Wood, I think, has the best traction under ice and snow without needing the structural support required for concrete.
Chicago Sucks!!! Here's an idea why don't they not ticket my car for being in one spot for more than 7 days. No, it's not abandoned I just went on vacation for 10 days and I don't have a garage to park it in. Then they give me tickets for it being more than 12 inches from the curb which it wasn't. It was right against the curb. Then they send me a letter in the mail saying that since I abandoned my car would I like to give them my title to it as well so they can junk it. How about not giving out harassing tickets to tax paying citizens of the city. I had current registration and city stickers and was parked in a legal spot.
This was the worst welcome home I can get. I am seriously thinking about moving to Florida now to get away from all this Chicago BS. |
I would definitely contest any tickets if you think their claims are false. Yeah, I can imagine why you'd be annoyed. Keeping a car in a big city is a hassle. That's something one has to accept. If the inconveniences of car ownership are enough to make you move to Florida, then you really should consider leaving. |
^^^^ It's rough parking on the street, no denying it. I've payed my fair share of tickets, including two $50 tickets within 25 minutes of each other. I was parked when they were scheduled to do street cleaning. I was lucky I moved my car before they could tow it which would have happened with ticket # three. If I ever live within the city limits again, I'll either give up having a car or pay for a permanent spot. Definitely incentive to take public transit.
Hope you can fight some of those tickets. |
^I just park in the garage....
I'm definitely going to fight them. I knew about the law but last year I parked in the same spot for 10 days over Christmas time and they didn't bother it then. This time though it was covered in a mountain of snow so it was much more noticeable. The same cop wrote all the tickets I got. So, I'm sure he saw it there everyday.
I didn't know they were so strict with the abandoned vehicle law. I could see if it was there for a month, but 7 days isn't that long. Perhaps a warning after 7 days. Do you think I have a chance to contest it? I wasn't abandoning it. I was just gone on vacation for a few days. I don't have a garage. My landlord doesn't want people parking cars behind our building for some reason. |
I went past the Oakton station site in Skokie today. No pictures, but there were several crews out doing utility relocation and so forth.
They're also pouring the curb bumpouts for the stationhouse and auxiliary entrance at Morgan. |
^^ Having said that, I now was able to locate a PDF news release on Skokie's website dating from October 14th.
Speaking of station construction, anyone know anything about a Morgan St. station for the Greenline? Has anything started yet?
Can’t say I care much for the Oakton Station (though I do like the black-on-yellow signage)—I’d like something crisp and modern would work better at that site—I’m imagining something like the renovated Dan Ryan stations, but at grade level. The station also looks awfully big for something to only needs to berth two-car trains. Oh well, I can’t stand most Metra stations’ cutesy architecture either.
It’s good to hear they’re getting some work done—I would imagine utility relocation would be a big deal for any work on the Yellow Line. There’s often so much invisible work to be done in any major public work—our agencies really should do a better job of explaining to the public what’s going on and why, so the impression that nothing ever happens (which was my first reaction while passing Oakton a few months ago) can be avoided. |
Who else is excited about the bus only lanes through the loop? I think those are supposed to be started early this year. I know when I took the #56 out of the west loop from old job to Wicker Park it was a complete madhouse on Madison during rush hour. A dedicated bus lane should definitely help. |
I've got no problem with the higher rates downtown...but this is nonsense
Man Gets Ticket While Paying $5 For One Hour Of Parking Downtown (VIDEO) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/0..._n_804807.html |
Train Tracker is live.
Red/Purple Modernization project has a website (and a logo). Scoping meetings to be held the last week of January in four North Lakefront locations. |
http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/cta-...ta-review.html Hope that's helpful. |
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