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rivernorthlurker Apr 5, 2020 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyCres (Post 8885302)

South Site cleared and has two Excavators!

EDIT: I guess it might break ground this spring after all!

Wow totally amazing - thanks for sharing.

Chicago skyscrapers: Can't stop. Won't stop. :notacrook:

CrazyCres Apr 6, 2020 1:46 AM

Is there an official height for the building?

I know this forum says 835ft so does the CTBUH but salesforce says the building will top out at 813ft, and the plan was approved for a building at a maximum 950ft tower.

So could the height still change?

Also: Don't expect a ceremonial groundbreaking for the site because Southbridge is ramping up construction and their ceremony was canceled due to obvious reasons.

Zapatan Apr 6, 2020 2:10 AM


Originally Posted by CrazyCres (Post 8885547)
Is there an official height for the building?

I know this forum says 835ft so does the CTBUH but salesforce says the building will top out at 813ft, and the plan was approved for a building at a maximum 950ft tower.

So could the height still change?

The 813 and 835 figures are for the same building but above different entrances (main vs riverwalk). 950 was the original height before it got cut.

And no I wouldn't expect anything but who knows.

Handro Apr 8, 2020 2:38 PM

Foundation permit issued yesterday!

CrazyCres Apr 8, 2020 4:37 PM


Originally Posted by Handro (Post 8887823)
Foundation permit issued yesterday!


PittsburghPA Apr 9, 2020 4:33 PM

Officially name changed "Sales Force Tower Chicago"

KWillChicago Apr 9, 2020 10:05 PM

I can't remember, did they tear up the whole parking lot or are they breaking up the asphalt on this last part? Also, I think I brought it up before but doesn't the river get really shallow there? Will they be able to get a barge, hopefully big red, next to wolf point?

r18tdi Apr 10, 2020 4:06 AM


Originally Posted by PittsburghPA (Post 8888956)
Officially name changed "Sales Force Tower Chicago"

What was it before?

TheIllinoisan Apr 10, 2020 6:30 AM


Originally Posted by r18tdi (Post 8889708)
What was it before?

Featureless Blue Monolith No. 37; Extra Height.

harryc Apr 10, 2020 10:51 AM

Site Prep - for real
April 9

Chicago | Sales Force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

The old "natural" shoreline - April 2013
Chicago | Sales Force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr


Originally Posted by KWillChicago (Post 8889417)
I can't remember, did they tear up the whole parking lot or are they breaking up the asphalt on this last part? Also, I think I brought it up before but doesn't the river get really shallow there? Will they be able to get a barge, hopefully big red, next to wolf point?

note the waves on the left - I believe that indicates a shallow area - BVic is or riverine expert.
Chicago | Sales Force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

Chicago | Sales Force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

Chicago | Sales Force Tower by Harry Carmichael, on Flickr

maru2501 Apr 10, 2020 2:27 PM

wow. nice surprise

Downtowntransplant Apr 10, 2020 4:04 PM

Downtown going to look much more expansive once that new BMO Tower pops up over 222 S Riverside Plaza in that last pic.

marothisu Apr 13, 2020 11:57 PM

Can we move this to U/C?

Salesforce Tower lands $500 million-plus loan; construction of 60-story office building kicks off along Chicago River despite coronavirus slowdown


Development of the 60-story Salesforce Tower office has kicked off along the Chicago River after the project secured a $500 million-plus construction loan that is one of the largest in Chicago history.

Financing was finalized amid a major economic slowdown resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, which has put into question the fates of big real estate projects throughout the world.

Salesforce Tower was able to move forward because of its deep-pocketed investors and a 500,000-square-foot lease in hand from the namesake tenant, the San Francisco-based software firm.


Lenders included JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and U.S. Bank, among others, according to Van Schaack.

He said the loan is for more than $500 million, but Van Schaack declined to be more specific. The exact amount was not yet recorded with Cook County.

“It’s a tough time for any project that has smaller investors distracted by other issues,” Van Schaack said. “With the lenders and investors that we have, we were able to stay on course. We’re very lucky for that.”


Salesforce Tower is expected to cost more than $800 million to build.
The loan was finalized April 2, said Greg Van Schaack, a Chicago-based senior managing director at development firm Hines. Work on the skyscraper’s foundation began a day or two later on the site at Orleans Street and the Chicago River, he said.

Skyguy_7 Apr 14, 2020 1:13 AM

We are lucky. Thank you Salesforce and others keeping things rolling along!

Donnie77 Apr 14, 2020 2:11 AM

I think we all know what time it is!


the urban politician Apr 14, 2020 1:45 PM

While I am happy about this news, I’m not deploying the nanners yet until the Covid crisis is under control, most people are back to work, and we at least have some semblance of our normal life back.

However, if the rise of another new tower at least provides some symbolic hope, then cheers to that!

BB 1871 Apr 14, 2020 2:16 PM

No caisson rigs onsite, no bananas. Everybody knows the rules.. especially at times like these

CrazyCres Apr 14, 2020 3:51 PM


Originally Posted by BB 1871 (Post 8893061)
No caisson rigs onsite, no bananas. Everybody knows the rules.. especially at times like these

The caisson rigs will come later, the excavators are removing the asphalt from the old parking lot so that rigs can start drilling.

marothisu Apr 14, 2020 3:56 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyCres (Post 8893169)
The caisson rigs will come later, the excavators are removing the asphalt from the old parking lot so that rigs can start drilling.

Im guessing a groundbreaking ceremony is canceled due to what's going on. Sounds like this is really in Site Prep mode.

r18tdi Apr 14, 2020 4:05 PM


Originally Posted by BB 1871 (Post 8893061)
No caisson rigs onsite, no bananas. Everybody knows the rules.. especially at times like these

Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.

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