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Stay Stoked Brah Nov 3, 2020 7:25 PM


Originally Posted by JManc (Post 9094161)
Right now, 10023's grievances seem trivial but if we're still having this conversation a year or two from now, I don't think they will come across as so frivolous. So far, we've been inconvenienced and have had to make adjustments for the last 7-8 months which isn't fun but in the grand scheme of things, not that much of a disruption. The 'temporary' nature is what's the biggest unknown. This could last a few more months or linger on for years. A vaccine won't be 100% effective and not everyone is going to rush out and get it so early on. The social and economic implications of this dragging on are not good.

the real pain and agony hasn't even hit yet. that was postponed with PPP and moratoriums on rent payments. landlords and small business owners are on the brink now. if congress waits to pass relief until January and the vaccine isn't available and states, counties, cities refuse to reopen that's when the real shit hits the fan.

iheartthed Nov 3, 2020 7:30 PM


Originally Posted by suburbanite (Post 9094147)
They're two sides of the same coin though, those seeking out "fun" and the millions of people who make a living supplying it. Can't have one without the other.

I guess the litmus test for where a person's actual priorities lie is if you could propose a theoretical situation where bars and social events were closed down, but all the employees were provided safe, isolated work in some sort of "new deal" type situation. I'd be pretty happy not worrying that my friends who serve or bartend are on their way to economic catastrophe, and could live without my preferred social activities for another year.

I am speaking specifically about people who are whining about having to temporarily alter their social lives. I have temporarily altered my social life just as much as anyone, but I do not whine about my personal sacrifices as if we all aren't sacrificing. People have put off seeing friends and relatives, missed seeing dying relatives (I did), missed graduations (happened to two of my relatives), postponed weddings (happened to close friends), missed once in a lifetime vacations, lost their jobs (happened to many people I know), and many other sacrifices. The only thing worse than experiencing the pandemic is living through it with morons that are prolonging it through their selfish behavior. And then those same morons start whining that bar hopping got taken away because they spent months acting irresponsibly.

mhays Nov 3, 2020 8:22 PM

Wish we had an upvote button iheartthed.

craigs Nov 3, 2020 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by 10023 (Post 9093562)
If life were going to be like this going forward as a “new normal”, as some people say, I would put a bullet in my head tomorrow.

There is a difference between actually living and just existing.

Buckeye Native 001 Nov 3, 2020 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by iheartthed (Post 9094191)
I am speaking specifically about people who are whining about having to temporarily alter their social lives. I have temporarily altered my social life just as much as anyone, but I do not whine about my personal sacrifices as if we all aren't sacrificing. People have put off seeing friends and relatives, missed seeing dying relatives (I did), missed graduations (happened to two of my relatives), postponed weddings (happened to close friends), missed once in a lifetime vacations, lost their jobs (happened to many people I know), and many other sacrifices. The only thing worse than experiencing the pandemic is living through it with morons that are prolonging it through their selfish behavior. And then those same morons start whining that bar hopping got taken away because they spent months acting irresponsibly.

What boils down to, at least as I see it, is that a certain few here (and in real life) believe that their lives are more important and are worth more than others, so they should be given privileges and benefits at the expense of the rest of us (for what it's worth, yes, I am fat lard with a myriad of pre-existing conditions and I am also a municipal government employee, so I have some biases).

We keep dancing around it with histrionics and by pulling punches but I'm hell bent on getting some use out of my social science degree, so please bear with me.

Am I pissed that I had to postpone a vacation to New York City last month?

You bet.

Am I expecting/demanding that I be given some sort of special treatment (to the detriment of others who aren't as fortunate as me) because my plans were postponed?

Absolutely not.

We're trying to quantify what makes "life worth living" at the present moment (and will be for who knows how long), as if there's only one correct answer.

CaliNative Nov 4, 2020 1:18 AM


Originally Posted by the urban politician (Post 9094146)
In a nutshell, the problem is that when people are bringing up this concern:

They are often met derisively with this same response:

Thus the resentment grows, and people refuse to follow guidelines. And no amount of shaming is going to change their minds...

