Right, read my post right under OhioGuys' I don't understand what's confusing. |
This does resemble a glassy 30 Rock, and that is not a bad thing.
Does anyone know if we are getting the same fins as WPE on this one?
They could certainly do more with the crown. Would solve this height debate question and I think make the proportions a little better. |
This looks really good in those renders looking west with the crown lit-they need to do that. |
* posts deleted *
We're going let the stupidity cool off a bit here..... |
Chicago Plan Commission Jan 24th Agenda:
"An informational presentation to the Chicago Plan Commission, on a request for site plan approval submitted by WPO South, LLC and Hines Interests Limited Partnership, for the property generally located at 333 West Wolf Point Plaza. The site is currently zoned Planned Development No. 98. The applicant proposes to construct an 815’tall, 1,500,000 square foot office tower and up to 400 accessory, vehicular parking spaces. No other change is being requested to Planned Development No. 98. (42nd Ward)" https://www.chicago.gov/content/dam/...019-agenda.pdf |
^ Thanks for sharing. Great to see they're so serious about this one.
Before anyone or Zapatan flips out with his height concerns, "no other change" leads me to believe it's still 844' to top of crown. |
^ The nice think about building on "the best parcel in the city" is that you always create a new "best parcel in the city".
access was always going to hamper it a little but yeah. and the places where you can make a strong argument for even a 1500-foot mixed-use building are dwindling
trib site is one of those, but who knows if that goes this cycle or ever |
We got sold short on the conspicuous River Point location, I'd rather not see the same happen here. |
As much as we all would like to see a 900+ it's still going to complete a trio of near 800 footers that balance that area beautifully!
Really disagree. The architecture at Wolf Point is turning out to be top-notch all-around. Height figures: Much less important. |
i move the off-topic discussion to the general discussion thread: https://forum.skyscraperpage.com/sho...d.php?t=208431 |
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