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HX_Guy Jun 30, 2010 2:20 AM

Great...when you have hope that maybe one day a local company will get big enough to maybe have a signature building downtown or be a huge local hear stuff like this...where ECOtality, a Tempe based company, is moving their corporate HQ to San Francisco.

Vicelord John Jun 30, 2010 4:34 AM

Better workforce. Wat u expect?

combusean Jun 30, 2010 8:18 AM

As an aside, the metro area needs more venues in the 5,000 seat vicinity if we want to host the Olympics someday :D

Leo the Dog Jun 30, 2010 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by HX_Guy (Post 4895764)
Great...when you have hope that maybe one day a local company will get big enough to maybe have a signature building downtown or be a huge local hear stuff like this...where ECOtality, a Tempe based company, is moving their corporate HQ to San Francisco.

That's too bad. What's ironic is, I just saw a headline on saying that "Green Jobs leaving the Golden State". It was actually a video, but I couldn't get it to load up on my computer for some reason. Maybe you can have a view.

combusean Jun 30, 2010 11:33 AM

At the same time, Avnet bought a competitor in a $485 million deal.

I think this is akin to Boeing moving it's headquarters to Chicago, or U-Haul being headquartered in Reno, or any one of the other fronts. It's unfortunate, because the brass at the top that live in the area put their all into where they live and Phoenix gets the chump change left over.

NorthScottsdale Jun 30, 2010 5:30 PM

There are plenty of companies big enough here to have a signature tower downtown... Dial, Apollo Group, Taser, etc.. Would be awesome to have Taser anchor a tower downtown..

vertex Jun 30, 2010 7:40 PM


Originally Posted by HX_Guy (Post 4895764)
Great...when you have hope that maybe one day a local company will get big enough to maybe have a signature building downtown or be a huge local hear stuff like this...where ECOtality, a Tempe based company, is moving their corporate HQ to San Francisco.

Bastards. They are dead to me now. Crossing the Nissan Leaf off my hybrid car wish list right now.

Phxguy Jun 30, 2010 9:07 PM


Originally Posted by NorthScottsdale (Post 4896396)
There are plenty of companies big enough here to have a signature tower downtown... Dial, Apollo Group, Taser, etc.. Would be awesome to have Taser anchor a tower downtown..

Don't forget the solar companies, and all of those headquaters in Scottsdale like Coldstone, Toll Brothers, Del Webb, and others.

dtnphx Jul 1, 2010 12:03 AM

America's Taco Shop Tower at Carne Asada Plaza

Leo the Dog Jul 1, 2010 12:37 AM

Anyone have any idea what's going in on McDowell, just east of 12th st. along the north side of McD?

They demolished buildings along a pretty large stretch along the north side.

Vicelord John Jul 1, 2010 12:43 AM

I think its more good sam stuff

NIXPHX77 Jul 1, 2010 4:56 AM


Originally Posted by Leo the Dog (Post 4896852)
Anyone have any idea what's going in on McDowell, just east of 12th st. along the north side of McD?

They demolished buildings along a pretty large stretch along the north side.

There really was only one bldg on each end; it has been mostly vacant for at least 7 years. sadly, the nice 2 story brick bldg on the east end (across 13th st fr Jack in the box) was demolished about 2 years ago for no good reason i know of. anyway, the big vacant lot w/ all the equip is just for staging.

Good Sam is not a good sam as far as urban entities go, imo.

mwadswor Jul 2, 2010 6:03 PM


Officials hope to link Papago Park attractions

by Derek Quizon - Jul. 1, 2010 03:08 PM

It's the site of a zoo, a municipal golf course, a ballpark, a botanical garden and several museums, including the Phoenix Historical Society Museum and the firefighting-themed Arizona Hall of Flame.

It provides a glimpse of the Valley's history, from the ruins of Hohokam Indian settlements to the remains of a World War II-era prisoner of war camp to a segment of the new light-rail line.

Papago Park, which occupies parts of Phoenix, Tempe, and the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, is home to many of the area's attractions, but the people charged with rebranding and renovating it say many residents don't recognize it as a major attraction.

This is one of the problems the municipal leaders and employees involved with the Discover Papago project are dealing with. The group, which includes officials from several Valley cities, is looking for ways to increase the park's profile and accessibility. The goal is to make it into an attraction in the mold of San Diego's Balboa Park, an urban park that draws locals and tourists.

Officials came closer to their goal when the executive board approved a draft of a 112-page master plan for the project late last month.

Shawn Wagner, an administrator for the Tempe Parks and Recreation Department, said part of the problem is getting people to realize the attractions in the park. In a series of public workshops open to comments from residents last year, many attendees said most visitors see a single attraction in the park, such as the Phoenix Zoo, and then go home, unaware of other attractions nearby.

"One of the comments from many people was, 'You go to the Phoenix Zoo, but you don't realize you're in Papago Park,' " Wagner said. "We need to do a better job of (collaborating) with the Phoenix Zoo, branding Papago Park."

