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Ned.B Sep 28, 2022 2:25 PM


Originally Posted by Toasty Joe (Post 9744154)
300 N Michigan is another example... it might as well not even be there. Even in this flattering pic with a nice reflection of Mather Tower, it adds nothing of its own. Now imagine 900 W Randolph (hopefully taller) was built there. Would be a dynamic clash of modern and classic.

The fun thing about that reflection of Mather Tower though is that it was supposed to have a never-built twin at 330 Michigan Avenue, so 300 Michigan now sort of unintentionally completes that vision.

gebs Sep 28, 2022 5:56 PM

^^^ I learned something today.

BuildThemTaller Sep 28, 2022 9:34 PM

Not that anyone cares, but my opinion on this tower and the whole development hasn't changed much since the height and design was finalized.

It looks great from the street and along the Riverwalk. You don't really see it once you get outside of the CBD. It would have been nice if it was about 100+ feet taller. As it is, this is a vast improvement over the surface parking lot that had stood there for decades. The fact that a very nice development covers up the Apparel Mart is a big, big win. It's an A- development, maybe B+. Criticisms of its shortcomings are warranted, but I'm not going to call this anything less than very nice.

bhawk66 Sep 29, 2022 3:30 AM


Originally Posted by BuildThemTaller (Post 9745059)
Not that anyone cares, but my opinion on this tower and the whole development hasn't changed much since the height and design was finalized.

It looks great from the street and along the Riverwalk. You don't really see it once you get outside of the CBD. It would have been nice if it was about 100+ feet taller. As it is, this is a vast improvement over the surface parking lot that had stood there for decades. The fact that a very nice development covers up the Apparel Mart is a big, big win. It's an A- development, maybe B+. Criticisms of its shortcomings are warranted, but I'm not going to call this anything less than very nice.


bhawk66 Sep 29, 2022 3:39 AM


Originally Posted by left of center (Post 9743999)
What would you have proposed, if you don't mind me asking?

One less building.

But Wolf Point West fooled the kids. Well done Kennedy's. Took one view, sold units. and then slammed those views after sales, Smart. In the mean time hogged the sun.


Kumdogmillionaire Sep 29, 2022 3:47 AM


Originally Posted by bhawk66 (Post 9745478)
One less building.

But Wolf Point West fooled the kids. Well done Kennedy's. Took one view, sold units. and then slammed those views after sales, Smart. In the mean time hogged the sun.


Don't make it sound like they intentionally misled people. From the start they made it very clear the two buildings left on the site next to WPW were going to be significantly larger...

bhawk66 Sep 29, 2022 4:06 AM


Originally Posted by Kumdogmillionaire (Post 9745486)
Don't make it sound like they intentionally misled people. From the start they made it very clear the two buildings left on the site next to WPW were going to be significantly larger...


Three fourths of the people on the east side of that building will now be waking up to Saleforce's finest interns outside their kitchen window. Can we be real here for a sec? Wasn't there a reason they sold those units first? Built that building first. Free and clear of Susan's desk first?

Steely Dan Sep 29, 2022 4:30 AM


Originally Posted by bhawk66 (Post 9745495)
Can we be real here for a sec? Wasn't there a reason they sold those units first?


I thought WPW was rentals, right?

Has that changed?

If so, when?

BrinChi Sep 29, 2022 4:47 AM

Nice, Steely. (I assume your questions are tongue-in-cheek.) WPW is rental, so there is definitely no bait-and-switch situation to see here.

woodrow Sep 29, 2022 3:57 PM


Originally Posted by bhawk66 (Post 9745495)

Three fourths of the people on the east side of that building will now be waking up to Saleforce's finest interns outside their kitchen window. Can we be real here for a sec? Wasn't there a reason they sold those units first? Built that building first. Free and clear of Susan's desk first?

Then I guess they shouldn't have RENTED on the east side of WPW. As has been stated, the programming of the site was laid out from the beginning with the smallest building being WPW. There are no guarantees of an unobstructed view in Chicago unless you are facing a park.

Rizzo Sep 29, 2022 6:26 PM

Pretty sure it’s still rental. I looked at a unit in that building before I ultimately decided to buy a place instead years ago. And they had brochures showing the future development before a design was even settled on. It would be impossible to mislead people because the ultimate development scheme was made obvious and was very public. Many residential units look into other residential units and office buildings. Sometimes even hotels. That’s what window blinds are for.

left of center Sep 29, 2022 6:44 PM


Originally Posted by bhawk66 (Post 9745495)

Three fourths of the people on the east side of that building will now be waking up to Saleforce's finest interns outside their kitchen window. Can we be real here for a sec? Wasn't there a reason they sold those units first? Built that building first. Free and clear of Susan's desk first?

They can move out once their lease is up. It's not like they are prisoners in their building...

bhawk66 Sep 29, 2022 7:08 PM


Originally Posted by left of center (Post 9746223)
They can move out once their lease is up. It's not like they are prisoners in their building...

Agreed. I thought those were condos. I was wrong. That doesn't change the disappointment of the "programming" I have for this site. I stand by the opinion it could have been done a lot better with better regard to the surrounding area and to the impact it will have on the now near most famous stretch in the city.

left of center Sep 29, 2022 7:34 PM


Originally Posted by bhawk66 (Post 9746261)
Agreed. I thought those were condos. I was wrong. That doesn't change the disappointment of the "programming" I have for this site. I stand by the opinion it could have been done a lot better with better regard to the surrounding area and to the impact it will have on the now near most famous stretch in the city.

Most megaprojects start this way though... the smaller, and inevitably view blocked buildings go up first. Look at LSE, the Shoreham and the Lancaster went up first. They initially had lake views, but that went bye-bye years ago. Central Station as well saved the lots along Roosevelt facing Grant Park for last, and built all the buildings to the south first. Sky55 still has views of the park, but only as long as the lot on Roosevelt and Michigan stays vacant, which won't be forever. Its not like Wolf Point is the only development to follow this playbook. Its not a nefarious plot either, developers want to test the waters first with smaller buildings and then go bolder with the bigger towers once a neighborhood/development has proven itself when it comes to demand and sales, with the signature towers going up last.

SolarWind Sep 30, 2022 10:00 PM

September 29, 2022

BVictor1 Oct 3, 2022 3:41 AM




gebs Oct 3, 2022 4:06 PM


Originally Posted by BVictor1 (Post 9749224)

An underrated angle for this whole development.

r18tdi Oct 3, 2022 7:14 PM


Originally Posted by gebs (Post 9749579)
An underrated angle for this whole development.

Agreed. It wasn't too long ago that Riverbend condos towered over everything in the area... now it's barely noticeable.

nomarandlee Oct 4, 2022 1:01 AM

Love it. Hope to see the day when the Apparel Mart and EBC get torn down and some complementing development links into Wolf Point.

chicagodeckerdude Oct 4, 2022 2:38 PM


Originally Posted by nomarandlee (Post 9750209)
Love it. Hope to see the day when the Apparel Mart and EBC get torn down and some complementing development links into Wolf Point.

Wait, apparel mart as in merchandise mart? you think that would ever get tore down? Also, I love the footprint of that building. Strong looking.


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