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Pink Jazz May 17, 2016 3:57 PM


Originally Posted by plinko (Post 7443774)
This, especially in Phoenix. Totally unnecessary in a sprawling urban area where nearly every exit has a plethora of gas food and lodging options.

That's not true at all. There are plenty of exits here in the Phoenix area that have a limited amount of services, especially in the suburbs and even in portions of the City of Phoenix itself. Phoenix does not have the density of the Northeast, thus here in the Phoenix area they actually make more sense than they would in a Northeastern city. Fact is, those signs are a lifesaver for tourists who are unfamiliar with the area and have major safety benefits over using a smartphone while driving at freeway speeds.

Plus, Phoenix isn't the only major metro area that has them. Most of the major Texas cities have them, as well as Atlanta, Denver, Las Vegas, Minneapolis, Orlando, Salt Lake City, and several others well before Phoenix got theirs. If they have them, why shouldn't Phoenix?

ASU Diablo May 17, 2016 4:00 PM

where the hell is the Mod when you need him? :dead:

Pink Jazz May 17, 2016 4:20 PM


Originally Posted by airomero83 (Post 7444251)
where the hell is the Mod when you need him? :dead:

Why do we need the mods? My points are perfectly valid and indisputable. I am not breaking any of the forum's rules. The First Amendment goes both ways. I don't like to get political, but it just seems this forum is dominated by ultra-liberal fanatics that want Arizona to follow California's policy on logo sign installation. California is a horrible state to follow when it comes to highway signage.

mdpx May 17, 2016 4:22 PM


Originally Posted by Pink Jazz (Post 7444283)
Why do we need the mods? My points are perfectly valid and undisputable. I am not breaking any of the forum's rules. The First Amendment goes both ways. It just seems this forum is dominated by ultra-liberal fanatics that want Arizona to follow California's policy on logo sign installation. California is a horrible state to follow when it comes to highway signage.

Sir, you are a nutjob. :yes:

gymratmanaz May 17, 2016 4:32 PM

Oh we so need

azliam May 17, 2016 4:57 PM

Can we get back to Phoenix development now? This is worse than the Circles debacle (I was sadly a participant in that). On a side note, there was plenty of foot traffic last weekend downtown, likely due to the Wine Walk and game.

sky51 May 17, 2016 9:46 PM

Optima Kierland pic from May 12 2016

While most of the wood framed apartment complexes being built right now are of much higher design aesthetic than in previous eras, I gotta admit I LOVE seeing a residential building constructed out of concrete and steel going up in town. The progress on this site is amazing - seems like only yesterday that there was a Robb and Stuckey there. Overall the Kierland/S Quarter area is becoming quite an urban enclave.

ASUSunDevil May 17, 2016 11:27 PM

Some new FOUND:RE renderings:

ASU Diablo May 17, 2016 11:31 PM

Snoh Ice Shavery opening up next to the antique clothing store and Cobra Arcade Bar

Sepstein May 18, 2016 2:09 AM

I have been followin this site for 8 years now! 6 years in was wondering if anything would ever get built downtown to now whats getting built today! Doesn't seem to be slowing down!

plinko May 18, 2016 3:40 AM

If you feel the need to be visually bombarded while you drive, to each his own. But in sprawl city in a mile grid with nearly universal exits through most of the metro (particularly the tourist through routes), there is no need. It's commercial diarrhea on the eyes.

I digress, the Valley should be promoting these unique destinations. Nice to know I won't get lost looking for everything right up the street from my house in CA next time I'm driving through Avondale or Deer Valley or Chandler.


Originally Posted by Pink Jazz (Post 7444246)
That's not true at all. There are plenty of exits here in the Phoenix area that have a limited amount of services, especially in the suburbs and even in portions of the City of Phoenix itself. Phoenix does not have the density of the Northeast, thus here in the Phoenix area they actually make more sense than they would in a Northeastern city. Fact is, those signs are a lifesaver for tourists who are unfamiliar with the area and have major safety benefits over using a smartphone while driving at freeway speeds.

Plus, Phoenix isn't the only major metro area that has them. Most of the major Texas cities have them, as well as Atlanta, Denver, Las Vegas, Minneapolis, Orlando, Salt Lake City, and several others well before Phoenix got theirs. If they have them, why shouldn't Phoenix?

CrestedSaguaro May 18, 2016 2:50 PM


Originally Posted by plinko (Post 7445215)
If you feel the need to be visually bombarded while you drive, to each his own. But in sprawl city in a mile grid with nearly universal exits through most of the metro (particularly the tourist through routes), there is no need. It's commercial diarrhea on the eyes.

I digress, the Valley should be promoting these unique destinations. Nice to know I won't get lost looking for everything right up the street from my house in CA next time I'm driving through Avondale or Deer Valley or Chandler.

This entire conversation needs moved to the transportation thread since this is what it relates to.

dtnphx May 18, 2016 6:58 PM

Downtown Advocates to Restore Historic Roland’s Market Building

biggus diggus May 18, 2016 7:09 PM

There are now flags all over the lot at mckinley row and they are doing a lot of test drilling. I think construction is imminent.

exit2lef May 18, 2016 7:14 PM


Originally Posted by biggus diggus (Post 7445965)
There are now fags all over the lot at mckinley row and they are doing a lot of test drilling. I think construction is imminent.


dtnphx May 18, 2016 7:21 PM


Originally Posted by exit2lef (Post 7445973)

I cannot stop laughing. Oh please, what is the word you meant, Biggus? LMAO.

biggus diggus May 18, 2016 7:33 PM

I fixes the post

dtnphx May 18, 2016 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by biggus diggus (Post 7446015)
I fixes the post

Man, you are struggling today. :haha:

PHX31 May 18, 2016 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by dtnphx (Post 7445988)
I cannot stop laughing. Oh please, what is the word you meant, Biggus? LMAO.

same here. I wish he had also worded it slightly different to say "they're test drilling a lot of holes".

dtnphx May 26, 2016 9:14 PM

Boy was I disappointed when I saw this. This appears to be the office component for Block 23 (between Cityscape and Colliers). A three-story office building...on that land? Why the fuck even bother? You can build a 20-25-story building and get it leased out in no time. There are very few contiguous blocks of big space that companies are clammering for. Instead some suburban bullshit like this? And, I'm guessing the Fry's is going in this building as opposed to the residential tower (which appears in the background at a decent height). I'm pissed. That's all.

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