Officials working on the project said that will take a major overhaul. The park is managed by many entities, including the Salt River Project and the three cities, and they do not do a good job of cross-promoting or collaborating, according to the master plan.

There is not enough information open to the public on getting from one attraction in the park to another, Wagner said. Trails within the park, managed by departments from different cities, are not connected with one another. Many significant landmarks and archeological sites are unmarked.

"The park is very divided right now, between golf courses and the zoo, the Tempe section and the Phoenix section," said Marsha Miller, co-owner of the consulting agency KDA Creative, which helped with the project last year. "That was kind of the idea in coming up with the plan, to make it one unit . . . that works together and is not separated."

One of the keys to making that happen is spreading the word that a trip to see a spring-training game at Phoenix Municipal Stadium or the Desert Botanical Garden can become an all-day excursion to museums, archeological sites and nature trails. Wagner said administrators are looking at putting in kiosks with pamphlets and maps showing visitors how to go from one attraction to another. A visitors center and more parking could increase accessibility, he said.

Ricardo Leonard, a councilman for the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, said he is interested in parts of the project that would improve access to sites of spiritual and historical significance to his community.

"There was never enough information there to (tell) people who go there where they're at, and what significance it holds for our people," Leonard said of the archeological sites. "I think it would bring a lot more reverence and respect to the area."

Officials admit the renovations could take years, particularly with the cities scrambling to balance their budgets in the face of falling revenues. Leonard said he expects serious work to begin within the next two years, but it depends heavily on the state of the economy.

Phoenix Parks Supervisor Tim Merritt said parts of the plan, including connecting trails across city boundaries, could begin as early as next year if enough unpaid volunteers are willing to help. Other parts, including a multi-million dollar visitors center, will take many years.

The master plan is the latest in a series of plans since 1998 to improve Papago Park. The first plan resulted in renovations to Phoenix Municipal Stadium, increased vegetation and conversion of some roads to nature trails, Merritt said.

Officials are hoping the latest plan to link attractions could provide the push the park needs to become a nationally-renowned urban park.

"We would like an ideal spot where people can come and get to know Arizona," Leonard said.
I love the idea. Papago park has a pretty impressive list of attractions, but it's balkanized and very difficult to get around in without a car. Connecting trails is a nice, cheap start, but a circulator bus or 2 would do a much better job linking the park together and making it more accessible IMO.

phoenixboi08 Jul 2, 2010 8:48 PM


Originally Posted by mwadswor (Post 4898508)

Duh! :/

PhxPavilion Jul 3, 2010 7:41 AM


Originally Posted by Luke Skyscraper (Post 4887961)
Can anyone post a photo of the new Childrens Hospital? How is it coming along?

I think it's very nice, definitely not your typical boring beige Phoenix box. It has a strip of RGB LEDs at the top of the building's extruding rounded section. They've been testing it for a week or two now.

RTD Jul 4, 2010 4:10 PM

Happy Independence Day, my brothers to the south!

Leo the Dog Jul 8, 2010 2:19 PM

Anyone know why the demo of the old ramada/sahara hotel on 1st/Polk has stopped for weeks? There is no activity or equipment now.

Schadenfreude Jul 13, 2010 2:10 AM


Originally Posted by Leo the Dog (Post 4904640)
Anyone know why the demo of the old ramada/sahara hotel on 1st/Polk has stopped for weeks? There is no activity or equipment now.

I noticed that stopped and the permits that were posted came down. They only took down 2 buildings and stopped. A new construction fence has been put up around the entire hotel.

On another note, I noticed today that the AZ Republic building has begun work on their building on the south side facing Van Buren. I imagine this is where the studio is going to be located when they move it over.

bwonger06 Jul 13, 2010 8:16 AM

So after the meeting today, I decided to look up a few of the properties downtown.

The Property on the Northeast corner of Pierce and Central is owned by Kurt Schneider. It looks like he is genuinely involved in the downtown area even though he has been sitting on the property for about 10 years (he developed restored the offices just north of there).

Another "entity" that owns several lots is the Phoenix Preservation Partnership. It is ironic they have this name because all of their lots are empty and more ridiculous is the fact that their mailing address is located in Rhode Freaking Island. Currently they own the lot just North of Amsterdam, the lot West of Amsterdam and the lot North of Circle K. These guys seem really fishy and I cannot track down any of their properties.

The last piece of property I was really interested in is the lot on the southeast corner of Central and Pierce. Owned by another entity with two big empty lots. They are currently marketing the both lots and the website is below. It would be a very interesting time to buy given the downturn in the market but these guys seem to be in not distress so they might seek to sell above market. You guys one to sell of our houses pool our money together and buy these baby? We can sleep there in tents and plant some trees. :jester:

Ok so Morris Reznik (original owner of the Jewel Box and the whole block) recently passed away in March. Maybe this might motivate them to do something with the property considering they've had it for over 30 years.

glynnjamin Jul 20, 2010 9:17 PM

So...was this posted somewhere else and I missed hearing about it?

An indie movie theatre with booze on 2nd St & Garfield

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