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chris08876 Feb 24, 2023 5:52 PM

The sign looks nice at night. Via the The Walsh Group. IMO, very clean and crisp. Classy in many respects.
Credit: The Walsh Group

Toasty Joe Mar 10, 2023 8:02 PM
Source: r/Chicago

Kinda looks like a vape with St Regis behind

BVictor1 Mar 12, 2023 10:53 AM


pianowizard Mar 12, 2023 2:25 PM

Not a very recent photo, as I took it on 2/11/2023, but I'm sharing it because Salesforce Tower is rarely seen from this perspective:

BVictor1 Mar 19, 2023 10:31 PM


colemonkee Mar 20, 2023 3:36 PM

Looks great from the river and like how the base is coming together. Should look really nice once the landscaping is completed. Is there restaurant/retail space planned at the base? Would be a great spot for Summer/Fall outdoor dining.

vexxed82 Mar 22, 2023 2:24 PM

3/20 Chicagohange
I popped over to Wolf Point quick on the Equinox to take a few shots, and maybe catch Chicagohenge. These are some moodier edits, but, it's par for the course when you're shooting into the sun. It's really wild how similar in height the towers appear from certain angles. I should have tried to take the head-on shot from Lake St, but maybe next time out. by Nick Ulivieri, on Flickr by Nick Ulivieri, on Flickr by Nick Ulivieri, on Flickr

gebs Mar 22, 2023 3:15 PM

Amazing work, as usual Nick. Those vantage points where they look oddly similar in height is just another argument for disinterring the long-dead horse and adding 20 stories to Salesforce.

r18tdi Mar 22, 2023 3:32 PM

^ Probably the best this tower will ever look. That's all folks.

Jibba Mar 22, 2023 4:51 PM


Originally Posted by r18tdi (Post 9898800)
^ Probably the best this tower will ever look. That's all folks.

Amen. I'm so ambivalent about this one. It's clean, handsome, and the plaza area will hopefully be decent. And... that's about it.

The Pimp Mar 22, 2023 6:12 PM


Originally Posted by Jibba (Post 9898903)
Amen. I'm so ambivalent about this one. It's clean, handsome, and the plaza area will hopefully be decent. And... that's about it.

A nice typical rectangle. Boring.

SolarWind Mar 22, 2023 10:21 PM

March 20, 2023

Chi-Sky21 Mar 22, 2023 11:56 PM

Stubby! Each of the set backs should have a few more floors to them at the top.

nomarandlee Mar 23, 2023 12:00 PM

I've said it before, whether you love it or are disappointed by it I do not understand the comparative love WPE received on much of this forum and the disdain or disappointment that WPS has received. Is it all about expectations? I can't believe it is about actual design merits, given that I do not see anything notable superior about WPE compared to WPS.

BuildThemTaller Mar 23, 2023 1:30 PM


Originally Posted by nomarandlee (Post 9899644)
I've said it before, whether you love it or are disappointed by it I do not understand the comparative love WPE received on much of this forum and the disdain or disappointment that WPS has received. Is it all about expectations? I can't believe it is about actual design merits, given that I do not see anything notable superior about WPE compared to WPS.

People wanted it to be taller. I wanted it to be taller. It's a classy looking building that should age well. It is a VAST improvement over that parking lot that used to be there for decades. We don't even have to see the Apparel Center anymore, which is another bonus. It is a B+ and maybe an A- development, given the location.

Kngkyle Mar 23, 2023 2:24 PM


Originally Posted by nomarandlee (Post 9899644)
I've said it before, whether you love it or are disappointed by it I do not understand the comparative love WPE received on much of this forum and the disdain or disappointment that WPS has received. Is it all about expectations? I can't believe it is about actual design merits, given that I do not see anything notable superior about WPE compared to WPS.

WPE facade is much more refined, IMO. It's also not the focal point of the site so the expectation bar was indeed lower.

twister244 Mar 23, 2023 2:37 PM


Originally Posted by Kngkyle (Post 9899754)
WPE facade is much more refined, IMO. It's also not the focal point of the site so the expectation bar was indeed lower.


Nobody expected the shorter tower to be revolutionary. However, this site was always pegged as a prime location for a beautiful building, and instead we are getting a typical glass box. There's so many other buildings along the river that stand out way better than this monolith.

r18tdi Mar 23, 2023 2:56 PM


Originally Posted by Chi-Sky21 (Post 9899372)
Stubby! Each of the set backs should have a few more floors to them at the top.

Or the setbacks should have been lower on the tower, with wider separations between each tier, as originally rendered:

nomarandlee Mar 23, 2023 4:34 PM


Originally Posted by Kngkyle (Post 9899754)
WPE facade is much more refined, IMO. It's also not the focal point of the site so the expectation bar was indeed lower.

I have to disagree. I think the open terrace midway through the building provides a hard break to the flow of the building and was not particularly well executed. I understand the appeal of it for residents as an amenity, which is different from looking aesthetically pleasing to a passerby.

I also think the fins lack subtlety and give it too much of a pomo effect.

Steely Dan Mar 23, 2023 5:25 PM

I think both towers are solid B's.

But the site is A+++.

That disconnect seems to really irk many here.

If either tower had been built on the vacant old CME site, most would've nodded in approval, or at the very least given a "meh".

I happen to really like the composition of the two towers, as brilliantly captured in Nick's fantastic shots.

This is a really nice overall development, but not magical.

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