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biggus diggus Feb 24, 2017 7:30 PM

I'm uncomfortable with the racial undertones of this conversation.

Troublemakers come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. I think, in general, the night club crowd is most likely to draw fights and negative energy whether it be white people, black people, or even purple people. I'm too old for that stuff now, but if I want to have an alcoholic drink I usually go to Angel's Trumpet or something similar where I can meet some calm people if I want to or just have my own business.

TJPHXskyscraperfan Feb 24, 2017 7:47 PM

Well that Spitfiredude started this mess,lol. Anyway, back to developement downtown. So Cornish Pasty is finally opening in March! From the looks of their Facebook page the place looks huge!

Spitfiredude Feb 24, 2017 11:12 PM

I just want to clarify a couple things. First I'm part Dominican / Mexican. Because I don't like a certain type of vibe doesn't mean I'm xenophobic. I love INTL, & don't like W. Does that mean I hate white people since I don't like the W. No. So chill out on that. I'm saying the lack of diversity doesn't attract me. The people are down right rude there & the people that go to those clubs are from the same area where I used to live (Maryland / 19th Ave). It's sketch. I almost got into a fight at Sky & witnessed another just prior.

Next when I was saying nightlife, I meant more toward the nightclubs. I should verify that. I will agree now that DT PHX has the most diversified nightlife scene (bars, live music, different clubs, etc). I meant that it's not at a more nightclub/dayclub-like scene such as Scottsdale, Tempe, Westgate. & Westgate has plenty of Hispanic bars I love. Salt is solid.

I didn't mean for it to come off like that. In conclusion, I'll just say if Downtown had a strip with a Bottled Blonde, Maya or (for all the older people) Suede or Axis/Radius, I would be willing to relocate there.

If you want to argue with me on this, message me. I'm willing to give you my perspective there.

biggus diggus Feb 25, 2017 12:57 AM

No one wants to argue with you, we just want you to stop talking about this crazy stuff.

Edit: now I'm getting unsolicited pms about race being an issue. This guy reads too many trump tweets.

Edifice Feb 25, 2017 6:31 AM


Originally Posted by biggus diggus (Post 7723046)
No one wants to argue with you, we just want you to stop talking about this crazy stuff.

Edit: now I'm getting unsolicited pms about race being an issue. This guy reads too many trump tweets.

Yeah, and now you just made it political. Niiiice. :slob:

TJPHXskyscraperfan Feb 26, 2017 1:27 AM

Wow, so Spitfiredude ok, well u sure as hell sounded like you were insinuating you were a half white guy when u said ur half Mexican earlier,lol, to justify what you said. Like when people say something racist and they say, oh no it's ok I have a black friend,lol. Anyway, it's all good, I just love my city, and a lot of what you said could offend a lot people no matter what ethnicity you are. But anyway there is still no way in hell you can place Westgates night life above Downtowns,lol, you have admit that is a rediculous claim. Old town, ok, Mill ummmm ok if ur 21 years old, but really Westgate?lmao

TJPHXskyscraperfan Feb 26, 2017 1:37 AM

Oh ya one more thing Spitfiredue. So I have been going out in Scottsdale, Tempe and Downtown for the past 10 years. I have seen fights break out in each city at all types of different clubs. I have even heard gun shots in Scottsdale. Fights are going to break out every now and then at clubs no matter where they are because people are drinking. But I have managed to never get into a fight myself in the 100s of times I've been out though.

Phxguy Feb 26, 2017 4:37 AM

I'm not gonna touch up on the last page while it's still radioactive.

In development news, my, my, things seem to be heating up.
According to EC Facebook page, sitework for the Derby has begun.

This means, we have the Derby, Stewart, Luhrs, and OCPE hotel all starting construction/site work roughly the same time. At least three 20-story apartment towers, if all goes as planned, will be reaching towards the sky by summer. I think it's too early to tell but God it'll be glorious to see 4 new cranes draped over downtown! Here's to hoping!

Obadno Feb 26, 2017 9:16 AM


Originally Posted by Phxguy (Post 7723984)
I'm not gonna touch up on the last page while it's still radioactive.

In development news, my, my, things seem to be heating up.
According to EC Facebook page, sitework for the Derby has begun.

This means, we have the Derby, Stewart, Luhrs, and OCPE hotel all starting construction/site work roughly the same time. At least three 20-story apartment towers, if all goes as planned, will be reaching towards the sky by summer. I think it's too early to tell but God it'll be glorious to see 4 new cranes draped over downtown! Here's to hoping!

Derby and Stewart are like 2 blocks away

Cant wait to see all the Cranes

PHXFlyer11 Feb 26, 2017 2:05 PM


Originally Posted by Phxguy (Post 7723984)
I'm not gonna touch up on the last page while it's still radioactive.

In development news, my, my, things seem to be heating up.
According to EC Facebook page, sitework for the Derby has begun.

