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gymratmanaz Apr 4, 2018 3:12 AM

So do I get the impression that this actually has the legs to happen?.... based on the developer's history.?

biggus diggus Apr 4, 2018 3:15 AM

Developer has credentials but it seems like they may be asking for quite the concession (in the form of Herberger land and 3rd street frontage) before they'd be willing to build it.

ASU Diablo Apr 4, 2018 3:37 AM


Originally Posted by gymratmanaz (Post 8142233)
So do I get the impression that this actually has the legs to happen?.... based on the developer's history.?

As of now, the condo tower appears to be closer to being developed. The rest of the entertainment district all appears to be in the early stages

CrestedSaguaro Apr 4, 2018 4:48 PM

So, regarding Colliers. I walked by last night and the pad does not look very large to accommodate the proposed 2nd tower if it is orientated width-wise from East to West. It looks like the tower would have to be built in a North/South direction to fit. I don't know much about the Colliers development as I was not living here at the time it was built. I did check a Google satellite view and this confirms to me the tower could not fit in the orientation shown in the rendering.

Would this plan entail demolition of some of the current structure? Was that always part of the plan or was a 2nd tower originally proposed to be in a North/South orientation when Colliers was originally built?

muertecaza Apr 4, 2018 5:01 PM


Originally Posted by RonnieFoos (Post 8142695)
So, regarding Colliers. I walked by last night and the pad does not look very large to accommodate the proposed 2nd tower if it is orientated width-wise from East to West. It looks like the tower would have to be built in a North/South direction to fit. I don't know much about the Colliers development as I was not living here at the time it was built. I did check a Google satellite view and this confirms to me the tower could not fit in the orientation shown in the rendering.

Would this plan entail demolition of some of the current structure? Was that always part of the plan or was a 2nd tower originally proposed to be in a North/South orientation when Colliers was originally built?

The original Collier Center II was proposed with an East/west orientation:

I don't know what this proposal would entail.

biggus diggus Apr 4, 2018 5:02 PM

My guess is in the rendering the building appears wider than it is for viewing purposes. The actual footprint of the new build would line up with the shape of the pad if you factor in the parking garage behind a small tower.

CrestedSaguaro Apr 4, 2018 5:34 PM


Originally Posted by biggus diggus (Post 8142727)
My guess is in the rendering the building appears wider than it is for viewing purposes. The actual footprint of the new build would line up with the shape of the pad if you factor in the parking garage behind a small tower.

So, it looks like the existing structure may already be designed to support a tower. There's no way that tower in the rendering would fit East/West in that lot or it would be one skinny tower at just half of the BOA Tower width.

Honestly, I would rather them demo the 2nd level mall portion and develop a street level design, but I don't know how much that would increase the cost of the development if the foundations are already in place for the tower.

CrestedSaguaro Apr 4, 2018 5:49 PM

Ok, so after seeing the rendering that BD posted, I see that outlines on the current 2nd level structure that would have accommodated the original proposed 2nd tower. I edited the Google image I posted above to show how the tower would have fit in. So I would think that no matter what the 2nd tower design, the 2nd story mall portion will most likely stay there.

biggus diggus Apr 4, 2018 6:18 PM

That's accurate, and then the parking garage behind it would fill up the remainder of the space.

ASU Diablo Apr 4, 2018 9:47 PM

See what is landing in Alice Cooper’stown former restaurant space in Phoenix
Well safe to say the JSED is "officially" dead? old Cooperstown location being leased to Equality Health. Landlord chose this business over proposed restaurants/bars. More than ever, I want to see the Hine's development get some traction.

biggus diggus Apr 4, 2018 10:01 PM

I would choose that business over a food and beverage tenant, also.

Phxguy Apr 5, 2018 12:01 AM

On the topic of business, drove through downtown real quick and noticed a 'coming soon' sign up for Zooks sandwiches in a long vacant retail space on Washington between Kaleidoscope juice and Monarch Theater. Also, looks like a shop called The Grateful Shop is opening up where the State Farm office was on Central next to Deli Tavern.

jward145 Apr 5, 2018 12:18 AM

Sorry guys. "not a no, just a not yet." :???:

combusean Apr 5, 2018 12:23 AM

I don't get why they didn't do what every other developer did which is approach the city in secret and get an RFP written that only they can answer to--that's how CityScape happened with its consumption of another public asset, Patriots Square Park.

Maybe Phoenix has grown up and/or they realized that the process wouldn't fly with such a large chunk of dirt at stake, so they came up with this unsolicited proposal process..

combusean Apr 5, 2018 12:59 AM

Also: here's the site plan for collier center today.

Might indicate if there's some room for the tower to go on top of existing development. Not sure how that would work out. They very well could have put support columns going all the way to the roof of the 2 story development for further costruction.

ASUSunDevil Apr 5, 2018 1:31 AM


Originally Posted by jward145 (Post 8143301)
Sorry guys. "not a no, just a not yet." :???:

"I think for a great city, it has to be well planned," she said. "Right now, we're not there."

What an awful quote. We're not there because 76 yr old dinosaurs like Thelma Williams have no vision, yet are still trusted to make decisions.

i think the visionaries will win out on this project, eventually.

biggus diggus Apr 5, 2018 1:35 AM

So you're in favor of selling an asset you didn't plan to sell (in this case the south convention center building) on short notice the first time an unsolicited offer comes your way?

combusean Apr 5, 2018 1:55 AM

^ This is exactly it.

Selling the South Building would directly kick in the nuts every effort Phoenix has made into building the Convention Center into a world-class destination, including the $600 million the city and state spent on the North and West building.

There are a million vacant lots that could be redeveloped into the whatever the developer is proposing--unless the developer is proposing convention space which we haven't heard of.

There is no reason to raze it for condos/apartments/entertainment/retail/hotel/office/etc. The convention center is there to seed those things, not be replaced by them.

Lastly, selling off the South Building without any due diligence could invoke retribution from the state. The facility is old but it's not obsolete or hemorrhaging money. It was renovated with the state and city money.

ASUSunDevil Apr 5, 2018 2:00 AM


Originally Posted by biggus diggus (Post 8143372)
So you're in favor of selling an asset you didn't plan to sell (in this case the south convention center building) on short notice the first time an unsolicited offer comes your way?

Get to work on solutions with Hines before you publicly tell developers to 'slow their roll' in regards to ambitious projects Downtown.

biggus diggus Apr 5, 2018 2:25 AM

There's some editorializing in the azcentral article you read.

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