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SIGSEGV Jul 26, 2020 6:57 AM


Originally Posted by KWillChicago (Post 8991893)
Still dont know why we cant fountains along the riverwalk. This would have been perfect. Aside from Centenial fountain we have none. Or a waterfall effect would be nice.

Fountains usually reuse their water right? When the river floods the riverwalk during a storm, I can imagine there being some issues.

VKChaz Jul 31, 2020 3:50 AM


Originally Posted by KWillChicago (Post 8991893)
Still dont know why we cant fountains along the riverwalk. This would have been perfect. Aside from Centenial fountain we have none. Or a waterfall effect would be nice.

I haven't been there for a couple years, but isn't a fountain off Wells? and also part of the Vietnam Memorial?

ardecila Jul 31, 2020 4:00 AM

Yes, there are two fountains/water features along the Riverwalk (south bank) in addition to Centennial Fountain on the north. Then there's another fountain one level up at Heald Square, separate from the Vietnam vets one. It ain't Rome, but that area of the city is relatively well-stocked with fountains.

chicubs111 Jul 31, 2020 1:02 PM

not to get too off topic but kinda wished Chicago had a stronger small to mid fountain game

chicagodeckerdude Jul 31, 2020 3:06 PM


Originally Posted by chicubs111 (Post 8997381)
not to get too off topic but kinda wished Chicago had a stronger small to mid fountain game

"small to mid fountain game" LOL :haha::haha:

Skyy Jul 31, 2020 3:27 PM


Originally Posted by chicubs111 (Post 8997381)
not to get too off topic but kinda wished Chicago had a stronger small to mid fountain game

I think you just invented a brand new urban metric. I like it :D

SIGSEGV Aug 2, 2020 4:00 AM

harryc Aug 4, 2020 10:32 PM

July 27

Aug 3

SteelMonkey Aug 5, 2020 2:50 AM

Great set HC. This one would be fun to watch if they would just fix the cam

southoftheloop Aug 5, 2020 1:10 PM

By the time this tower tops out, we'll have had basically a decade of continuous construction at the confluence. 6 new towers, one after another. Pretty cool

harryc Aug 5, 2020 1:19 PM


Originally Posted by southoftheloop (Post 9001588)
By the time this tower tops out, we'll have had basically a decade of continuous construction at the confluence. 6 new towers, one after another. Pretty cool

A "few" shots from the last decade

SteelMonkey Aug 6, 2020 6:10 AM


Originally Posted by harryc (Post 9001597)

Thank you :worship:

maru2501 Aug 6, 2020 4:32 PM


Originally Posted by southoftheloop (Post 9001588)
By the time this tower tops out, we'll have had basically a decade of continuous construction at the confluence. 6 new towers, one after another. Pretty cool

Maybe that is the boom headline, with west loop being the subhead

harryc Aug 10, 2020 12:33 AM

Aug 6

Chicago | Sales force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

Chicago | Sales force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

Chicago | Sales force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

Chicago | Sales force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

harryc Aug 15, 2020 8:35 PM

Aug 13

Chicago | Sales Force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

Chicago | Sales Force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

Chicago | Sales Force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

Chicago | Sales Force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

Trimming - note the ends on the horizontal bars - these screw on pieces are to give the bar more grab in the concrete mat - the steel is for tension (pulling)
Chicago | Sales Force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

bhawk66 Aug 15, 2020 9:33 PM

Wow. Just wow.

That's a crazy amount of rebar.

Also, great work gents!

sentinel Aug 15, 2020 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by harryc (Post 9011678)
Aug 13

Chicago | Sales Force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

Trimming - note the ends on the horizontal bars - these screw on pieces are to give the bar more grab in the concrete mat - the steel is for tension (pulling)
Chicago | Sales Force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

Great shots, Harry. That elevator core appears to be 10' or so thick at the outer perimeter. Damn.

skysoar Aug 16, 2020 3:08 AM


Originally Posted by sentinel (Post 9011819)
Great shots, Harry. That elevator core appears to be 10' or so thick at the outer perimeter. Damn.

I have loved watching skyscrapers constructed since i was a little boy. But i must admit looking at Salesforce being developed i have no clue where the structural steel footprint will began looking at the site, can someone point it out. I know it sounds trivial but some of us are not as foundation to roof literate as others.

takascar Aug 17, 2020 10:25 PM

Has Elevator Core been poured yet?
Concrete trucks have been in and out of there all weekend - I've seen them coming in and out of the entrance off Kinzie St. under the Orleans overpass. Haven't had a chance to look since Thursday, but I think they've done the pour for the base of the elevator core. If someone happens to walk by, perhaps they can let us know if that's true.

harryc Aug 17, 2020 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by takascar (Post 9013564)
Concrete trucks have been in and out of there all weekend - I've seen them coming in and out of the entrance off Kinzie St. under the Orleans overpass. Haven't had a chance to look since Thursday, but I think they've done the pour for the base of the elevator core. If someone happens to walk by, perhaps they can let us know if that's true.

Yes done - photos soon.

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