In most people, the disease seems to take about two weeks to recover from. So that means about 2 weeks from initial positive PCR test to negative PCR test with positive antibody test--and we need about half the population to have gone through this cycle. It seems like a lot of people have this virus and never get symptoms that they notice. So until the serology test comes fully online, we don't know what percentage of the population may already have gone through the cycle. It could be a lot . . . more than most people realize. But we need to know. |
People on this site especially should understand the benefit of listening to experts over those with ulterior motives, how many concepts in urban planning go against public intuition? Parking requiremnents? Street width? Zoning? Some things don’t make sense to the layman on the surface because we don’t understand the underlying research. It’s good to have experts and to listen to them. |
Gallup can tells how elections go with just a few hundred selected poll participants. In this case we might like more than a few hundred but a few thousand in many communities might do it. |
Again, I am not criticizing the government's decisions here to close things down. Hell, I was just walking my dog and talked with a cop about why they aren't clamping down on people letting their kids play on playground equipment(like...20 mins ago). I just want a measurable way of ending this. Not only that, but I also want us to be rational. The whole "if we can save ONE life" isn't going to work. Not when over 1 million people in California lost their jobs(or something around that) in ONE WEEK. We make choices about what risks we are willing to take every day. This is another choice we will have to make. |
Plus everything just feels so weird! I went to the store earlier and there is this weird atmosphere where everyone just seems so distrustful of each other. Those other crises you mentioned could allow for some form of public support, gather and feel some semblance of unity. The very nature of this makes us want to separate... |
I think the point you brought up, the boredom many are experiencing, and the nice weather today in Chicago is what caused all the people to pretty much act like nothing is going on on the lakefront and in parks around the city. I drove down LSD and couldn't believe the number of people out. Large groups too. And as I pointed out, people were letting their kids play on the playground equipment that had signs that said not to. The mayor threatened to shut shit down today and I think after what I saw today, she will. And that pisses me off(not at her, but all the people not paying attention) lol I've been biking on the lakeshore to clear my head every day and if I lose that one outlet...I don't know. I guess I can just ride on the streets, but it's way less stress-relieving for me. |
It hasn't even been a full week yet since Governor Newsom's California-wide stay at home order, but some people here have been acting like they've been sequestered for 2 months or something. If anything, this pandemic has shown what a bunch of pussies a lot of people are.
SARS-CoV-2 is much deadlier than H1N1, but finally a dumb debate where red states can blaze out and be dumb. Won't be much domestic air travel by then so have at it. See you at Reconstruction II
Ya know this is probably the first time 95% of people in the West have ever heard of the city of Wuhan. It will likely always be known to Westerners for coronavirus and little else, which is a shame especially since it's a proper mega-city.
NYC’s Elmhurst Hospital at coronavirus breaking point as 13 patients die in 24-hour spa
NY Post |
Senate approves $2 trillion stimulus deal.
So I guess we prepare for massive inflation now.
The bill has goodies for everyone, some designed for effect, some with elections a big factor. It'll help stabilize things but only partially, and with a lot of gaps we can hope they'll also address soon.
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