The observation time is crucial. My cousin, who is a nurse, after her first dose of the vaccine, within 5 minutes, her face started to swell up. They ended up giving her Benadryl.
What to know when you get your shot. Man dies two days after vaccine. Can you drive right after your shot? The list goes on, they just try to make a story about the vaccine at all possible times. I am not saying they are saying ITS NOT SAFE, but they won't stop talking about it. Just saw a local story yesterday that was about a man who had the vaccine but STILL GOT CORONA. No shit, its a vaccine, not a 100% protective vest you idiots lol These types of stories scare idiots who can't think. I never once said or implied the 15-minute wait was because of anything from the media. And calling every idea you don't agree with as a conspiracy is getting old. |
And no, I signed a waiver, that is legit. |
The 15 minute observation time is for the patients own safety. It's the standard observation time after all immunizations as recommended by the ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices). Obviously, places will differ in their enforcement of the waiting period, and the chances of any serious adverse event is very, very low, but it is still there in place in case a patient has syncope or anaphylaxis, which can occur.
All the other side effects like fever, muscle aches, chills are perfectly normal and typically occur far beyond that 15 min observation window. Most of these effects happen 12-24 hours after the dose. |
I hear from people, patients, all the time that they “heard this or this happened” as a result of the vaccine. I’m correcting this nonsense all of the time. Luckily it is far less now than it was even a month ago |
i had no reaction to either shot. i got one in one arm and the second in the other arm, just to spread the love lol. maybe a little brief arm soreness around the shot sites afterward, but thats it. my spouse had her first pfizer shot and no reaction at all either. she was in and out the javits center in 20min, and that includes the 15min they ask you to wait afterward. they literally jabbed her after she walked in the door lol. she goes back for number two next week. :tup: |
So you know what a real bitch of a shot is like, the "Peanut Butter" shot, this was not that shot lol |
I worked at a Naval Training Center for 6 years. That only happens to Marines. Usually the tougher they think they are, the more likely. |
Example from today:
Fox32 Chicago "Vaccination site closes after adverse reactions to johnson and johnson vaccine:report" "Health experts warn not to skip 2n dose of Covid-19 vaccine" Yesterday: "Moderna vaccine protection lasts at least 6 months" (what do idiots see? ONLY 6 months! Even though that's just the amount of time we've had to understand it) "Georgia woman contracts breakthrough Covid-19 infection after vaccination" "Nearly 250 fully vaccinated people in Michigan have tested positive for covid-19" This is really just from the last 36 hours for one local station. This is causing confusion and resistance and it isn't responsible, its for clicks. |
It happens when the brain triggers vagal nerve activity that slows the heart and dilates blood vessels causing blood to pool and reducing circulating blood volume very briefly. Actually, when I was being taught how to draw blood, it happened to me as one of my classmates was drawing my blood. When I came to, the instructor was teaching the class about vasovagal syncope over me lying on the floor. Ever since I have a cold/clammy response to my own blood (but only mine--other peoples' doesn't bother me at all). And shots don't bother me either. |
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