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biggus diggus Apr 11, 2018 8:55 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 8151086)
You're not going to see major improvements to the physical makeup of Central Phoenix until the neighborhoods east, west, and south of downtown significantly gentrify and the planning is there to keep Downtown an entertainment and shopping district and keep those uses out of the other neighborhoods.

Garfield has a median income of like half the rest of the valley which leaves little reason for developers to come in with big plans that attract national retailers, and this is aside from the Amazon-inspired retail apocalypse. The area can only support so many bars and restaurants.

That probably won't happen until at least Phoenix sees a resurgence of high-wage jobs in the Central Corridor and other points, but for whatever reason Tempe is seeing all the Class A space get built. My guess is that Tempe is both an urban area that has reasonably good public schools and the Phoenix schools are still struggling, another thing that's a generational shift away.

Thank you.

biggus diggus Apr 11, 2018 8:56 PM


Originally Posted by airomero83 (Post 8150948)
LOL my experience has been different. I've been back a total of about 5 times now and the tacos have been great each time. Also, the Micheladas they have are one of the best I've ever had (if that's your thing). Great tacos and vibe. Haven't made it out to TrapHouse BBQ next door but have heard some good things.

I love Micheladas and will remember this, my favorite Michelada is at Ladera. We enjoyed Trapp Haus quite a bit.

exit2lef Apr 11, 2018 9:11 PM

I've enjoyed both places so far. My only negative is that I found the short rib sandwich at Trapp Haus much too fatty for my taste, but maybe some people like it that way. I have to remember that the fat in short rib is mostly rendered when it's cooked in a stew, but when that meat is smoked, there isn't much place for the fat to go.

poconoboy61 Apr 12, 2018 2:30 AM

What is the timeline for the 17th Ave/Camelback project?

combusean Apr 12, 2018 9:08 AM


Originally Posted by Classical in Phoenix (Post 8149772)
We recently bought in Tapestry, and there was a huge lawsuit won by the owner of the retail against the HOA. There is infighting among the HOA on how to proceed, including a recall election. I am on the side of settling with the owner and giving him whatever he needs, including parking, to make the retail viable. It is also my understanding that no cafe or bar can rent there. The Community Walgreens Pharmacy seems to do well though.

What was the developer's intent with the retail here? It seemed they shot themselves in the foot with such narrow uses.

Classical in Phoenix Apr 12, 2018 5:04 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 8151860)
What was the developer's intent with the retail here? It seemed they shot themselves in the foot with such narrow uses.

As I recall, Tapestry was one of the first in the "current" wave of ground floor commercial. As Biggus pointed out, the stretch of Central it is built on didn't have a lot of walkability at the time it was built. My best guess is the developer missed the mark. The area is much more walkable now. My girlfriend and I walk to a lot of places like Forno and venues on Roosevelt. She works at the AG's office on Palm, so an easy walk to and from work. The one thing that would be nice is a Market close by.

CrestedSaguaro Apr 12, 2018 6:23 PM

The entire block bodered by 3rd st and 5th St between Cherry Lynn and Earll is getting fenced off and the homes are all vacant and appear to be getting gutted and ready for demolition.

LGE is putting up the fences and the crew told me the whole block is slated for apartment homes. I must've missed this one or it hasn't been posted. Anyone know what's going up on this block?

biggus diggus Apr 12, 2018 6:46 PM


Originally Posted by RonnieFoos (Post 8152373)
The entire block bodered by 3rd st and 5th St between Cherry Lynn and Earll is getting fenced off and the homes are all vacant and appear to be getting gutted and ready for demolition.

LGE is putting up the fences and the crew told me the whole block is slated for apartment homes. I must've missed this one or it hasn't been posted. Anyone know what's going up on this block?

There was discussion about this before I joined the site (I think) that I remember reading.

The buyer is Tom Carmody, he owns Oasis on Grand and has owned a number of other recognizable properties in the area. He does assemblage and flips which is what I thought Lafferty was doing as well but nothing he does makes any sense. At least Carmody has sold some things over time... He's been buying those houses since 2004, FYI. Based on muertecaza's post below it seems like Tom found a buyer...

muertecaza Apr 12, 2018 7:20 PM


Originally Posted by RonnieFoos (Post 8152373)
The entire block bodered by 3rd st and 5th St between Cherry Lynn and Earll is getting fenced off and the homes are all vacant and appear to be getting gutted and ready for demolition.

