"Rapid Transit" Mode....
David Harrison, could you please explain for us (in detail) the "rapid transit" mode that you question whether the MED Highliner II's are capable of being operated in?
And you are right, "all over the world" isnt South Side Chicago, there are plenty of places that are much worse. And if war wracked third world countries, some of whom have had ongoing ethnic cleansing, genocide, or terrorism (which also afflicts first world countries), are fine with open access then the much safer and stabler Chicago should do alright with it. Also if crime is a "VERY BIG PART of why N O B O D Y else rides [the ME]" then shouldnt you focus your campaigning on fixing that first? If its as bad as you claim it is then increasing service frequency wont do much. After fixing crime then you can then point to the increased ridership as reason to implement the Gray Line! |
I personally had MY head STOMPED by 4 of my 200lb "bro's" on the Red Line between 69th and 79th, for FUN; they didn't Rob me, but I was Hospitalized for 3 days.The other 30 or so people in the same car ran to the other end and watched (I'm not sure if anybody taped it) I could have done a Bernie Goetz, but what would that accomplish other than Mike in Prison; let somebody STOMP YOUR HEAD and see how you react to it! What could I do, I can't hire the 1,000's of Cops who would be needed to make a dent;. BOTH my parents were Robbed on the Red Line, luckily they weren't killed; and right now today they are talking about Assassinating Cops!! Whether the Gray Line gets built or not, I will NEVER move back into Chicago, but I AM doing what I can do to change the situation for all my friends and relatives still trapped there -- NOBODY ELSE is doing anything that I am aware of to change anything, are they?? You tell me? SORRY for all the hostility, my head still hurts sometimes, even after 9 years. Still better than Psychokinetically calling down a Big Asteroid (that's right - I've been driven NUTS from being trapped on this stinking Planet for 67yrs), Ongoing Traumatic Stress Disorder (OTSD) |
Again -- Thanks |
Red Line Robberies
Passengers on northbound CTA Red Line trains were robbed over the weekend on the North Side, according to a community alert by Chicago Police...... |
August 2016 CTA Board Meeting
Metra Electric operations preclude rapid transit running...one...they run all trains as four cars, with only one car used for carrying passengers. If ME ran trains four to an hour, they would need four car consists times number of trains...about 15 trains or 1/3 the fleet size. Two....Add to the personnel....engineer, conductor, collector. CTA in rapid transit mode runs 8 car train consist with one operator. Red line only uses one tenth of its fleet in base service. Changing topic....I saw your presentation. They thanked you...there were no questions asked. They seemed to "have heard it all before." The following presentation, Garfield Blvd. did get a follow-on from the president. DH |
You have some kind bi-polar or schizophrenic pathological objection to any type of "Mike" idea, what sad hateful little person! What is David contributing to ANYTHING (please post a link to anything AT ALL that you have accomplished , Sir; VERY easy to do - even ONE link for us) I wasn't expecting any questions, and that was NOT my goal in attending; you are like my own personal little KKK, and you deserve as much attention as I pay to them. Tell me if you remember being banned from the Chicago Transit Forum, because of your abnormal attempt to goad another Forum member (Not Me) into a fist-fight beneath the 59th St. Street Junction -- (please correct me if I'm wrong) -- I'm sure "you don't remember that", do you? Pitiful..... |
You asked ME for my definition. I gave it to you. All the rest of the shit....in italics.... is all your "bi-polar or schizophrenic pathological"....using your own words.... So what's with that?? What's with the "KKK"?? What's with Chicago Transit? I tried to answer your question. Why do you always put extra shit in the game? You make it hard to just carry a decent conversation. I don't argue with you....its useless. You haven't learned. My position.....Build the Red line extension to 130th....who cares what it costs....its NOT YOUR MONEY. My position is approved by every political official. I have no need to ask for supporters. Run ME mainline Kensington to 63rd express. Do what you wish with the Blue Island branch, Gold line can have the South Chicago branch. That's my position...you have yours. DH |
There are open stations in neighborhoods with rough reputations elsewhere such as south central LA but they're mostly at street level so it's no worse than waiting for a bus, like the ME South Chicago line. However, I can see how standing on a platform up on the IC embankment does feel more secluded and possibly dangerous, especially at night. However, if the trains are coming every 10 minutes or less, rather than every 30 minutes, the amount of time a passenger would have to stand on the platform waiting would be much shorter- which might improve safety as well? Fare gates are no panacea, either; I wonder if there is some sort of study that shows they actually do serve as a crime deterrent? |
Whatever the intent it was bad enough to compel me to call you out about it. But alright, Im dropping it.
