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Zapatan Apr 13, 2019 8:18 PM


Originally Posted by HomrQT (Post 8539486)
Absolutely agree with this.

I have to as well. I've been trying to be positive about this, it's a decent looking 800+ foot building which is a nice addition pretty much anywhere... but this site was crying for a giant, or at least something spectacular design wise, or both preferably.

I'm glad there's a lot going on in Chicago, but this was definitely a missed opportunity. I expected more from Salesforce. Plus their SF tower is awesome.

Suiram Apr 17, 2019 6:16 PM


Originally Posted by HomrQT (Post 8539486)
Absolutely agree with this.

Sending my thoughts and prayers.

UPChicago Apr 17, 2019 6:35 PM

It seemed like each iteration of the tower got worse, the first design, which still was pretty bland, was actually the best.

Zerton Apr 17, 2019 6:46 PM

The whole tower is facing the wrong way.

Zapatan Apr 17, 2019 7:04 PM


Originally Posted by UPChicago (Post 8543742)
It seemed like each iteration of the tower got worse, the first design, which still was pretty bland, was actually the best.

Wasn't it originally a ~750' deodorant stick/shampoo bottle?


The whole tower is facing the wrong way.
In what way? I like the narrow end facing the river, personally.

UPChicago Apr 17, 2019 7:18 PM

950 ft

Zapatan Apr 17, 2019 7:26 PM


Originally Posted by UPChicago (Post 8543804)
950 ft

I know but wasn't there a design before that, which was shorter? I could be wrong though...

Rooster slayer Apr 17, 2019 10:56 PM

The Hell with it. Rebuild Miller Tavern. Landmark it until something worthy comes along that us formers agree on while we are toasting a few at said Miller Tavern.

Zerton Apr 18, 2019 5:38 PM


Originally Posted by Zapatan (Post 8543787)
In what way? I like the narrow end facing the river, personally.
Source: Google and me

Imo the more famous iconic views are from the bridges over the East branch of the river. Those are the bridges everyone visiting Chicago crosses, parade & marathon routes, Chicago postcard images, etc. I just think it makes more sense to orient the tower in that direction.

woodrow Apr 18, 2019 5:45 PM

There are view corridors for the Apparel Mart building that the developer and architects had to work with. Your idea for the building's orientation was a non starter.

Zerton Apr 18, 2019 5:49 PM


Originally Posted by woodrow (Post 8545041)
There are view corridors for the Apparel Mart building that the developer and architects had to work with. Your idea for the building's orientation was a non starter.

I didn't know we had London-style view corridors. Especially for such an unimportant building (we are talking about the Apparel Mart, not the Merch Mart, right?)

Why would the Apparel Mart get a view corridor in that direction? A view across the site?

I also don't see how the orientation blocks the view of the Apparel Mart and more than the planned orientation. Could you explain?

Edit: Oh, the view from the Apparel Mart. Ridiculous. They're letting views from that hideous building define this building's orientation. Which is on a much more important site.

vexxed82 Apr 18, 2019 6:41 PM


Originally Posted by Zerton (Post 8545022)
Source: Google and me

Imo the more famous iconic views are from the bridges over the East branch of the river. Those are the bridges everyone visiting Chicago crosses, parade & marathon routes, Chicago postcard images, etc. I just think it makes more sense to orient the tower in that direction.

If the better views are East down the main branch of the rive, it makes sense that the broad side of the building - with more windows and offices - would face that direction, no?

Edit: You also have to take into account the other two buildings already on that site.

Chi-Sky21 Apr 18, 2019 7:24 PM

Locked in view corridors for a building that used to have almost no windows...kinda funny..

SamInTheLoop May 21, 2019 2:23 PM

I’m not one that is disappointed in this tower - at all. I think it’s going to end up as a great piece of design, a very solid addition at its current planned height. However, for the more height-obsessed, if you’re looking for a reason to have a little hope that a small number of additional floors may be added:

1) It hasn’t been uncommon for new office towers in Chicago recently to add a few floors late in planning stages - or even after construction has commenced.

2) I think Salesforce’s lease accounts for somewhere in the roughly 45% range of the tower’s current planned total leaseable space. Recently, several new towers have had their anchor tenant account for something a bit lower - more on the order of 30-35% of total space

So, ya never know.

Chi-Sky21 May 21, 2019 3:39 PM

Not if Salesforce has more outages like they did last Friday!! 8)

Steely Dan May 21, 2019 3:50 PM


Originally Posted by SamInTheLoop (Post 8579535)

So, ya never know.

chris08876 Jul 27, 2019 6:05 PM

CTBUH recently updated their page on Salesforce for Chicago.

rivernorthlurker Jul 27, 2019 9:58 PM


Originally Posted by chris08876 (Post 8643357)
CTBUH recently updated their page on Salesforce for Chicago.

What was updated? Is this a height bump? I've seen mostly 813 ft reported in the media

Zapatan Jul 27, 2019 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by rivernorthlurker (Post 8643462)
What was updated? Is this a height bump? I've seen mostly 813 ft reported in the media

I believe one measures height above riverwalk (835) vs height above street (813) if I'm not mistaken.

Handro Sep 10, 2019 6:29 PM

A little bird told me to watch for this one to break ground in late January/February. They are slowly starting to shut down/move the staging area currently in use for WPE.

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