.

Pedestrian Mar 18, 2020 8:00 PM


Originally Posted by Crawford (Post 8866341)
Most doctors/nurses aren't in hosptials, though. Why wouldn't those reservists be made available? Of course they aren't "just sitting around doing nothing" but their dermatology practice in Ohio probably isn't essentially to the current fight. Wouldn't the armed forces have the right to call them up?

Sure the armed forces has a right to call them up. But if you tell a dermatologist he's going to have to provide primary care or, worse, care of acutely ill virus patients, he'll tell you, "Sorry. No way. I don't have those skills," and in many cases he'll be correct.

Specialists are not interchangeable. These days, general and rotating internships where future specialists learn about things they'll never do again are pretty uncommon. And even if a dermatologist learned how to take care of an accutely ill person, they likely remember little of it.

The point is that there's literally nobody to work in new hospital capacity we might create except people already working in existing hospitals.

What may be useful is developing the ability to segrgate virus patients from everyone else. I saw one proposal to use the hospital ships to provide continuing "regular" medical care--appendectomies, strokes, heart attacks and all the rest--while we turn one or more hospitals ashore into exclusive use for virus patients. That, along with suspending elective hospitalizations for any reason, could make a lot of sense because it keeps hospitals from being places where peopkle who don't have coronavirus can catch it.

But I'm not sure the politicians understand the distinction.

One additional point: I saw reports that the Chinese brought in thousands of "military doctors" to work in their temporary hospitals. That might be true because in China, if reports can be believed, the disease was remarkably localized to Hubei and, somewhat, to Beijing so medical personnel may have been available in the rest of China to use in Wuhan. America is not so lucky. The disease here (and in Europe) seems much more widespread around the country (and getting more so--it's in every state now) so there aren't medical people in unaffected places to move to affected places.

10023 Mar 18, 2020 8:13 PM

London will lock down on Friday. Heading to the country.

Steely Dan Mar 18, 2020 8:16 PM

so what are people's thoughts on carry-out from restaurants?

my wife mentioned possibly ordering dinner tonight from the corner bar and grill at the end of our block (they're open for carry-out/delivery only).

on the one hand, i want to help and support them.

on the other hand, i'm scared.

hauntedheadnc Mar 18, 2020 8:21 PM


Originally Posted by Steely Dan (Post 8866385)
so what are people's thoughts on carry-out from restaurants?

my wife mentioned possibly ordering dinner tonight from the corner bar and grill at the end of our block (they're open for carry-out/delivery only).

on the one hand, i want to help and support them.

on the other hand, i'm scared.

I've begun an intimate relationship with DoorDash. I'm going to support all the local restaurants I can right now because God knows they'll need it.

Crawford Mar 18, 2020 8:23 PM

We've done takeout all week. People touched your (fresh) food from the supermarket too.

If you want to support them, but are scared of eating food you didn't cook, you could just buy a gift card or contribute to one of the myriad GoFundMes.

iheartthed Mar 18, 2020 8:25 PM


Originally Posted by Steely Dan (Post 8866385)
so what are people's thoughts on carry-out from restaurants?

my wife mentioned possibly ordering dinner tonight from the corner bar and grill at the end of our block (they're open for carry-out/delivery only).

on the one hand, i want to help and support them.

on the other hand, i'm scared.

An article I read earlier today suggested sticking to places that you already know:

sopas ej Mar 18, 2020 8:26 PM


Originally Posted by Steely Dan (Post 8866385)
so what are people's thoughts on carry-out from restaurants?

my wife mentioned possibly ordering dinner tonight from the corner bar and grill at the end of our block (they're open for carry-out/delivery only).

on the one hand, i want to help and support them.

on the other hand, i'm scared.

We did carry-out yesterday... we got too lazy to cook.

