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ASUSunDevil Mar 24, 2018 4:33 PM

Francis Najafi Bids $18.5m to Buy Indian School & Central Site

combusean Mar 24, 2018 4:58 PM

They can go up to 260' on the 903 N 2nd St property by right.

Classical in Phoenix Mar 29, 2018 4:04 PM

This evening, it was revealed that a huge developer (Hines) has made an unsolicited development proposal for the South Convention Center superblock, AND for 3rd St from Monroe-to-Washington, AND for the land around @herbergertheatr.

All in one proposal. #dtphx

The above was a tweet from @phxdowntowner Sean D Sweat last night.
Anyone know what was discussed?

Obadno Mar 29, 2018 4:11 PM


Originally Posted by Classical in Phoenix (Post 8137049)
This evening, it was revealed that a huge developer (Hines) has made an unsolicited development proposal for the South Convention Center superblock, AND for 3rd St from Monroe-to-Washington, AND for the land around @herbergertheatr.

All in one proposal. #dtphx

Anyone know what was discussed?

It was announced there was something going on but not what it was. Is the south convention center empty? Also I really hope if they want to develop that block they at least extend 4th Street up tonwashingon and split it up a bit.

As for herberger the one corner/north quarter of the lot along third is wide enough for maybe a condo tower

What would be on third street? Some sort of giant covering structure like Fremont Street?

ASU Diablo Mar 29, 2018 4:13 PM


Originally Posted by combusean (Post 8125689)
From DVC's facebook:

In December 2017, the Phoenix City Council authorized the implementation of an unsolicited development proposal process. The City is hosting a community briefing to share information about this process and a general overview of an unsolicited development proposal received for City-owned property along 3rd Street between Van Buren and Jefferson Streets.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Phoenix City Council Chambers (round building)
200 W. Jefferson Street, Phoenix

You are invited to attend and learn more about this process.

Questions? Contact:

Gretchen Wolfe
Procurement Manager
City of Phoenix - Community and Economic Development
200 W Washington St., 20th Floor, Phoenix AZ 85003
P) 602-495-0747

Looks like we finally found out what this was for...

muertecaza Mar 29, 2018 4:49 PM

Here's another tweeter that was at the unsolicited development proposal meeting last night:

Obadno Mar 29, 2018 4:52 PM


Originally Posted by muertecaza (Post 8137123)
Here's another tweeter that was at the unsolicited development proposal meeting last night:

“Demolishing an old outdated convention building says Phoenix isn’t serious about tourism “

This is why I question democracy

biggus diggus Mar 29, 2018 4:55 PM

Outdated or not it's still in use.

exit2lef Mar 29, 2018 5:09 PM

"Further, some have suggested that the removal of the Phoenix Convention Center South would be signaling a lack of seriousness about making a point that Phoenix is not serious about tourism."

Can anyone figure out what this means?

muertecaza Mar 29, 2018 5:20 PM


Originally Posted by exit2lef (Post 8137152)
"Further, some have suggested that the removal of the Phoenix Convention Center South would be signaling a lack of seriousness about making a point that Phoenix is not serious about tourism."

Can anyone figure out what this means?

I took it to mean that some in attendance at the meeting last night felt that demo'ing the South convention center would negatively affect our tourism industry, including our ability to draw large conventions .

PHXFlyer11 Mar 29, 2018 5:22 PM


Originally Posted by exit2lef (Post 8137152)
"Further, some have suggested that the removal of the Phoenix Convention Center South would be signaling a lack of seriousness about making a point that Phoenix is not serious about tourism."

Can anyone figure out what this means?

No doubt that the proposal could include some updated convention space as part of a mixed use proposal. Any chance this includes a new Arena for the Suns? Sounds massive, so I could see it.

exit2lef Mar 29, 2018 5:22 PM


Originally Posted by muertecaza (Post 8137179)
I took it to mean that some in attendance at the meeting last night felt that demo'ing the South convention center would negatively affect our tourism industry, including our ability to draw large conventions .

I guess so. The wording is so circular that I thought it might be self-satire. In any case, most events I see in the south building seem to be small local events that could be accommodated in any number of venues. The big conventions that draw attendees from outside Phoenix always seem to be in the larger and more modern west and north buildings.

dtnphx Mar 29, 2018 5:23 PM

There could be proposals to have all that convention space remain as part of whatever new project is built there. Convention officials would not want to reduce the size of the available space for conventions without a fight. Also, this site was also mentioned as a site for a new Suns Arena. This is all very interesting.

muertecaza Mar 29, 2018 5:30 PM


Originally Posted by PHXFlyer11 (Post 8137186)
No doubt that the proposal could include some updated convention space as part of a mixed use proposal. Any chance this includes a new Arena for the Suns? Sounds massive, so I could see it.

