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38R Mar 12, 2020 6:08 PM


Originally Posted by bilbao58 (Post 8858371)
So many younger people don't seem to understand that just by getting the virus, whether they get sick or not, in fact especially if they don't get sick, they are facilitating its further spread. They also don't get that they may not even know they're infected, but Granny will know it when they visit her and she dies 3 weeks later.

Granny's lived a full life. She probably believes in Heaven, too. I'm doing her a favor. :haha:

Pedestrian Mar 12, 2020 6:10 PM


Originally Posted by 38R (Post 8859584)
Granny's lived a full life. She probably believes in Heaven, too. I'm doing her a favor. :haha:

I'm probably the same age as your "granny". I'm not laughing. Can we not be cavalier about people of any age?

sopas ej Mar 12, 2020 6:17 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 8859573)
My friend has been working for them for 12 years. He gets (or has gotten) full benefits (which are excellent) so I assume he's officially full time (when I once was a part-time employee I got no benefits so I think that's a "tell" but it's all I know about it).

I wish him luck. It's no fun being laid off; I know the experience, I was laid off twice. Very stressful, and can be depressing.

Again, good luck to him!

austlar1 Mar 12, 2020 6:18 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 8859310)
Interesting article in one of the Dow Jones publications the other day (can’t remember whether the WSJ or Barron’s): basically they pointed out that the Russian plan to get rid of US shale production can’t work because even if they bankrupt the existing companies, the oil and technology will remain and private equity or somebody will pick up the assets for pennies on the dollar and resume production.

That is happening already in the West Texas oil patch. There is so much due diligence work happening right now as the big boys prepare to take over assets of smaller debt burdened players.

hauntedheadnc Mar 12, 2020 6:27 PM

I just had to fill out a form for a state-mandated training I have to attend next week. One of the questions is "What are potential barriers to course attendance and full participation? What supports will be provided to address barriers?" I answered, "Declaration of emergency, banning of meetings and gatherings, illness among training staff or attendees."

And there's fuck-all you can do about any of that. Also, today I've been receiving a lot of emails from the various restaurants of whose loyalty clubs I'm a member. They've all been reassuring me they're taking steps to keep their staffs healthy and their restaurants clean. That's quite sobering if you think about it. I also saw something that raised the hair on my arms today (and I am hairy like sasquatch, so it was great deal of hair)... When I popped in to look around at the grocery store on my lunch break, I saw a big display of Easter candy and cards and paraphernalia and such... right next to a pilfered, half empty bay of toilet paper and an empty endcap of hand sanitizer. Kind of gave me the creeps.

Pedestrian Mar 12, 2020 6:36 PM


Originally Posted by hauntedheadnc (Post 8859625)
I just had to fill out a form for a state-mandated training I have to attend next week. One of the questions is "What are potential barriers to course attendance and full participation? What supports will be provided to address barriers?" I answered, "Declaration of emergency, banning of meetings and gatherings, illness among training staff or attendees."

And there's fuck-all you can do about any of that.

Wait 5 minutes. It'll be cancelled I betcha.

In CA, people over 70 are supposed to renew drivers licenses in person (because they do a vision test and you have to retake the written exam to be sure you aren't senile). They are talking about waving that until the crisis is over. Every hour more things are done to keep people away from each other.

Pedestrian Mar 12, 2020 6:36 PM

Duke just pulled out of the NCAA tournament. My guys. Good for them!

austlar1 Mar 12, 2020 6:39 PM


Originally Posted by hauntedheadnc (Post 8859625)
I just had to fill out a form for a state-mandated training I have to attend next week. One of the questions is "What are potential barriers to course attendance and full participation? What supports will be provided to address barriers?" I answered, "Declaration of emergency, banning of meetings and gatherings, illness among training staff or attendees."

And there's fuck-all you can do about any of that. Also, today I've been receiving a lot of emails from the various restaurants of whose loyalty clubs I'm a member. They've all been reassuring me they're taking steps to keep their staffs healthy and their restaurants clean. That's quite sobering if you think about it. I also saw something that raised the hair on my arms today (and I am hairy like sasquatch, so it was great deal of hair)... When I popped in to look around at the grocery store on my lunch break, I saw a big display of Easter candy and cards and paraphernalia and such... right next to a pilfered, half empty bay of toilet paper and an empty endcap of hand sanitizer. Kind of gave me the creeps.

My little corner of SW Austin is behaving rather normally. I keep seeing pics posted by friends in other parts of the metro showing empty shelves and aisles devoid of toilet paper, paper towels, and bottled water. The HEB in my neighborhood and the Randall's both had plenty of those things in stock when I made a late night run to the store yesterday. I even found a two pack of "extra strength" Purell just the other day at the HEB. I haven't been to the nearby Costco. I did notice that their parking lot is overflowing, so I guess the bulk buyers are having a field day over there. My membership expired, and I am too cheap (and after the recent market collapse probably too broke) to renew my membership.

38R Mar 12, 2020 6:43 PM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 8859630)
OK, be a pr*ck. :rolleyes:

FYI it's not about political correctness. You're being personally and pointedly offensive but that's what you intend I'm sure.

"It's not political correctness when I'm the one who's offended!"

Uh, actually it is.

Pedestrian Mar 12, 2020 6:45 PM


Chisouthside Mar 12, 2020 6:46 PM


Originally Posted by sopas ej (Post 8859554)
I'm no expert, but anyway, yes, he can apply for unemployment. If you are a full-time employee and your hours were reduced, and you weren't officially made a "part-time" employee, and if you are not being scheduled to work because "things have slowed down," you can apply and be approved for unemployment benefits.

