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left of center Dec 15, 2022 6:32 PM

^ An extra 75-100 feet would have worked wonders for the tower's proportions and visual appeal, no doubt.

The Pimp Dec 15, 2022 8:48 PM


Originally Posted by RedCorsair87 (Post 9807761)
After seeing how this turned out, even Salesforce is trying to get ride of it...


r18tdi Dec 15, 2022 9:01 PM


Originally Posted by The Pimp (Post 9816810)

It was a joke for when the crown just said "SALE," as if the building itself was for sale.

rivernorthlurker Dec 16, 2022 2:02 AM

FYI Almost all the letters are up now. Weird space between the first 'a' and 'l' though. I don't get it.

Also a couple of the lower floors appear to be somewhat built out already. I wouldn't be surprised if some tenants start moving in Q1 of 2023.

mh777 Dec 16, 2022 2:43 AM


Originally Posted by rivernorthlurker (Post 9817120)
FYI Almost all the letters are up now. Weird space between the first 'a' and 'l' though. I don't get it.

Also a couple of the lower floors appear to be somewhat built out already. I wouldn't be surprised if some tenants start moving in Q1 of 2023.

Pretty sure those are mock-ups but could be wrong.

dewbs Dec 16, 2022 3:34 PM


Originally Posted by mh777 (Post 9817156)
Pretty sure those are mock-ups but could be wrong.

Other than K&E and Salesforce, only two floors are available ( So unless Salesforce is moving in stages, nobody is going any time soon. Salesforce only just started getting a lot of the buildout permits in October.

Here's a permit for mockups (from 8/1/22)
Self-cert: interior build out of 9 temporary offices and 3 workstations on level 32 for non-habitable office mock ups. the sole purpose of mocking up the proposed office and workstation layouts for tenant review/ reference only. the offices and workstations shall not be occupied and are not intended to remain for final occupancy. hvac shall be inactive along with the diffusers which shall be for visual representation only. there shall be no plumbing or structural work. the final tenant office layout shall be submitted under a separate permit package. (1a construction)
Permit #100977642

To be fair, I see the floors that are referred to. Looks like 7 and 8. Maybe amenity floors for salesforce? They have permits that the other floors don't, for wiring, A/V, and security, among other things.

BVictor1 Dec 18, 2022 4:11 AM


r18tdi Dec 18, 2022 9:02 PM


Originally Posted by rivernorthlurker (Post 9817120)
FYI Almost all the letters are up now. Weird space between the first 'a' and 'l' though. I don't get it.

The kerning looks off to my eye too. Perfect cherry on top for such a milquetoast design.

bhawk66 Dec 18, 2022 10:15 PM

Yep. I concur, the kerning is a tad askew. Human error. I wonder if they'll pay to fix it because it is very embarrassing.

rivernorthlurker Dec 18, 2022 11:56 PM

It's even worse in person.

gebs Dec 19, 2022 4:32 PM

I just learned what "kerning" meant after seeing Twitter Blue's 80's fever dream design. Glad I get to use the word again.

kolchak Dec 20, 2022 4:30 AM

Dasylirion Dec 20, 2022 11:31 PM

My theory is that they can't mount the letters to the white bits, so they couldn't get the 'l' over as far left as they should have.

bhawk66 Dec 21, 2022 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Dasylirion (Post 9821241)
My theory is that they can't mount the letters to the white bits, so they couldn't get the 'l' over as far left as they should have.

Nice try. The "a" could have easily been moved over to the right, etc. They effed up.

Sit in the stink, Salesforce. lol

r18tdi Dec 21, 2022 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Dasylirion (Post 9821241)
My theory is that they can't mount the letters to the white bits, so they couldn't get the 'l' over as far left as they should have.

Maybe, but then they should have shifted the 's' and 'a' accordingly? I'm not holding my breathe that this ever gets fixed.

Klippenstein Dec 21, 2022 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Dasylirion (Post 9821241)
My theory is that they can't mount the letters to the white bits, so they couldn't get the 'l' over as far left as they should have.

I think this is more or less on the right track. Though it's not about the "white bits", but the mounting must happen between the panels. the big letters need to be mounted on 2 sides and the l has to go directly between the panels to be mounted.

Dasylirion Dec 21, 2022 4:08 PM


Originally Posted by bhawk66 (Post 9821275)
Nice try. The "a" could have easily been moved over to the right, etc. They effed up.

Sit in the stink, Salesforce. lol

Yes, I wasn't attempting to offer an excuse. Just exploring the possible etiology of the mistake. :rolleyes:

Drcastro Dec 21, 2022 5:41 PM


Originally Posted by Klippenstein (Post 9821287)
I think this is more or less on the right track. Though it's not about the "white bits", but the mounting must happen between the panels. the big letters need to be mounted on 2 sides and the l has to go directly between the panels to be mounted.

I think that it’s just an optical illusion due to the alternating light and dark vertical stripes.

The Pimp Dec 21, 2022 7:10 PM

Can we please move on from the dumb letter spacing discussion?

KWillChicago Dec 21, 2022 7:22 PM

Different question. Anyone know if the white lines on both sides will be illuminated at night? Seems like a good space to have some crown lighting.

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