This means, we have the Derby, Stewart, Luhrs, and OCPE hotel all starting construction/site work roughly the same time. At least three 20-story apartment towers, if all goes as planned, will be reaching towards the sky by summer. I think it's too early to tell but God it'll be glorious to see 4 new cranes draped over downtown! Here's to hoping!

Luhrs?? You mean Barrister?

Phxguy Feb 26, 2017 9:22 PM


Originally Posted by PHXFlyer11 (Post 7724138)
Luhrs?? You mean Barrister?

Yes, Barrister. Tbh, never saw it seperate from Luhrs. They've been long-neglected buildings and it's about damn time they're all seeing life.

CrestedSaguaro Feb 27, 2017 5:27 PM


Originally Posted by Phxguy (Post 7723984)
I'm not gonna touch up on the last page while it's still radioactive.

In development news, my, my, things seem to be heating up.
According to EC Facebook page, sitework for the Derby has begun.

This means, we have the Derby, Stewart, Luhrs, and OCPE hotel all starting construction/site work roughly the same time. At least three 20-story apartment towers, if all goes as planned, will be reaching towards the sky by summer. I think it's too early to tell but God it'll be glorious to see 4 new cranes draped over downtown! Here's to hoping!

I noticed a few fence posts, some paint and barrier tape at Derby yesterday, so I can confirm something is going on. Awesome!

We could see even more than this if Fry's starts moving and with a little luck, that Proxy development actually happens.


Obadno Feb 27, 2017 6:53 PM


Originally Posted by RonnieFoos (Post 7725190)
I noticed a few fence posts, some paint and barrier tape at Derby yesterday, so I can confirm something is going on. Awesome!

We could see even more than this if Fry's starts moving and with a little luck, that Proxy development actually happens.


Barrister, Block 23, Central Park East Hotel and Tower, Derby, the Stewartthe Low rise office/apartments North of Hance(circles) all seem to be taking off at the same time:cheers:

And we still have The Fillmore, Capitol lofts (50% sold according to the email they sent me last weekend), Proxy block project, 6 story Trans-west projct,3rd street shops, the Holiday Inn replacement, the other midrise supposedly proposed behind Artesian Village, AZ center remodel all still allegedly taking place "soon".:rolleyes:

And then we still have the probably dead's of Central Station, Ballpark, west lake park developments between 11th and 12th street, and the block south of Phoenix public market that haven't been officially pronounced dead yet.:???:

But yeah we have A LOT coming down in terms of development over the next 18 months

gymratmanaz Feb 27, 2017 8:10 PM

I hate to ask, Obadno, but could you add how many stories each for the definites? Unless it is a pain.... just curious. :)

Obadno Feb 27, 2017 8:25 PM


Originally Posted by gymratmanaz (Post 7725436)
I hate to ask, Obadno, but could you add how many stories each for the definites? Unless it is a pain.... just curious. :)

this is just off my memory but:

Barrister 1 ~5story at 1st and Madison, remodeled 6 story Barrister, ~20 story Apt/condo tower on Jefferson across from Palomar

Block 23: ~20 story APT building on facing Colliers on 3rd Street, 4 high ceilinged office (or possibly taller) Office building on 2nd

Central Park East: 10 story Hampton inn, 17 Story Condo tower on Central

Derby: ~20 story of apartments

Stewart(circles): ~ 20 stories of apartments.

Everything else is sub 5 stories.

azsunsurfer Feb 27, 2017 8:33 PM

Didn't En Hance start phase II? Isn't it suppose to be 8 stories? Also isn't phase III even taller?

Obadno Feb 27, 2017 9:51 PM


Originally Posted by azsunsurfer (Post 7725462)
Didn't En Hance start phase II? Isn't it suppose to be 8 stories? Also isn't phase III even taller?

Oh yeah I forgot about EnHance, I don't know if they have started anything but they announced phase 2 as bigger than phase 1 and phase three as being tall (7-10 stories)

either that or we just deduced it by their unit count.

muertecaza Feb 27, 2017 11:30 PM

To add to the above, Derby got a grading permit Friday.


DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Grading & Drainage Improvements per Approved Plan.


2. 209 CY CUT, 9 CY FILL = 200 CY EXPORT
3. 1 NEW 1255-2 DRIVEWAY

CrestedSaguaro Feb 28, 2017 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by muertecaza (Post 7725663)
To add to the above, Derby got a grading permit Friday.

They have also changed "Construction starting soon" to "Under Construction" on the Derby website. I would say this is officially a go! This is definitely a great development and awesome to see it moving.


nickw252 Mar 1, 2017 1:54 AM


Originally Posted by RonnieFoos (Post 7726765)
They have also changed "Construction starting soon" to "Under Construction" on the Derby website. I would say this is officially a go! This is definitely a great development and awesome to see it moving.


What is the Derby's website? I'm not finding anything.

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