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Jjs5056 Sep 19, 2018 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Classical in Phoenix (Post 8311744)

This contains some interesting information including a gplet for Palm Court I don't think I was aware of, and an interesting idea for Jackson Street.

The 15 E Jackson idea is terrible; I'd be okay with well-designed residential added on, but the WD is such a mess. All of that historic frontage and they propose a grocery store? With Fry's 2 blocks away? With no residential planned since Summit? A revived Brickhouse Theater, fitness studios, boutiques, karaoke bar, etc.. so much potential.

But, why touch it until 1. USAC's fate is determined-- ideally, it stays and the garage is replaced by mixed-use but for now, the deadzone is unbearable

2. moves are made on the northern side; the buildings west of Dudley were purchased ages ago... get a bar going next door, pedestrian plaza along Central, and small retailers in the old storefronts

IOW, Jackson is dead. Why bother right now?

ChaseM Sep 19, 2018 8:57 PM

Any word on the current lawsuit involving Derby Roosevelt Row and Angels Trumpet Ale House?

biggus diggus Sep 19, 2018 9:00 PM

yes, derby isn't happening.

AnthonyPHX Sep 19, 2018 9:20 PM


Originally Posted by ChaseM (Post 8320163)
Any word on the current lawsuit involving Derby Roosevelt Row and Angels Trumpet Ale House?

Agreed. Derby is 100% dead, but the neighborhood is hot so i doubt it'll be long before we see something else in the works for that lot.

With respect to the case that killed it:

Phoenix's motion to dismiss Complaint count #7: Blight Designation was denied by ruling on Sept-12.
The ruling raises questions as to whether the 1979 blight designation expired according to law. If this is true (the fact will be litigated further in the case, it seems) then a new blight designation will probably need to be declared by Phoenix before any additional GPLET contracts can be executed. ..that is, according to my understanding of the ruling as a non-attorney.

Some parts of the lawsuit have already been dismissed.
On 5/9, the court allowed the following complaints to proceed:
Count 1: Gift Clause:
Count 4: Conveyance to Avoid Taxation
Count 6: Arbitrary and Capricious Blight Designation

..and dismissed 3 others.
Count 2: Uniformity Clause
Count 3: Special Law Clause
Count 5: Mandatory Competitive Bidding

Case info
Case documents

gymratmanaz Sep 19, 2018 9:56 PM

The Angels Trumpet near my house(44th and Oak) never seems busy, and it still only has cheap banners on the building with the name. No electronic signage or other cool naming signs. Inside is pretty bare, but maybe that is the way they want it. Just seems like very little atmosphere. ----- Better than a vacant Sears Auto garage but was hoping for something more fun and inviting.....maybe they will do more in time????????

SunDevil Sep 20, 2018 2:51 AM


Originally Posted by gymratmanaz (Post 8320234)
The Angels Trumpet near my house(44th and Oak) never seems busy, and it still only has cheap banners on the building with the name. No electronic signage or other cool naming signs. Inside is pretty bare, but maybe that is the way they want it. Just seems like very little atmosphere. ----- Better than a vacant Sears Auto garage but was hoping for something more fun and inviting.....maybe they will do more in time????????

Well, I won't wish for their failure (live near Yale St. and 36th St.) but on a side note I am not sure I want to go there.

Side-side note; the one time my wife and I went to The Porch on Indian School we had a bad experience. Some little white girl ran up to our table and left her garbage on our table. Her parents and the staff laughed. I left a review about it on Yelp.

Phxguy Sep 20, 2018 8:14 AM

Took advantage of the weather after our Seattle-esque rain and strolled around downtown. Some observations:

Rott n’ grapes at the Gold Spot held their soft opening today

Don’t know if someone already mentioned this, there’s a demolition request for the 2-story apartments at 815 N 3rd Ave.

Progress is glacial with the new Connections building at 2nd Ave and Fillmore. Still only putting up the ground floor and rebar.

Progress is happening at the Monroe Abbey. ITons of brick laid out on the car park adjacent to State 48 Brewery (which is opening this Friday!) This is the project I look forward to most!

Central Bar 101 has lights on, idk how close to opening they are.
Liquor permit up in window next to Even Stevens sandwiches on Van Buren. They’ve since opened a new ahkipoki place on the 1st Ave side.

Fry’s has 5 floors built, starting to have a Canyon-feel on 1st street

Arizona Center still blows my mind. The renovation is a breath of fresh air, I love all the little details including the ‘Arizona Center’ sign that’s larger than life of entering from 3rd st from Taylor. There was a remarkable amount of foot traffic there today, wish those vacancies would fill up already!

