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Leo the Dog Oct 9, 2009 1:52 PM

Great attempt.

I can't believe this city purposely tries to get people out of DT as fast as possible! That is absolutely crazy. Phoenix is already one of the easiest cities to drive in. DT has freeway access in every direction, its really not that difficult. I don't think we need our police to be tied up in over-time traffic duty before and after DT sporting events.

combusean Oct 9, 2009 3:49 PM

^ Amen. Thanks a bunch for working at this John...and you too Hoover with the park. john hit the nail on the head with every point, and their dimwitted assistant completely glosses over the point.

With kooks like that pulling the strings it's really a surprise that we've made it this far.

frooney Oct 9, 2009 8:53 PM

Hi everyone, I have been a long time lurker and thought this would be a good time to post. I moved from Flagstaff to Denver a year ago and wanted to say the traffic management downtown Phoenix after a game doesn't help. By Coors Field, one block is closed directly in from of the will-call window. I cannot recall seeing an accident downtown after a game and if you choose to drive, traffic flows quickly with police directing traffic at busy intersections. There is no need to close other streets. LoDo is a great example of how stadiums can revitalize an area and Phoenix seems to be ignoring the benefits. How can the city expect downtown to be viable if they usher everyone out as soon as possible?

dtnphx Oct 9, 2009 10:59 PM

From Downtown Journal:

That would be an awesome add for downtown!

HX_Guy Oct 9, 2009 11:34 PM

Yes but looks like Calabria closed. Too bad it always seems like one places closed and another replaces it, instead of adding to what is already there.

combusean Oct 10, 2009 2:40 AM

The Hospice of the Valley campus on 16th St and Osborn has a project number attached to it: 08-2043. There's a big ass crane on site and construction is well under way.



2 stories above ground of office and 4 floors below ground for parking? That seems ridiculously overparked right?

Vicelord John Oct 10, 2009 2:42 AM

Didn't someone call me an asshole a while back regarding the hospice of the valley project?

i seem to recall he identified who owns the parcel, and then asked what was going on. I told him hospice of hte valley offices and he got pissed.

Look waht it is, hospice of hte valley offices.

And wtf is up with that big apartment building on 16th street??? holy out of place, batman!

combusean Oct 10, 2009 3:17 AM

I was gonna comment on that too. It's like it came out of nowhere. I had no idea it would get to what, 6 stories?

PhxPavilion Oct 10, 2009 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Vicelord John (Post 4499051)
Didn't someone call me an asshole a while back regarding the hospice of the valley project?

i seem to recall he identified who owns the parcel, and then asked what was going on. I told him hospice of hte valley offices and he got pissed.

Look waht it is, hospice of hte valley offices.

Just like when you called me something to the affect of stupid idiot when I claimed the 44 Monroe crown was going to be scaled back right. You are an asshole, admit it and move on.

Vicelord John Oct 10, 2009 11:55 PM

I've referred to myself as an asshole a million times. I call things the way they are.

Now you move on.

And yea Sean, wtf? We never had discussion about that project except for maybe one post.

combusean Oct 11, 2009 12:56 AM

Nobody here really represents the Biltmore. They built (are building?) the 10 or 12 story office tower on 24th st and I think I saw one picture of it. The massive PCH gets a nod very rarely.

BTW, from what i saw of it, the apartment building on 16th st is fucking awful at ground level.

Vicelord John Oct 11, 2009 1:05 AM

It didn't look too awful to me, but it did look out of place. I'm whole-heartedly surprised we didn't hear about NIMBYs in the newspaper about this.

HooverDam Oct 11, 2009 10:34 PM


Arizona Science Center gains museum's assets
Pact also allows center to operate Phoenix Museum of History building
5 comments by Kathleen Gormley - Oct. 9, 2009 12:00 AM
The Arizona Republic
The Arizona Science Center has acquired the assets of the Phoenix Museum of History under a new operating agreement that also gives it the right to occupy the museum's building.

The Phoenix Museum of History, 105 N. Fifth St., closed its doors June 30 because of financial problems.

The science center, 600 E. Washington St., has agreed to provide at least 5,400 square feet of space dedicated to Phoenix history in one of the two buildings, city officials said. The history museum totals 20,000 square feet.

The Phoenix City Council approved the agreement Wednesday in which the science center will operate both buildings. The city owns the buildings and is responsible for maintenance of them.

The museums pay rent to the city to occupy the buildings.

"This is not a merger," said Ruth Osuna, deputy city manager. "It is a transfer of assets of the Museum of History to the science center."

The museum, which has been looking for a financial partner, contacted the Arizona Science Center about a partnership "about 17 or 18 months ago," said Chevy Humphrey, president and CEO of the science center.

Kristin Priscella, science center senior director of communications, said the science center is "working on a plan to catalogue the artifacts that were part of the history museum's asset acquisition."