It was kind of bizarre, because the restaurant that we picked up from is usually very busy and crowded. I called our order in, then a half hour later, picked it up myself. All the chairs were up on the tables, and there was only 1 customer ahead of me paying for his order. I picked up our order, paid, and promptly left.

sopas ej Mar 18, 2020 8:27 PM


Originally Posted by hauntedheadnc (Post 8866392)
I've begun an intimate relationship with DoorDash. I'm going to support all the local restaurants I can right now because God knows they'll need it.

I've never used a 3rd party food delivery service; I don't know why I'm so leery of them. I'd rather pick up the food myself.

Steely Dan Mar 18, 2020 8:30 PM


Originally Posted by iheartthed (Post 8866400)
An article I read earlier today suggested sticking to places that you already know:

thanks for the article link.

it was informative and helpful.

hauntedheadnc Mar 18, 2020 8:34 PM


Originally Posted by sopas ej (Post 8866404)
I've never used a 3rd party food delivery service; I don't know why I'm so leery of them. I'd rather pick up the food myself.

I've used Waitr before, but they aren't around here anymore, so I moved on... It's pretty convenient. You do everything online and you can even request, basically, that they set the food down on the mat, ring the bell, and sprint away in a panic reminiscent of that of startled deer. I'm just trying to do as much as I can for as many people as I can... The restaurants, the DoorDash drivers... My job is secure, I'm in no danger of being fired or furloughed, and so I feel a need to support everyone and everything I can right now.

montréaliste Mar 18, 2020 8:47 PM


Originally Posted by hauntedheadnc (Post 8866415)
I've used Waitr before, but they aren't around here anymore, so I moved on... It's pretty convenient. You do everything online and you can even request, basically, that they set the food down on the mat, ring the bell, and sprint away in a panic reminiscent of that of startled deer. I'm just trying to do as much as I can for as many people as I can... The restaurants, the DoorDash drivers... My job is secure, I'm in no danger of being fired or furloughed, and so I feel a need to support everyone and everything I can right now.


I think I would extra tip just to witness their miming a startled deer while my wife and I flash on to do the headlights...

hauntedheadnc Mar 18, 2020 8:57 PM


Originally Posted by montréaliste (Post 8866425)

I think I would extra tip just to witness their miming a startled deer while my wife and I flash on to do the headlights...

Careful, now. Don't try to be too funny or you might get scolded.

montréaliste Mar 18, 2020 9:05 PM


Originally Posted by hauntedheadnc (Post 8866437)
Careful, now. Don't try to be too funny or you might get scolded.

Yes, I am aware of that. Not to minimize the situation, but I think that levity can help a little bit and I see irony in everything humans do.

Capsicum Mar 18, 2020 9:10 PM


Originally Posted by Acajack (Post 8866089)
Yeah, well I believe the origins of the notion/word "economy" are related to the wise use of one's resources. Not necessarily to accumulate as many resources as possible personally - potentially to the detriment of others.

This is kind of in line with what Deneault says.

I'd also add the word "economy" entered the English language via the French word "économie" (and the verb "économiser" meaning "to save"), which clearly evokes "savings" a lot more than it evokes "accumulation".

Doesn't that usage also exist in English though? For example, a person being "economical" meaning being practical with one's finances or an "economical" thing being a good deal or bargain for the money spent. Also, "economy class" for instance, for the cheapest travel options on a plane.

Capsicum Mar 18, 2020 9:12 PM


Originally Posted by sopas ej (Post 8865862)
Skim reading through this thread, it's funny to see who handles change better and who doesn't.

Nothing lasts forever; I think people get used to a routine and think it's gonna be permanent, like being able to go to the gym, being able to eat out, being able to buy toilet paper, a good economy, being "the number 1 country in the world..."

I don't doubt that some of you are going through the similar stages that you go through in grief (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance). This happens with any kind of big life change that is beyond your control; I know I went through it when I broke up with my first bf; and then when I experienced my very first job layoff.

Everything you hold dear can be taken away from you in a split second. Health is even an obvious one. Just because you're healthy, doesn't mean you'll always be healthy; and just because you get sick, doesn't mean you'll always be sick.

Again, nothing lasts forever, even a crisis. We'll get through this, people. :)

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