The ‘For lease’ sign in front of the former Milk Bar is gone. Perhaps news of something to come is around the corner? This is similar to when the Roosevelt Tavern house ‘For Lease’ sign disappeared and the next concept, Farish House, was announced shortly thereafter.

Ton of landscaping around Sazerac bar, looking closer to opening.

Wilderness Brewey is deep into construction.

Cambria Hotel site has ton of dirt moved around

Some equipment onsite at Garfield and 4th St. I did hear that utility relocation was to commence soon for the new 7-story lab here.

Smooth Brew has its liquor license sign up
Paz is open.
No movement with the Blocks.

3 townhouses up at 8th St and Roosevelt

Roosevelt Diner (in former Welcome Diner location) is open and I highly reccomend it!

CrestedSaguaro Sep 20, 2018 3:15 PM

Looks like ASU has run out of room for student housing Downtown (I could've told them that). Hopefully this means more development for ASU housing Downtown.

Obadno Sep 20, 2018 5:32 PM


Originally Posted by RonnieFoos (Post 8320992)
Looks like ASU has run out of room for student housing Downtown (I could've told them that). Hopefully this means more development for ASU housing Downtown.

Ive been wondering for a while why we havent seen any "student" housing apartments built downtown. The downtown campus now has what 12,000 students? more than enough for a student housing project or two.

But I would like the empty parking behind the Phoenix youth Theater to have another dorm.

Ballister Sep 20, 2018 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8321182)
Ive been wondering for a while why we havent seen any "student" housing apartments built downtown. The downtown campus now has what 12,000 students? more than enough for a student housing project or two.

But I would like the empty parking behind the Phoenix youth Theater to have another dorm.

You mean besides the two, 13-story student housing towers that have been there for nearly a decade?

Obadno Sep 20, 2018 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Ballister (Post 8321648)
You mean besides the two, 13-story student housing towers that have been there for nearly a decade?

Yes, They are full... ?

biggus diggus Sep 20, 2018 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ballister (Post 8321648)
You mean besides the two, 13-story student housing towers that have been there for nearly a decade?

I assumed he meant in addition to what was built years ago.:shrug:

You should see something in the pipe soon, but doing student housing with the downtown land costs is a tough proposition. You have to charge so damn much for the apartments you almost can't compete with all the regular units being built.

CrestedSaguaro Sep 20, 2018 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by biggus diggus (Post 8321670)
I assumed he meant in addition to what was built years ago.:shrug:

You should see something in the pipe soon, but doing student housing with the downtown land costs is a tough proposition. You have to charge so damn much for the apartments you almost can't compete with all the regular units being built.

I was under the impression ASU already had acquired the land for future student housing?

combusean Sep 20, 2018 11:35 PM

ASU also has unprogrammed space on the west side of Civic Space Park.

ASU, I might add, is mighty annoying for banking land that they have no idea what to do with and ignoring land they know what they want to do with.

ASUSunDevil Sep 20, 2018 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 8321682)
ASU also has unprogrammed space on the west side of Civic Space Park.

ASU, I might add, is mighty annoying for banking land that they have no idea what to do with and ignoring land they know what they want to do with.

ASU is playing chess, they know exactly what they're doing. And considering that they kickstarted development Downtown 12 years ago, I'm willing to give them a pass.

Also, due to their resources, they're smarter than the city & most developers + have endless $ - it'll all happen. :tup:

biggus diggus Sep 21, 2018 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by RonnieFoos (Post 8321676)
I was under the impression ASU already had acquired the land for future student housing?

Student housing often isn't built by or owned by the university.

Chestnut1 Sep 21, 2018 12:37 AM

Not the biggest project for sure, but preliminary building plans have been submitted for the vacant lot at the SWC of Windsor and 7th St just south of Thomas - a 23 unit townhome development. PRLM 1805828 if you want to look it up.

nickw252 Sep 21, 2018 4:23 AM


Originally Posted by Phxguy (Post 8320787)
Cambria Hotel site has ton of dirt moved around

Remind me where is this and what are the details?

Phxguy Sep 21, 2018 6:50 AM


Originally Posted by nickw252 (Post 8321951)
Remind me where is this and what are the details?

Searching the web, there aren’t much details about this. All I know is it’s a 7-story boutique-style Hotel (think Found:re) at the NW corner of 3rd st and Portland.

phoenixwillrise Sep 21, 2018 3:18 PM

ASU Downtown and anywhere

Originally Posted by ASUSunDevil (Post 8321705)
ASU is playing chess, they know exactly what they're doing. And considering that they kickstarted development Downtown 12 years ago, I'm willing to give them a pass.

Also, due to their resources, they're smarter than the city & most developers + have endless $ - it'll all happen. :tup:

Totally concur. Michael Crow is 3 chess steps ahead at all times.

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