Still I would like to see the data showing that it is crime, specifically or as a major factor, preventing higher use of the MED. Or even studies on the relationship between ridership and crime, which oddly enough I dont think Ive seen even for projects that would include high crime areas. Quote:
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel plans to propose a special taxing district to secure $600 million in federal loans to pay for the CTA's massive Red-Purple Line modernization project, which includes a controversial flyover north of the Belmont station, city officials said Tuesday.
The first phase of the project costs $2.1 billion, and the CTA can access $1.1 billion in federal funds if it can find a local match for the remainder. Recently passed legislation — aimed at funding big-ticket projects including the flyover — allows for the creation of new tax increment financing districts to help provide the local match. The Red-Purple Line modernization project would include a bypass carrying Brown Line trains over Red and Purple line trains. It also would refurbish stations, bridges and track along a century-old corridor between Lawrence and Bryn Mawr avenues on the Red Line, which has experienced 40 percent growth in rush-hour traffic over the past five years, CTA spokesman Brian Steele said. The modernization is intended to increase capacity and make stations more easily accessible to those with disabilities. New state TIF legislation allows special taxing districts to be created for four transit projects: the Red-Purple Line repairs, renovation of Union Station, an upgrade for the Blue Line Forest Park branch and the much-discussed extension of the Red Line south of 95th Street. The passage of the law at the end of June came as a relief to public officials and transit advocates, who were worried about the lack of state matching funds and the risk of leaving federal transit money on the table. Of the four projects, the Red-Purple Line modernization is furthest along in terms of planning. source: Chicago Tribune 8/10/2016 No Gray Line INCLUDED. 18 years running. DH |
The Mayor (Rahm Emanuel) himself A S K E D Kirk Dillard, Martin Oberman, Dorval Carter, etc..... to look into it, H O W did you somehow manage to MISS that?? |
Slower commute?
Metra has suspended its search for a vendor to build 367 new rail cars because of a state shortfall in capital money...... |
Here's a roster with various details: 3800-3825 (26) Gallery Trailer Nippon Sharyo 1985 142 seats Luggage Racks 3826-3835 (10) Gallery Trailer Nippon Sharyo 1985 108 seats Bike capacity: 40 3836-3841 (6) Gallery Trailer Nippon Sharyo 1985 148 seats 3842-3851 (10) Gallery Trailer Nippon Sharyo 1986 148 seats 3852-3865 (14) Gallery Trailer Nippon Sharyo 2000 120 seats Bathroom, wheelchair space 4000-4020 (21) Gallery Cab (Bike) Nippon Sharyo 1985 97 seats Bike capacity: 40, bathroom 4021-4026 (6) Gallery Cab (Bike) Nippon Sharyo 2000 78 seats Bike capacity: 40, wheelchair space, bathroom 73 were built in the mid 1980s, while 20 were built in 2000. 66 are trailers and 27 are cabs. All 27 cabs plus 14 trailers have a bathroom. 6 cabs plus 14 trailers, those built in 2000, have a wheelchair space. All 27 cabs plus 10 trailers have bike space. 27 trailers have luggage racks. It's a nice variety of used cars Metra could buy cheaper than brand new. And VRE has options for another 21 cars that Metra could buy new, if VRE releases the options. That amount of additional coaches should give Metra the flexibility to refurbish theirs,, possibly even retire their oldest or worse cars. Some math = 93/367 = 25% Oh, Caltrain will also be retiring up to 32 diesel locomotives as well. Here's that roster: 900-919 (23) F40PH-2 EMD 1985-1987 920-922 (3) F40PH-2C BOISE 1998 923-928 (6) MP36PH-3C MPI 2003 Maybe their F40PH locos are too old to interest Metra, but I don't think their MP36PH-3C locos should be considered too old. Just about every commuter rail operator using a specific model might be bidding for them. |
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com...3b61d8fe97.jpg Found on Pinterest |
Most of you don't relish the arguments, the words, the political figures that are brought into the Gray Line debate. Here is a sampling that locked the topic on ChicagoTransitForum. Who was at fault? You decide.
