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Chicagolover88 May 7, 2020 7:44 PM

So is the building 812ft or 832ft

rivernorthlurker May 7, 2020 8:13 PM


Originally Posted by Chicagolover88 (Post 8915426)
So is the building 812ft or 832ft

IIRC it is 835 ft but is set 22 ft below where WPE is. The 2 photos above shows this pretty clearly that it is starting from a lower position than WPE (and other buildings in the loop).

harryc May 7, 2020 10:20 PM

May 7

Chicagoi | Sales ForceTower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

Now that this has apiered we are UC
Chicagoi | Sales ForceTower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr
The chains are(were) holding up a rebar cage as the concrete set.

KWillChicago May 7, 2020 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by rivernorthlurker (Post 8915453)
IIRC it is 835 ft but is set 22 ft below where WPE is. The 2 photos above shows this pretty clearly that it is starting from a lower position than WPE (and other buildings in the loop).

How is is starting lower than LPE? Same construction starting at river line building the riverwalk built above. And lobby being at street level. Unless im missing somthing?

harryc May 8, 2020 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by rivernorthlurker (Post 8915453)
IIRC it is 835 ft but is set 22 ft below where WPE is. The 2 photos above shows this pretty clearly that it is starting from a lower position than WPE (and other buildings in the loop).

East [ May 2018 ]
Wolf Point East by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

West [ Dec 2013 ]
Chicago | Wolf Point West by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

rivernorthlurker May 8, 2020 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Chicagolover88 (Post 8915426)
So is the building 812ft or 832ft


I think the diagram shows this a little more clearly. . Building is 813' from plaza/street level and 835' from the Riverwalk.

aaron38 May 8, 2020 5:20 PM

Looks good enough for me. It was 8 weeks ago we were sent home from work, and I've barely left the house since. Nice to see that work is proceeding. We'll get through this and bounce back.

Congrats Salesforce on starting construction!

:banana: :banana: :awesome: :banana: :banana:

Donnie77 May 8, 2020 11:59 PM

is that OCS's crane in the far right?

BuildThemTaller May 9, 2020 4:32 PM


Originally Posted by Donnie77 (Post 8916637)
is that OCS's crane in the far right?

That last pick is from 2013 and shows River Point U/C. There's no way you can see One Chicago Square from Wolf Point. The Merch Mart is in the way.

Chicagolover88 May 9, 2020 6:46 PM

I'm so excited for this project!

rivernorthlurker May 9, 2020 7:31 PM


Originally Posted by BuildThemTaller (Post 8917085)
That last pick is from 2013 and shows River Point U/C. There's no way you can see One Chicago Square from Wolf Point. The Merch Mart is in the way.

OCS is nowhere near in both space and time :P

Donnie77 May 9, 2020 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by rivernorthlurker (Post 8917239)
OCS is nowhere near in both space and time :P

sorry i forgot to post link,( )you were saying?:sly: far right red crane above yellow crane!

pianowizard May 10, 2020 12:25 AM

Back in April 2019 virtually everyone was disappointed by this project, saying that this prime location needed something iconic, and that this was "the missed opportunity of a lifetime" - see pages 57 and 58. How come people are now so excited about it?

Skyguy_7 May 10, 2020 1:07 AM

^Because they’re in the ground now and there’s no sense in complaining about it at this point. We’re all pretty happy to have a new tower UC in this climate of late.

Toasty Joe May 10, 2020 3:05 AM


Originally Posted by pianowizard (Post 8917462)
Back in April 2019 virtually everyone was disappointed by this project, saying that this prime location needed something iconic, and that this was "the missed opportunity of a lifetime" - see pages 57 and 58. How come people are now so excited about it?

to add to skyguy... still disappointed they had this prime location and couldn't finish it off with a proper centerpiece. sure, it's a shiny, sleek tower, but not enough of a distinguishing factor. if they added 50-100ft and a lantern like a shorter version of the one on the comcast technology center in philly (lit up in salesforce blue?) you could have a distinguished tower in one of the most prominent, historic sites in the city, if not the whole nation.

surprising coming from Salesforce seeing their towers in other cities tend to stand out from their surroundings creatively and tastefully... SF, Indy, hell even NY with their glass.

killaviews May 10, 2020 3:27 AM

In the grand scheme of things, it’s alright - this tower will do the job. This will be one of the most unique, beautiful urban spots in the world. Rivers, trains, boats, skyscrapers. It works at the human scale. It could have had a more iconic design, but the location will still leave an iconic impression on everyone. You don’t see miss opportunities so much when all the pieces are in place.

Donnie77 May 10, 2020 6:05 AM i forgot to post link...

check in the daytime and see if its above the yellow crane in the far right! OCS?

rivernorthlurker May 10, 2020 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Donnie77 (Post 8917630) i forgot to post link...

check in the daytime and see if its above the yellow crane in the far right! OCS?

Hot dang you're right. Didn't see it before. We should be able to see OCS rise just barely from the Wolf Point cam.

BuildThemTaller May 10, 2020 3:12 PM


Originally Posted by Toasty Joe (Post 8917557)
to add to skyguy... still disappointed they had this prime location and couldn't finish it off with a proper centerpiece. sure, it's a shiny, sleek tower, but not enough of a distinguishing factor. if they added 50-100ft and a lantern like a shorter version of the one on the comcast technology center in philly (lit up in salesforce blue?) you could have a distinguished tower in one of the most prominent, historic sites in the city, if not the whole nation.

surprising coming from Salesforce seeing their towers in other cities tend to stand out from their surroundings creatively and tastefully... SF, Indy, hell even NY with their glass.

Salesforce Tower in Indianapolis was built 27 years before the company bought the naming rights. And the only reason the former Chase Bank Tower stands out is that it is the tallest thing in Indiana. Coincidentally, the Chicago Salesforce Tower will be taller than Indianapolis version, even including the spires. As for New York City, it hardly stands out unless you happen to be in Bryant Park. Otherwise, you don't even see it. It's a nice enough building.

I like the design of this one and think Pelli Clarke Pelli did a fine job. It has a commanding location and will look tall to everyone on the street and river. It's a shame they couldn't tack on an additional 10 stories or add a hotel component to make it truly stand out in the skyline. Either way, I'm just happy it is fully financed and under construction. It's a net positive to the city even if it isn't an iconic addition.

Zapatan May 10, 2020 5:01 PM


Originally Posted by pianowizard (Post 8917462)
Back in April 2019 virtually everyone was disappointed by this project, saying that this prime location needed something iconic, and that this was "the missed opportunity of a lifetime" - see pages 57 and 58. How come people are now so excited about it?

For me it's because there's nothing else we can do and at the end of the day a nice looking 800+ foot office tower is filling site that really needs to be filled.

The disappointment has worn off and reality acceptance has begun I guess. Good thing there's a lot going on in Chicago at the moment.

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