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HX_Guy Jun 23, 2011 5:36 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 5326102)
The Phoenix Police Museum presently occupies the ground floor of the Barrister Building. I'm curious what will happen to them.

Has anyone actually ever been there? I've peeked through the window only to be spooked by the police mannequin on the other side of the glass and that was about my only experience with it.

combusean Jun 23, 2011 5:44 PM

I have. It's pretty cool inside, and it's free.

Classical in Phoenix Jun 23, 2011 6:25 PM


Originally Posted by HooverDam (Post 5325181)
off topic but: has she had Ms Annabelle Davey for Science? She's a friend of mine.

I just asked my daughter and she has not had Ms Davey. She thought Ms Davey could possibly be the 7th grade Science Teacher. If Ms Davey is the 7th grade teacher, any good word you could put in for Audra Hoover (real last name), would be appreciated! :D

HooverDam Jun 23, 2011 8:47 PM

So the Catholic Church may move its Cathedral location to St Mary's Downtown according to this article:

Being brought up Protestant I had always assumed St Mary's was the Cathedral like the article mentioned. Here's an interesting excerpt:



The basilica seats 850 people, so DeFrancesco said the option "would require an expansion of St. Mary's Basilica to accommodate additional seating" while maintaining its appearance and historical significance.

An expansion likely would have the goal of more than doubling the basilica's size, to 2,000 seats or more.

Space exists on the eastern and western sides of St. Mary's for expansion. To the west is a building housing church offices and Franciscan residences, and to the east is the courtyard. But most of the talk has focused on expanding the church northward, where a small parking lot takes up space between the church and Van Buren Street.

Millea, an attorney who has worked with parish officials and Phoenix on methods to protect the church building during construction of the Phoenix Convention Center, said he thinks changes to the building are unlikely.

Glad to hear they won't be touching the historic building. I'll be very interested in this plan, I really hope they build to the Northward. Losing that small surface lot on Van Buren would be terrific and I'd hate to lose that Courtyard to the East, its one of the best green spaces Downtown. A new grand building with a pedestrian friendly entrance facing VB would be great though.


Originally Posted by shawneriksmith (Post 5325927)

Some good news:

"The renovation of the Barrister Place Building at Central Avenue and Jefferson Street is expected to be completed much sooner and is expected to be the Phoenix headquarters for the Institute of Advanced Health."

That is good, I'm glad the Barrister building will have a new life. Though to be honest I had hoped for a boutique hotel there. It was originally a hotel I think (the Jefferson) and would be great as one again. We have so few large historic buildings that I hope for ones like this, the potential Hotel Monroe and the Westward Ho to become hotels because of course they'd be unique but also because more people would be able to experience them.


Originally Posted by Classical in Phoenix (Post 5326199)
I just asked my daughter and she has not had Ms Davey. She thought Ms Davey could possibly be the 7th grade Science Teacher. If Ms Davey is the 7th grade teacher, any good word you could put in for Audra Hoover (real last name), would be appreciated! :D

Yes I believe she does teach 7th grade. I'm actually closer friends with Ms Davey's fiance, a buddy of mine from HS. Ill put in a good word, us "Hoovers" (even though mine was just a random screen name choice) got to stick together.

Kroney Jun 24, 2011 3:23 AM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 5326102)
The Phoenix Police Museum presently occupies the ground floor of the Barrister Building. I'm curious what will happen to them.

I visited the museum about a month ago. One of the volunteers mentioned that the museum is moving into the historic county courthouse and city hall building (1st Ave & Washington). I forget the exact timing of the move but it will happen this year. Obviously, it will be located in the city's portion of the building.

PhxER Jun 24, 2011 8:19 PM

South Phoenix Redevelopment
A portion of south Phoenix along Interstate 10 and the Salt River long has been an eyesore, but Phoenix officials hope a $175,000 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency could lead to development on some of the vacant properties.

The targeted area is a 2.5-square-mile section along the Salt River dubbed the Del Rio Area Brownfields Project from Seventh Avenue to 16th Street and from the Salt River to Broadway Road.

One of the panelists is a developer, Chadwic Gifford of Catalyst Holdings, who hopes to acquire some of the properties for an indoor theme park.

Supporters of the Rio Salado Habitat believe the properties should be redeveloped in a way that complements the habitat and the Nina Mason Pulliam Rio Salado Audubon Center, which are near Central Avenue and the river.

Read more at:

combusean Jun 30, 2011 12:54 AM

The Lofts at McKinley, 809 N 5th Ave, started demolition work today and put their sign up.

HooverDam Jun 30, 2011 2:05 AM

^They're not demo-ing the red brick building with the tile roofs, right? Just the parking lot to the South of that?

combusean Jun 30, 2011 2:33 AM

The red brick building is going to be torn down. I've been waiting for this day for a while.

HooverDam Jun 30, 2011 3:16 AM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 5333182)
The red brick building is going to be torn down. I've been waiting for this day for a while.

Hm well I sure hope its not just another tear it down, run out of cash, leave a dirt lot in their wake sort of deal.

HX_Guy Jun 30, 2011 5:26 AM

More details on the mayor's move in at Chateau on Central. Cool to see he is will be working on putting some deals together to help Phoenix develop, maybe he can get some nice projects off the ground.

pbenjamin Jun 30, 2011 6:06 PM

The AP person thinks that Central and Palm Lane is downtown.

Vicelord John Jun 30, 2011 7:06 PM


Originally Posted by pbenjamin (Post 5333760)
The AP person thinks that Central and Palm Lane is downtown.

for anyone not living downtown, it is. I had a co-worker refer to Richardson's as downtown yesterday. I let it go. :tup:

gymratmanaz Jun 30, 2011 7:13 PM

Thought of you, John. I was just at Cityscape getting a sandwich at your favorite place. When I saw the delivery kid come back nearly dying from the heat, I figured he had delivered to you! ;)

Vicelord John Jun 30, 2011 7:17 PM


He delivered to me on Saturday afternoon and his bike got a flat at the convention center. He literally jogged the rest of the way as he had to make the delivery.

I stopped eating there, as they have messed up my order literally 3 out of every 5 orders. In the store it's easy to remedy, but when you have it delivered it's tough.

I just have bad luck at sandwich shops though I guess. I went to the subway at 7/mcdowell 4 times in a row and they were out of flatbreads so I wrote corporate. I get a very apologetic email from the franchise owner saying they should never be out, blah blah blah, she will make sure they always have every item in, blah blah blah, and to come in and show this email for a free flatbread sandwich. When I went in to redeem it, they were out of flatbreads.... lol

gymratmanaz Jun 30, 2011 7:25 PM

looking forward to Chipotle I bet. :)

nickw252 Jul 1, 2011 12:53 AM

moved to ASU/UA thread

HooverDam Jul 1, 2011 1:02 AM

Edit: ^^^ well then i'll move my reply there too :p

gymratmanaz Jul 1, 2011 1:18 AM


pbenjamin Jul 1, 2011 6:30 AM

The "Tom Horne building" has windows knocked out and appears to be gutted inside.

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