Now that would be interesting, and would make some sense as to why they would want to pedestrianize or otherwise develop that stretch of 3rd St.

Obadno Mar 29, 2018 5:43 PM


Originally Posted by muertecaza (Post 8137202)
Now that would be interesting, and would make some sense as to why they would want to pedestrianize or otherwise develop that stretch of 3rd St.

Coyotes and suns finally got someone to build them anew stadium :P

ASU Diablo Mar 29, 2018 5:53 PM


Originally Posted by Obadno (Post 8137230)
Coyotes and suns finally got someone to build them anew stadium :P

YES! This would be awesome...a shared arena and little to no public money would be a huge win. Even Sarver wouldn't walk away from free money right? LOL

haux Mar 30, 2018 6:57 PM

Work has begun on The Stewart's 12th floor. Now it looks really impressive and towers over the nearby buildings.

michael85225 Mar 30, 2018 8:14 PM

The Stewart looks great. I can't wait to see it completed along with the Link, it's refreshing to see our skyline extend beyond our main core!

combusean Mar 30, 2018 9:03 PM

The South Building is old and outdated, but removing it would be a bad idea. The $600 million North and West building were sold with the idea of bringing Phoenix out from being an also-ran to having the large modern conventions that it had been missing out on.

It was always assumed that the South Building would someday be replaced with a more modern facility. The south wall of the Exhibition Hall underground, for example, is designed to someday bridge under the tracks.

It'd be one thing if they, eg, fleshed that out, added 190,000 square feet of exhibition hall space that turned the total square footage of the PCC into a net positive then did they wanted to on the South parcel, but that buildout would be incredibly expensive. The land just isn't worth millions of dollars an acre.

muertecaza Mar 30, 2018 9:17 PM

Downtown subcommittee voting to reissue Central Station RFP next week:


The Central Station Transit Center consists of approximately 2.6 acres with bus shelters, amenities, and a 4,960 square-foot transit building (collectively, the "Site"). Central Station was built in 1997 and renovated in 2011 using federal funds. In 2008, light rail stations were constructed adjacent to the Site on Central and First avenues. The Site was the subject of an RFP in 2014 that did not result in a disposition. Since cancellation of those negotiations, staff has received significant development interest in the Site for potential mixed use, transit-oriented development, while still serving transit uses.

The proposal is a collaboration between the City of Phoenix and one or more partners to build transit-oriented development, which is typically dense, walkable, mixed-use development while improving the transit system. The goals of the joint developments include:

· To enhance the transit system in the context of the multimodal transportation network.
· To generate revenue for public transit.
· To build vibrant, mixed use, economically successful transit-oriented communities.

Proposers will be required to:
· Provide the City with approximately 9,000 square feet (SF) of commercial space (at least 3,000 SF on the ground floor) for transit operations.
· Allow the City shared use of the Polk Street alignment and a south-to-north drive aisle through the Site for transit purposes.
· Offer a minimum annual return to the City of five percent of the appraised value in cash lease payments.
· Demonstrate experience successfully completing at least one vertical development of at least seven stories within the past five years.
Also has details of the Hines proposal for the South convention center/3rd St./Herberger:


The unsolicited development proposal seeks to activate the 3rd Street corridor between Van Buren and Jefferson streets into a "pedestrian friendly experience" with the following intended uses:

· Undeveloped land east and south of the Herberger Theater Center - mixed-use residential and potential facilities for the Latino Cultural Center and Valley Youth Theatre.
· 3rd Street between PCC West and North Buildings - narrowing of 3rd Street to allow for commercial activation and pedestrian activity.
· PCC South Building - redevelopment of site: mixed-use high rises with office and employment uses, residential, ground floor commercial space, arts and cultural amenities, open space, and other urban uses.
EDIT: there are also details about an 8 story proposal for 17th Ave. and Camelback that apparently was the subject of an RFP of which I wasn't aware:


The Developer submitted its proposal in response to the Community and Economic Development Department ("CEDD") Request for Proposals ("RFP") for the disposition and redevelopment of the City-owned vacant parcel in the Solano ReinventPHX District, comprising approximately 9,800 square feet, or 0.23 acres, at 1701 W. Camelback Road (the "Site"). The Site was purchased by the City in July 2004 with Federal Transit Administration ("FTA") grant funds.

The Developer proposes a mixed-use, transit-oriented development to include approximately 330 residential units, commercial areas, and 417 parking spaces in an eight story building (the "Project"). The Project will include the Site and surrounding, adjacent land controlled by the Developer. Project value is projected to be $66.3 million.
he Developer will pay a purchase price of $110,000 for the site, which is above the May 17, 2017, appraised value of $90,000. A Letter of Intent ("LOI") was signed on Feb. 14, 2018. The Agreements are to be executed within six months of the LOI. The Developer will design and complete construction within 10 years of the execution of the Agreements.

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