She said a reopening date for the history section is to be determined.

The Phoenix Museum of History name will stay on the building for now, Osuna said.

Humphrey said that in the future, the museum name could include a tagline referencing its relationship with the science center.

City officials expressed approval of the new relationship.

"I thought this was in the best interests of residents. It is a way to preserve Phoenix's history and original content of the museum," Osuna said.

The science center and the museum worked closely together and "there will be a continued relationship between the two organizations," she said, adding that the history museum's board of directors will continue to exist.

The city of Phoenix reimburses the science center for 50 percent of its utility costs for the science-center building.

The city's Parks and Recreation department budgeted $185,000 in fiscal 2009-10 for these costs, according to city documents.

Humphrey said she doesn't anticipate a problem funding utilities for the second building.

"I think it was a win-win for everybody," Osuna said.
Welp its good that the history museum isnt going away entirely. It was never a very impressive museum to begin with and now itll be even less so it sounds like, but I suppose its better than nothing.

PhxPavilion Oct 12, 2009 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 4500178)
Nobody here really represents the Biltmore. They built (are building?) the 10 or 12 story office tower on 24th st and I think I saw one picture of it. The massive PCH gets a nod very rarely.

The PCH is right around the corner from me, I'll try and take some new shots but my camera sucks so don't expect much.

HX_Guy Oct 13, 2009 12:18 AM

They are doing something around Chase tower's moat. I wish they would know down the damn fortress walls.

gymratmanaz Oct 13, 2009 12:20 AM

I forgot to tell you HX...they will be redoing all the landscaping. No word on whether they will remove the moat walls. I hope they do!!!!!!!!

Vicelord John Oct 13, 2009 1:51 AM

Tear down this wall!!!

Leo the Dog Oct 13, 2009 1:56 PM

^^^ thank you Ron.

Gump Oct 14, 2009 3:47 AM


Originally Posted by Vicelord John (Post 4496648)
which is exactly what I received.


Good afternoon, thank you for contacting our office with your concerns. I will forward your traffic related issue to Downtown Operations, they will be of further assistance in giving you a final answer to the reasons why the practice is maintained. In regards to the traffic flow issue, the city will maintain its standard in getting individuals out of downtown as quickly as possible after major sporting and other events. By doing this, the city allows the traffic flow exiting the venues access towards the freeways, which will help to get traffic flow back to the normal. If this did not occur, the streets would be grid locked, which may cause accidents and further delays for residents and patrons.

The barricade process helps to move things quickly in order to return to a normal traffic pattern. We apologize for any inconvenience, however, the practice is necessary in giving valley residents adequate access to the major freeways. Most of these individuals choose to go straight home after the events and not hang out in Downtown, due to personal choice. I hope this helps and contact me if you have further questions.


Stephen Vital
City of Phoenix, District 8

And my response I just sent:


My point, which I think you missed, is that years ago when this practice was put in place, there were not a significant number of downtown residents. Now that there are a lot of people living in the city, this has become a measure which is based on a decade old policy and needs to be drastically revised. It is making a bold assumption that nobody will be displaced by it, when in fact many of us are.

It’s too bad that there are no individuals who take this complaint (which I’m sure your office has heard before) seriously and gives the quick brush off to anyone whom detests it enough to write on the matter.


A meeting was held several months ago with the City of Phoenix, Dept. of Streets, Police, and Downtown Phoenix Partnership. At that time, the City agreed to modify the way they moved people out of the Stadiums. Despite that commitment, nothing has changed.

It was pointed out at the meeting that other Cities have ballparks, but they do not shut down traffic throughout the City when the games ended. However, there was great concern that people might jaywalk, and then be struck by cars if the City of Phoenix did not continue with their "sunburst evacuation" plan.

Until we get some people in the government that have actually spent time in a real downtown, we may be stuck with such ridiculous positions.

SunDevil Oct 14, 2009 4:40 AM


Originally Posted by Gump (Post 4504208)
A meeting was held several months ago with the City of Phoenix, Dept. of Streets, Police, and Downtown Phoenix Partnership. At that time, the City agreed to modify the way they moved people out of the Stadiums. Despite that commitment, nothing has changed.

It was pointed out at the meeting that other Cities have ballparks, but they do not shut down traffic throughout the City when the games ended. However, there was great concern that people might jaywalk, and then be struck by cars if the City of Phoenix did not continue with their "sunburst evacuation" plan.

Until we get some people in the government that have actually spent time in a real downtown, we may be stuck with such ridiculous positions.

That's just, I don't know what to say! Couldn't some one as still get struck by a car under their current plan? Better tell the Suns and D'backs to close up shop, some one my get hit by a car while jaywalking after the game. That is the worst and dumbest excuse I've ever heard and I've heard, "I'm too lazy to do it."

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