Circle Line / Gray Line Chicago Transit Authority>CTA Rail> garmon757 CTF MODERATOR posted July 3: @Mike Payne There's nothing wrong with making a valid point but please keep it down a notch, especially being aggressive in response towards other members. jajuan Member posted July 3: I saw this video and about the only it shows is that the ME South Chicago Branch is ridiculously slow and that its passenger base has dropped significantly due to a combination of demographic changes and population loss. Based on that, why would CTA want to put money toward taking this over from Metra? strictures Member posted July 3: Normally I've stopped replying to you, but since when is 16th St. to Kensington "20 to 25 mile" of tracks? It's just under 13 miles. Mike Payne Member posted July 4: I've already answered everyone's questions with this statement, there is no point in any further discussion or explaination(sic) -- because you DON'T (or refuse to) hear what we're saying anyway! artthouwill Member posted July 5: quoted chicagopcclcar Member posted July 5: My first question is....Why would the CTA want to takeover this deficit operation ($64 million deficit yearly)? We all have posed this question to him and he still hasn't provided an answer to it yet. This deficit you cited is based on current operations. Yet he wants to increase operations astronomically without saying how it would be paid for. His only mantra is, it already exists as ME, just change a logo, increase frequency and presto!!! garmon757 CTF MODERATOR posted July 5: Alright everybody, this topic is going through some rough patches as of lately. I just want y'all to relax, settle down, and state your responses in a civiled(sic) manner. Also, PLEASE make sure to back up your facts that flows with this topic. Carry on. Busjack Member posted July 9: I read the legislation, and it specifically said RPM, Blue Line, Red South, and Union Station* (note that Union Station is not owned by CTA, but Amtrak). So, no, it wouldn't help the Gray Line, even if CTA bought it from Metra. You are now grasping at straws. sw4400 Member posted July 9: @Busjack, @Mike Payne, comments are getting a little uncivil again after @garmon757 said to tone it down a bit. Please let's get back on point without the bickering, ok? Keep it cool. Busjack Member posted July 9: Maybe the Chambers of Commerce will get you the resources to get something accomplished. But you have been unsuccessful for 15 years after winning the CATS prize, so maybe you'll find something more successful than playing Don Quixote (your term, not mine) on blogs and message boards. @artthouwill, @jajuan, nor I am going to get you your Gray Line. Nothing insulting about that. sw4400 Member posted July 9: Ok, it's become apparent that civility is not going to reign supreme.... last post was a slap in the face of all forum members whether you intended it to be or not, @Mike Payne. That is extremely offensive. Some of these forum members are affiliated with the CTA! I find this forum as a place to enjoy, read and interact with those who also enjoy, read and discuss about CTA, Metra and PACE, as well as other Transit Forums throughout the US & World. I don't think of it as a "Ship In A Bottle" hobby, more like a "Facebook for Transit Enthusiasts". On that note, @garmon757.... I think this thread has run it course and it would be best to just lock it. You've tried to get civility back here.... I tried, and it's still a verbal back and forth. garmon757 CTF MODERATOR posted July 10: After carefully reviewing every post for the last three days, this topic is locked indefinitely. The point of the matter about it is that it's leading us nowhere at all. I know most of y'all did your best to remain civiled (sic) but we all have to move forward from this. @Mike Payne this isn't a forum to gloat about you getting paid by a businessman or whoever. We seriously can care less but due to the fact that you had the audacity to assume that people be on this forum because of personal interest a.k.a hobby, not only you just committed a serious community guidelines violation, but you've offended a lot of members on here, in which you seriously upsetted(sic) me with that nonsense. That's really unprofessional and disconcerting towards this forum and I will not tolerate it by all means! This topic is now closed to further replies. https://chitransit.org/topic/66-circ...y-line/?page=6 David Harrison |
Medical District Blue Line Station Refurb
From a CTA presser-
img source - CTA |
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