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exit2lef Oct 18, 2017 8:49 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 7957018)
Its owned by the same guys that did Skysong and they did a great job, so I have faith that this project will get a lot better over time and as they add additions to it.

I hope you're right. In related news, the deli at Park Central is closing:

mdpx Oct 18, 2017 8:54 PM


Originally Posted by biggus diggus (Post 7956745)
It was a joke about curbing your enthusiasm. :shrug:

OK. That's actually pretty clever...:yes:

azliam Oct 19, 2017 1:23 AM


Originally Posted by fawd (Post 7949511)
Here's the original model from the late 90's. Might give us a LITTLE bit of an idea of what to expect.

It took me a while to dig up, but I believe this was one of the original renderings for Collier's:

CrestedSaguaro Oct 19, 2017 1:53 AM


Originally Posted by azliam (Post 7957457)
It took me a while to dig up, but I believe this was one of the original renderings for Collier's:

I would've been OK with this if they redesigned the base. It has a modern-deco look.

PHXFlyer11 Oct 19, 2017 2:12 AM

All I can saw is wow. We can easily have 6-7 towers under construction in the next 13 months. All of the demand for new retail and local jobs that is going to generate! We have been waiting for the moment here for years. It's finally here. This is the tipping point. Downtown will be unrecognizable in 5 years.

combusean Oct 19, 2017 7:19 AM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 7957018)
Its owned by the same guys that did Skysong and they did a great job, so I have faith that this project will get a lot better over time and as they add additions to it.

Exactly. The demand isn't there for a megaproject (fingers crossed for Amazon's HQ2) with a lot of high-rise product.

I'd be happy with a mid-rise apartment building to go up to get the ball rolling tho. I wonder if condomania will ever come back...

CrestedSaguaro Oct 19, 2017 3:03 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 7957688)
Exactly. The demand isn't there for a megaproject (fingers crossed for Amazon's HQ2) with a lot of high-rise product.

I'd be happy with a mid-rise apartment building to go up to get the ball rolling tho. I wonder if condomania will ever come back...

IMHO, Phoenix killed any hope of landing HQ2 by choosing this as the site. Amazon wants a quick airport access route...and this isn't it. It's 7 minutes in any direction to even get on the freeway and that's in good traffic. I know this because I work right across the street. Also, access from Thomas to Central provides even more of an obstacle as you can't freaking turn left onto Central. So getting there quickly from I-17 is out unless you want to navigate the side streets.

biggus diggus Oct 19, 2017 3:25 PM

I consider being 15-20 minutes from the airport a "pretty quick airport route".

But I don't disagree with your assertion Phoenix won't get Amazon HQ.

Obadno Oct 19, 2017 4:09 PM

Some evidence that the market is still doing well Optima Keirland is 75% sold.


The luxury tower was topped off in May 2017; first move-ins are anticipated in early 2018.

downtownphxguy12 Oct 19, 2017 4:09 PM

A mining company is moving it's headquarters to phoenix. downtown.

Obadno Oct 19, 2017 4:23 PM

I emailed the reporter from yesterday about the rest of the revealed Biomed Campus plan:


Hello XXX,

They did release some preliminary ideas for the other phases. The first phase, which I wrote about in the story, is still in the planning stage and is subject to change based on community feedback or other factors. The other phases are even more uncertain, but here are the really early ideas.

Phase 2: Nine-story lab building

Future Phases: Another building connected to the parking structure from phase 1. There will also be another separate new building and another new parking structure. They are also considering another future pocket park. ASU officials and community members also want to include affordable housing in the development but I believe that is not a part of their current deal with the city of Phoenix so they would have to get City Council approval to include affordable housing.

I hope that answers your questions.

Thank you,
Stephanie Morse
Education Editor
Downtown Devil

PHXFlyer11 Oct 19, 2017 5:18 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 7958078)
I emailed the reporter from yesterday about the rest of the revealed Biomed Campus plan:

Just a damn shame that can't build these as multi-use towers with housing and labs. I get that they don't want the initial outlay of investing in a tower when they can scale their investment with shorter buildings, but this just plain sucks. At least if they'd split those lots in half and allow for a private developer to purchase or lease the land to help fund denser/taller labs it would be a total buzz kill.

