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ardecila May 27, 2016 5:27 PM


Originally Posted by rlw777 (Post 7455188)
Looks like the East Bank Club. Actually this won't ever happen but it would be amazing if the East Bank Club moved to the Old Main Post Office and its land was redeveloped.

BVictor1 Jul 20, 2016 12:57 PM


BUSINESS 07/19/2016, 11:00pm

Court approves deal to develop Old Main Post Office

Fran Spielman
@fspielman | email

The vacant Old Main Post Office that hovers over the Eisenhower Expressway is about to be converted from a dilapidated civic embarrassment into a bevy of construction activity.

Five months after Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s bold threat to seize control of the giant hulk, the city has reached a court-approved agreement with its new owner, 601W Companies LLC, to begin a five-year, $500 million renovation and restoration.

In an added bonus for Chicago taxpayers, prior owner International Property Developers North America has agreed to pay the city $800,000 in fines for an array of building code violations that occurred during seven years under the company’s watch.

Earlier this year, Planning and Development Commissioner David Reifman argued that the building was “falling apart” and “potentially dangerous to the public.”

It won’t stay that way, the Chicago Sun-Times has learned.

LaSalle.St.Station Jul 21, 2016 1:24 AM

From the rendering it looks like the lane on the north side of the bridge doesn't continue through the building, or is drastically reduced.

scalziand Jul 21, 2016 2:06 AM

^Just an illusion with the way the sound wall is curved.

ardecila Jul 21, 2016 11:07 PM

It does seem as if the pedestrian walkways to the north and south of the Congress tunnel will be restored, though, and a connection under Congress next to the river.

Sadly it doesn't sound like there is some awesome Chelsea Market-style destination planned for the building, but I'll be glad if they improve the way the building interfaces with its surroundings.

spyguy Jul 30, 2016 5:44 PM

LouisVanDerWright Jul 30, 2016 7:58 PM


Originally Posted by spyguy (Post 7517348)

Yes please, hopefully this project will result in a widened or improved pedestrian right of way on the East side of Canal encouraging the area South of Congress to develop. I could see them doing something really cool by eliminating the current vertical wall along the street and replacing it with a huge "spanish steps" style gradient from the underpass level up to the lobby level of the building all the way along Canal. They could have it intersected by various ramps and flower beds a la the furthest West part of the riverwalk that is currently open. It would really increase access to their property and it's phenomenal lobby as well as providing a public benefit by greatly improving the streetscape. It would also provide an area for the huge numbers of workers who will inhabit this structure to spread out and relax or eat lunch.

Given that Gensler is the architect, I'm sure they will find all sorts of great ways to improve the property, hopefully there is something in the budget for doing something creative to the horrendous way Canal is currently treated. Also, if my suggestion were implemented, it would generate a huge amount of street facing retail space along the base which would probably provide a significant windfall to the owners since ground floor office doesn't rent for nearly as much as upper floors and retail tends to rent for more than office to begin with.

Skyguy_7 Jul 31, 2016 3:04 AM

I'm dreaming about the evenings when this building is all lit up at night. Rejoice!

ethereal_reality Jul 31, 2016 3:21 AM

Yes indeed. It will be very impressive, especially driving in from the west.

go go white sox Aug 1, 2016 5:54 AM


Originally Posted by Skyguy_7 (Post 7517662)
I'm dreaming about the evenings when this building is all lit up at night. Rejoice!

You know I never really thought of the impact this redevelopment will have at night. It's almost like a giant light bulb will light up on this street and thought it's sides. Driving from thy west will look amazing.

ardecila Aug 2, 2016 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by LouisVanDerWright (Post 7517432)
I could see them doing something really cool by eliminating the current vertical wall along the street and replacing it with a huge "spanish steps" style gradient from the underpass level up to the lobby level of the building all the way along Canal.

Cool idea, but I don't think it's possible. The east half of Canal Street sits atop railroad tracks (you can see an expansion joint down the middle if you look closely). Just behind that "vertical wall" is Track 2 of Union Station.

They could certainly landscape that area better however, maybe ramp it up and over the Eisenhower and then back down. You could do something really graceful and minimal like the Art Institute's pedestrian bridge, but with seating and plantings so it feels like a linear park. Originally there would have been a pretty cool westward vista down the expressway, but now I think it'll be blocked by the new upper-level ramp at the Circle.

scalziand Sep 9, 2016 3:50 PM

I wonder if the [Sterling Bay] redevelopment of the Union Station garage will have any effect on the Post Office redevelopment, being right across the street.

Jim in Chicago Sep 9, 2016 7:08 PM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 7517666)
Yes indeed. It will be very impressive, especially driving in from the west.

I just hope they don't mess this one up. Such a prominent iconic building with so much potential. Should be magnificent if done properly.

SamInTheLoop Sep 9, 2016 7:25 PM


Originally Posted by scalziand (Post 7555816)
I wonder if the [Sterling Bay] redevelopment of the Union Station garage will have any effect on the Post Office redevelopment, being right across the street.

Or, the question might be "I wonder if the Post Office redevelopment will impact/boost any development potential over at Union Station?" They're both only proposed projects at this stage - actually, 601 W Cos already owns its site, while Sterling Bay very much does not right now.....

r18tdi Oct 6, 2016 5:28 PM

Sounds like the first renovation permit has come through. :cheers:

SolarWind Oct 6, 2016 5:45 PM

October 6, 2016

Skyguy_7 Oct 6, 2016 7:05 PM

Cmon guys, this is worth a :banana:

LouisVanDerWright Oct 6, 2016 7:15 PM

Well that was fast, amazing what happens when you don't have a total schmuck owning the building. They do deserve a banana for this!


bnk Oct 6, 2016 7:40 PM


Originally Posted by r18tdi (Post 7585769)
Sounds like the first renovation permit has come through. :cheers:

Update: Shortly after publishing this story, a SkyscraperPage forum member shared an image of what appears to be a group of workers already getting started on the job. Crews are wasting no time on getting the Old Post Office cleaned up.

Jim in Chicago Oct 6, 2016 7:55 PM


Originally Posted by bnk (Post 7585965)
Update: Shortly after publishing this story, a SkyscraperPage forum member shared an image of what appears to be a group of workers already getting started on the job. Crews are wasting no time on getting the Old Post Office cleaned up.

I'm guessing that's exploratory work. It will take a long time if they're using a portable power washer, pvc bucket and 4' ladder for the real job!

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