LGE is putting up the fences and the crew told me the whole block is slated for apartment homes. I must've missed this one or it hasn't been posted. Anyone know what's going up on this block?

The development is a Crescent project, Crescent Midtown I think. Couldn't find anything more recent than this at first glance:

CrestedSaguaro Apr 12, 2018 7:28 PM


Originally Posted by muertecaza (Post 8152469)
The development is a Crescent project, Crescent Midtown I think. Couldn't find anything more recent than this at first glance:

That sounds about right. Hopefully, we'll get more info and a rendering soon. I like Crescent's properties. Hoping this will have a good design similar to Crescent Highland.

*Edit: So, I found it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, Muertecaza. And yes, you were correct. Here's the Phoenix project#: 16-3225 CRESCENT AT 3RD & EARLL. I'll try to dig up some more on it and post it in the midrise section. :tup:

muertecaza Apr 12, 2018 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by biggus diggus (Post 8152422)
There was discussion about this before I joined the site (I think) that I remember reading.

The buyer is Tom Carmody, he owns Oasis on Grand and has owned a number of other recognizable properties in the area. He does assemblage and flips which is what I thought Lafferty was doing as well but nothing he does makes any sense. At least Carmody has sold some things over time... He's been buying those houses since 2004, FYI. Based on muertecaza's post below it seems like Tom found a buyer...

Thanks for the info re: Mr. Carmody. Pretty impressive that he was able to assemble the entire block and get it sold. Gives me some hope that between this project and the Alta Marlette project off Marlette/7th St. that we might see some more redevelopment of the nonhistoric single family homes between the 7s. Of course if it took him 14 years to get the whole block, probably shouldn't hold my breath.

Obadno Apr 13, 2018 10:18 PM

So I was reading an article:

Random construction news but check out the picture of downtown.

Look like pre Colliers? So how old is this 99? A lot has changed.

CrestedSaguaro Apr 13, 2018 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8153947)
So I was reading an article:

Random construction news but check out the picture of downtown.

Look like pre Colliers? So how old is this 99? A lot has changed.

Yea. It seems like a lot of AZ media sites and blogs use some very old pics of the Phoenix skyline in their articles. I was going to post something about this a couple weeks ago, but figured "eh".

So now that it's been brought up, why the use of older pics? You would think the local media would want to use the most up-to-date images in order to show how much Phoenix has grown.

Obadno Apr 13, 2018 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by RonnieFoos (Post 8153949)
Yea. It seems like a lot of AZ media sites and blogs use some very old pics of the Phoenix skyline in their articles. I was going to post something about this a couple weeks ago, but figured "eh".

So now that it's been brought up, why the use of older pics? You would think the local media would want to use the most up-to-date images in order to show how much Phoenix has grown.

Most people are not weird like us and don’t notice, they just google “Phoenix skyline” insert the end

CrestedSaguaro Apr 13, 2018 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8153972)
Most people are not weird like us and don’t notice, they just google “Phoenix skyline” insert the end

Just seems to be more prevalent here. I check news on several cities around the country on a daily basis and it seems that most of the time, when there is news of the Downtown area, accompanying pics are somewhat least within a year or so.

Posting a nearly 20 year old pic though? lol :shrug:

*Edit: This is why I figured, "eh" on my post above. Silly post I'm sure. I just tend to notice these things, but the pic you posted above. Pretty cool to see the changes. Looks like Phoenix is about double that right now just in that angle alone.

fawd Apr 13, 2018 11:18 PM

My favorite is ESPN.

Watch an Arizona Wildcats game going on in Tucson, and the network will frequently use a shot of the Mill Ave bridge as a cut away. 🤔

Prestige Worldwide Apr 14, 2018 3:53 AM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8153947)
So I was reading an article:

Random construction news but check out the picture of downtown.

Look like pre Colliers? So how old is this 99? A lot has changed.

The Phelps Dodge Tower opened in 2001, so it's at least that old. It also pre-dates any Cityscape construction and Patriots Park teardown, so it's pre-2007/8. The only other indicator to date the photograph is when corporate marquee signage was allowed on skyscrapers. The Chase Tower did have signage for it's predecessor 'Bank One', which was taken over by Chase in 2005, so as best I can tell the photo is from 2001-2005.

haux Apr 14, 2018 7:22 PM

Here's the progress on The Stewart. They're starting on the 13th floor now.

stutteringpunk Apr 14, 2018 8:53 PM

That building is thicc

Phxguy Apr 14, 2018 9:04 PM

13th floor :uhh: sP00kY...

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