Obadno Oct 19, 2017 5:25 PM


Originally Posted by PHXFlyer11 (Post 7958171)
Just a damn shame that can't build these as multi-use towers with housing and labs. I get that they don't want the initial outlay of investing in a tower when they can scale their investment with shorter buildings, but this just plain sucks. At least if they'd split those lots in half and allow for a private developer to purchase or lease the land to help fund denser/taller labs it would be a total buzz kill.

As somebody who went to the meeting the other day the plant gets taller as it goes south which I think is a good plan to transition from Roosevelt/Garfield up to 10 floors across from the UofA building.

I also like the idea of the pocket parks and new street trees. Also keep in mind that ASU and UofA are fully invested for the long run in this downtown Bio-med plan meaning the future of higher developments is always there, also expanding Across 7th street and the block with the shitty Holiday Inn (which I thought was going to be replaced with a new Holiday in off of 10th ave but I haven't heard anything on that in a while)

I Actually hope that the Biomed acts as a border for downtown so more Highrise development goes on in the core and in between Roosevelt/downtown and around the Park. There is a lot of empty lots and gross buildings that need to get replaced in that area and with these lots off the table its more likely they will.

biggus diggus Oct 19, 2017 5:29 PM

Would love for them to include some restaurant space in these buildings.

exit2lef Oct 19, 2017 5:29 PM


Originally Posted by PHXFlyer11 (Post 7958171)
Just a damn shame that can't build these as multi-use towers with housing and labs. I get that they don't want the initial outlay of investing in a tower when they can scale their investment with shorter buildings, but this just plain sucks. At least if they'd split those lots in half and allow for a private developer to purchase or lease the land to help fund denser/taller labs it would be a total buzz kill.

I'm trying to think of any buildings in other cities that mix housing and labs. I don't think it would be a good combination. Most labs house toxic chemicals and/or radioactive materials that require special handling. Most labs conduct animal research, which makes some people uncomfortable and sometimes draws protests.

In general, I like mixed use when it means ground floor retail with offices or residences above. In some cases, though, a particular building needs to be dedicated to a particular function, and a more realistic aim is to have mixed uses within the same block or neighborhood rather than within the same building.

Obadno Oct 19, 2017 5:34 PM


Originally Posted by biggus diggus (Post 7958201)
Would love for them to include some restaurant space in these buildings.

There is at least one in the first phase

PHXFlyer11 Oct 19, 2017 5:47 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 7958209)
There is at least one in the first phase

Sorry, the irony of the last response about mixing labs and housing being toxic, but now we are mixing food and labs. :haha:

PHXFlyer11 Oct 19, 2017 5:50 PM


Originally Posted by exit2lef (Post 7958202)
I'm trying to think of any buildings in other cities that mix housing and labs. I don't think it would be a good combination. Most labs house toxic chemicals and/or radioactive materials that require special handling. Most labs conduct animal research, which makes some people uncomfortable and sometimes draws protests.

In general, I like mixed use when it means ground floor retail with offices or residences above. In some cases, though, a particular building needs to be dedicated to a particular function, and a more realistic aim is to have mixed uses within the same block or neighborhood rather than within the same building.

I'm sure it's probably very expensive to do it safely. A better approach is probably splitting the lots for residential and lab in separate building, driving increased density for both while generating funding to support the additional cost of density for the labs.

phoenixwillrise Oct 19, 2017 7:55 PM


Originally Posted by RonnieFoos (Post 7957939)
IMHO, Phoenix killed any hope of landing HQ2 by choosing this as the site. Amazon wants a quick airport access route...and this isn't it. It's 7 minutes in any direction to even get on the freeway and that's in good traffic. I know this because I work right across the street. Also, access from Thomas to Central provides even more of an obstacle as you can't freaking turn left onto Central. So getting there quickly from I-17 is out unless you want to navigate the side streets.

If they don't get it, which they probably won't, this won't be the reason. Have you ever been to Seattle to see their nightmare traffic? They would be ecstatic to have a 15 minute drive to the airport.

Obadno Oct 19, 2017 8:21 PM


Originally Posted by phoenixwillrise (Post 7958425)
If they don't get it, which they probably won't, this won't be the reason. Have you ever been to Seattle to see their nightmare traffic? They would be ecstatic to have a 15 minute drive to the airport.

It doesn't really matter where you are in phoenix the airport is in a super central location.

Most cities don't have the airport right in the middle of everything.

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