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chris08876 Dec 17, 2021 4:08 AM
Chicago by rvtn, on Flickr

rivernorthlurker Dec 17, 2021 4:12 AM


Originally Posted by chris08876 (Post 9479285)

And the photo of the month award goes to.....


Great job man!

harryc Dec 18, 2021 1:21 AM

Dec 9

Dec 14

lakeshoredrive Dec 18, 2021 2:03 AM

Based on what’s being said in the recent posts, this building will slightly be taller than we thought it was going to be?

rivernorthlurker Dec 18, 2021 2:30 AM


Originally Posted by lakeshoredrive (Post 9480446)
Based on what’s being said in the recent posts, this building will slightly be taller than we thought it was going to be?

No idea. Only that construction has deviated from published plans apparently. So a deviation 'opens the door' that the height may have changed a little. Conceivably it could be even shorter but I think that's unlikely given that the first setback is now maybe 18 ft higher than where it was going to be. Just gotta wait and see.

I imagine the core tops out in January (unless they stop for the steel to catch up again) and then the crown/top stuff is finished in February or March. I think they have like 4 or 5 more levels to go on the core.

Briguy Dec 18, 2021 4:04 AM

So the final height will be about 15ft above published. Have this on good info. 3 floors with a extra couple feet each

rivernorthlurker Dec 18, 2021 5:17 AM


Originally Posted by Briguy (Post 9480509)
So the final height will be about 15ft above published. Have this on good info. 3 floors with a extra couple feet each

Woot! Every little bit helps. Especially given the similar heights of surrounding buildings. So that would make this 850 ft structural height and 828 ft from city datum I believe.

15 ft would also move it past One Bennett Park and Park Tower in height. But who's counting? :shrug:

BuildThemTaller Dec 18, 2021 3:05 PM

The height bump is welcome news, even if just a dozen more.

I'm hoping they handle the mechanical louvers and crown well. If they nail the details on this, it will be a great addition to the city and river.

Steely Dan Dec 18, 2021 3:38 PM


Originally Posted by rivernorthlurker (Post 9480556)
But who's counting? :shrug:

Certainly not any nerds on this forum ;)

But yeah, every extra additional foot they can squeeze outta this one is helpful, if not terribly meaningful.

I'll edit thread title if/when we can get confirmation on a new height figure.

thegoatman Dec 18, 2021 4:18 PM

If they could just add some significant lighting to this structure as its in such a prominent spot, this development could end up being a great one.

dewbs Dec 18, 2021 4:58 PM

Morning of 12.18

The two mechanical floors -- 38-39 -- seem clearly visible. Counting up from there, the highest visible opening in the core is at 57, which should be the last rentable floor. If that's right, the floor plate they're currently working on (with the bit of steel on the right) seems like it should be the first setback?

rivernorthlurker Dec 19, 2021 5:09 AM


Originally Posted by thegoatman (Post 9480744)
If they could just add some significant lighting to this structure as its in such a prominent spot, this development could end up being a great one.

Renders show lighting plans. Eg this from

I think it looks good and that's a pretty large area of lighting, like 50 feet or more of those strips on the roof. Also assuming they participate in the city's colored lighting program for holidays that could be really dramatic to see some pinks/purples/greens etc.

Also gotta visualize that extra 15' now :)


Originally Posted by ChiRy (Post 9480773)
Doesnt chicago have little lighting because of bird issues? This isnt china where its all "fuck nature"

Maybe you are thinking of signage? I feel like there's plenty of lighting in Chicago. Though it tends to mostly be commercial buildings and not residential

Ricochet48 Dec 22, 2021 8:57 PM

Looks like there's no more bonus floors.

The setback is being framed out, looking great!

Source: I work from home and have a clear view of it.

twister244 Dec 22, 2021 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ricochet48 (Post 9484411)
Looks like there's no more bonus floors.

The setback is being framed out, looking great!

Source: I work from home and have a clear view of it.

I feel like this is the end of a bonus round on a slot machine...... Like we all picked those random boxes in the middle of the screen where you could win anything from 3 extra floors to 10 extra floors. We got 3 extra floors (or more?).

harryc Dec 25, 2021 2:03 AM

Dec 18

rivernorthlurker Dec 30, 2021 1:19 AM

A recent post on Salesforce tower from Chicago Yimby's tallest u/c countdown. Includes many great recent photos by Jack Crawford including some interesting vantages taken from West Loop.


TallBob Dec 30, 2021 9:15 AM

I don't know how you gain 15 feet in height and 3 more floors! 3 floors minimum would be around 42 feet +-! Anyway, I do like the signage on top.

rivernorthlurker Dec 30, 2021 9:40 AM


Originally Posted by TallBob (Post 9489167)
I don't know how you gain 15 feet in height and 3 more floors! 3 floors minimum would be around 42 feet +-! Anyway, I do like the signage on top.

I think the number of floors is supposed to be the same, just slightly higher ceilings. So 5' height increase on average across 3 floors = 15'.

urbanlife Dec 30, 2021 9:48 AM

I really love seeing Wolf Point West finally getting built up. It is gonna be so great to one day get back to Chicago to see all that has changed.

harryc Dec 30, 2021 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by urbanlife (Post 9489184)
I really love seeing Wolf Point West finally getting built up. It is gonna be so great to one day get back to Chicago to see all that has changed.

But .... think of what we have lost

The parking

The natural river front

The view of the Holiday Inn !

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