The truth is that life & the economy WON'T get back to normal as long as the virus is spreading. The "open up" crowd ignores this fact. Bend the disease spread down, we can get closer to normal like many countries have done. Masks....use them!

the urban politician Nov 4, 2020 3:00 AM

^ I’ve been advocating for masking for a long time. People who refuse to mask are only making matters worse.

mousquet Nov 5, 2020 10:06 PM

Incredible... The Danes would've found out that minks carried and transmitted to humans a mutated version of the virus likely to alter the efficiency of upcoming vaccines.
Source: Fr media (Le Figaro)

These are minks.

The Danes would be about to slaughter 17 million in their country.
I'm sure it breaks their hearts, but the cute little creature would just hold a bad mutation of the virus.
They are now closely watched over here as well.

That virus is officially the worst curse of my lifetime and yours as well. If anybody had told me about anything like it just 10 months ago, I wouldn't have believed them.

Acajack Nov 5, 2020 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by mousquet (Post 9097462)
Incredible... The Danes would've found out that minks carried and transmitted to humans a mutated version of the virus likely to alter the efficiency of upcoming vaccines.
Source: Fr media (Le Figaro)

These are minks.

The Danes would be about to slaughter 17 million in their country.
I'm sure it breaks their hearts, but the cute little creature would just hold a bad mutation of the virus.
They are now closely watched over here as well.

That virus is officially the worst curse of my lifetime and yours as well. If anybody had told me about anything like it just 10 months ago, I wouldn't have believed them.

Lots of people gonna have nice fur coats this winter!

But seriously, that's insane. As you say, this virus is just screwing with so many things. It's unbelievable.

chris08876 Nov 6, 2020 2:48 AM

In NJ:

mrnyc Nov 6, 2020 11:41 PM

this infuriates me to no end. a nutty selfish nitwit puts everyone on public transit at risk because he won’t “wear a muzzle.” and contrary to popular reputation the actual real ny’ers nicely try to reason with him:

Centropolis Nov 7, 2020 12:06 AM

cases going exponential it seems in missouri and illinois. illinois about to lock down and missouri just being like..

Centropolis Nov 7, 2020 1:42 PM

covid is going supernova in eastern missouri and illinois. theres cases all around me now and its affecting work schedules.

Centropolis Nov 7, 2020 1:47 PM

it’s interesting how everyone was freaking out in midwestern cities in april with small caseloads, and now that its going exponential i’m seeing busy bars.

this week its been in the 70s and even 80s in st guessing things will really get grim when cold weather comes.

Stay Stoked Brah Nov 9, 2020 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Centropolis (Post 9099117)
it’s interesting how everyone was freaking out in midwestern cities in april with small caseloads, and now that its going exponential i’m seeing busy bars.

this week its been in the 70s and even 80s in st guessing things will really get grim when cold weather comes.

that's because the FEAR has long since passed. back in march and April it was an O'Shit moment, people were dropping dead in China while walking down the street or shopping in a mall. that didn't turn out to be the case in the rest of the world. people can read and inform themselves to make their own decisions and the people now know this is only harmful to really sick, old people. the rest of us are asymptomatic, or come down with flu like symptoms.

Stay Stoked Brah Nov 9, 2020 2:14 PM

Pfizer vaccine 90%+ effective! :banana:
Dow Jones futures are up 1,700! :awesome:

the urban politician Nov 9, 2020 2:17 PM


Originally Posted by Stay Stoked Brah (Post 9100750)
Pfizer vaccine 90%+ effective! :banana:
Dow Jones futures are up 1,700! :awesome:

To answer the question of this thread:

How is COVID impacting my life in my city?

Well, if the above news pans out, then my answer will be:






chris08876 Nov 9, 2020 7:27 PM

mrnyc Nov 10, 2020 9:04 PM

cdc now recs this thanksgiving to be more like the o.g. turkey day with the natives and pilgrims, outside!

CDC releases updated Thanksgiving guidelines focusing on small household gatherings
By FOX 29 Staff
Published 7 hours ago
FOX 29 Philadelphia

Hosting the gathering outdoors, rather than indoors, as much as possible and requiring guests to wear masks when they aren't eating or drinking is also encouraged.

mrnyc Nov 10, 2020 11:57 PM

80% of coronas come from a handful of places:

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