If you are a seasonal worker, a contract worker, or officially signed up for a temporary job with a company where you know the date of when your job will end, you can't apply for unemployment. Well, you can apply, but you'll be denied.

From my experience in silicon valley alot of contract workers work 15 month contracts and then collect unemployment for 3 months and then return to that company if they havent moved on anywhere else.

hauntedheadnc Mar 12, 2020 6:49 PM


Originally Posted by austlar1 (Post 8859640)
My little corner of SW Austin is behaving rather normally. I keep seeing pics posted by friends in other parts of the metro showing empty shelves and aisles devoid of toilet paper, paper towels, and bottled water. The HEB in my neighborhood and the Randall's both had plenty of those things in stock when I made a late night run to the store yesterday. I even found a two pack of "extra strength" Purell just the other day at the HEB. I haven't been to the nearby Costco. I did notice that their parking lot is overflowing, so I guess the bulk buyers are having a field day over there. My membership expired, and I am too cheap (and after the recent market collapse probably too broke) to renew my membership.

On his lunch break my husband went across the street to the supermarket there, and reported to me the parking lot was so full he had to park at nearby restaurant and walk over. Some lady was coming out of the store with a cart filled with nothing but toilet paper -- he counted five packs of it -- while another one was coming out with all she could carry tucked under each arm.

Seems like a switch has flipped.

craigs Mar 12, 2020 6:53 PM

BART ridership yesterday was down 35% from one week earlier, in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Anecdotally, the usual weekday-evening parade of German steel through my neighborhood failed to appear yesterday. My partner said the downtown Trader Joe's was busy, but a video panorama he took of Market and 4th/Stockton at 6:30 pm showed only a couple dozen people in what would normally be one of the busiest pedestrian hubs in the region. He'll be coming home after lunch and hunkering down with me at home for an indefinite period of time.

Steely Dan Mar 12, 2020 6:54 PM

joining the NBA and NHL, MLS is now suspended too.

MLB now talking about suspension as well. seems like a forgone conclusion at this point.

suburbanite Mar 12, 2020 6:57 PM


Originally Posted by Steely Dan (Post 8859661)
joining the NBA and NHL, MLS is now suspended too.

MLB now talking about suspension as well. seems like a forgone conclusion at this point.

NHL is talking about starting playoffs in July based on current standings. Sign me up for summer patio playoff hockey.

Obadno Mar 12, 2020 7:03 PM

How quick this is all moving is pretty incredible

Of course thats how it was going in China 2 months ago and Italy/Iran a few weeks ago.

Just on Monday the Mariners were suggesting playing their first regular season games here in Phoenix for the start of the MLB season. Now I think we are hours away from them cancelling spring training and regular MLB for the time being.

Huge impact for Phoenix as half of spring training takes place in our metro area. (good thing its almost over anyway)

Also went to an AZ Department of Transpiration event this morning. Probably 1/3 of the expected attendees were no-shows.

iheartthed Mar 12, 2020 7:26 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8859676)
How quick this is all moving is pretty incredible

Of course thats how it was going in China 2 months ago and Italy/Iran a few weeks ago.

Just on Monday the Mariners were suggesting playing their first regular season games here in Phoenix for the start of the MLB season. Now I think we are hours away from them cancelling spring training and regular MLB for the time being.

Huge impact for Phoenix as half of spring training takes place in our metro area. (good thing its almost over anyway)

Also went to an AZ Department of Transpiration event this morning. Probably 1/3 of the expected attendees were no-shows.

There was some graph that I was looking at yesterday that said if no measures are taken to control spread, we should expect the number of cases to double per day. So if there are about 1,000 cases in the U.S. yesterday, there could be well over 60,000 in less than a week, if no steps were taken to control the spread.

Obadno Mar 12, 2020 7:37 PM

And there it is:

Officially the biggest impact for us so far. Probably not the last.


Following a call with the 30 Clubs, and after consultation with the Major League Baseball Players Association, Commissioner Robert D. Manfred, Jr. today announced that MLB has decided to suspend Cactus League and other Spring Training games and to delay the start of the 2020 regular season by at least two weeks due to the national emergency created by the coronavirus pandemic. This action is being taken in the interests of the safety and well-being of our players, Clubs and our millions of loyal fans.

MLB will continue to evaluate ongoing events leading up to the start of the season. Guidance related to daily operations and workouts will be relayed to Clubs in the coming days. As of 4:00 p.m. (ET) today, forthcoming Spring Training games have been canceled, and 2020 World Baseball Classic Qualifier games in Tucson, Arizona have been postponed indefinitely.

MLB and the Clubs have been preparing a variety of contingency plans regarding the 2020 regular-season schedule. MLB will announce the effects on the schedule at an appropriate time and will remain flexible as events warrant, with the hope of resuming normal operations as soon as possible.

Nothing is more important to us than the health and safety of our players, employees and fans. MLB will continue to undertake the precautions and best practices recommended by public health experts. We send our best wishes to all individuals and communities that have been impacted by coronavirus.

sopas ej Mar 12, 2020 7:51 PM

This from ABC-7 Los Angeles:

Even Coronavirus knows to avoid San Bernardino.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding!

iheartthed Mar 12, 2020 7:54 PM

Ohio just closed all schools in the state until April.

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